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Show UINTAH BASIN RECORD. DUCHESNE, UTAH Friday, June jztX ChjttkaA- - Eiaodojeuiouo ouios jo uopip pe aip qiiM pue ..dnjjtqa,, 0 unte siujoj paieip qsqSua uiojj pa.uap sb sauBuoipip ui psjst jC!Bjaua3 si it ,,jjunuidup e sb Agnes Brooks TED to ie Conn-it- re- take up 10MAS, f. 49-l- t. u. had as her Mrs. Irma Sunday guests Rockhill iM J. W. al i.er of Petsfleld, Mass., Mr. and ip utahn at the home of her sister, Mr. and Mrs. and hrother-dn-laMr. and Mrs. ,.3 Frank Soyka, stallings and little daughters, Wel!s Wright. Harold Soy- v. B. Brennick of San Diego, ;nia and Elizabeth, will Lesher Mrs. Richfield. was visiting relatives 0f California, s remembered as Irma Stallings, jp utahn Saturday. 2 Miss Pauline Maxwell of Du-- : anddaughter of Mrs. Rockhill. of the W.W Clyde chesne was a guest of John T. Burt Jaye and Wtruction Co has returned to Joyce Brennick Sunday. He has as supervisor. A number of Utahn people at,,3 w0rk tla past three Iwqeks at tended a Relief Society party in e with a sore throat, Duchesne Tuesday. ilia. Lucy Fausett and son, John Mrs. Alma Smith and children the summer with her of Bridgeland jte spending spent Sunday in and Utahn visiting her parents, Mr. jjjghters, Mrs. Ervin Sweat Sweat. and Mrs. William Abplanalp. jtj. Earl Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hadden and jfrs, Ida E. Clifton, Justice of performed her first Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hadden ,.e peace arriage Sunday for Orville Goff spent several days of last week in 'd jfiss LVerna Clark of Salt Greenriver, visiting friends and City. Mr. Goff is driving relatives. Consimck for the W. W. Clyde The many friends of William truction Company. Madson were grieved to hear of jjr. and Mrs. Wm. Pace, Mr. and his death Friday. Mr. Aladsbn 5rs. Cleston Pace spent the week was well known in Utahn having at Park City and Woodland, spent the last several months here Tabi-spejfr. and Mrs. Roy Giles of with Clay Spratt. Sunday afternoon at Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Kofford and Jutland. children of Mtn, Home were calling Mr. and Mrs. Francis Brooks and on friends here Monday. 5'm Mailin attended the show at Quite a large number of Utahn Duchesne Sunday night. people went to Salt Lake City on a Temple excursion. -- is and th. we 'heapest r wire o mule Stock 47-- 2t hickena Uintah nd uta-Otflc-e. ig the Ids en Ice and 44-t- f. -- 'e nt Quentin Hunt. Those from here wrho attended the Geneological conference at Sunday were: Bishop and Mrs. Leon Burton, Glen Sorensen, Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Perkins, Mr. and Mrs. George Rust, Elton Rust, Willis Potter and Elton Potter. Miss Afton Larsen enjoyed a visit with some friends from Pleasant Grove Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wells Wright of Utahn were guests at the home of Elijah Behunion Sunday afternoon. nt 'tah Glen Sorensen Mrs. Mary Behunion spent sev-srdays.last week visiting at the Miss al of her lister and brother-in-lMr. and Mrs. Wells Wright a Utahn. .tome a, Ruby Redford went to ArcSunday to spend two weeks the home of Mr. and Mrs. Miss adia at tah DUCHESNE CELEBRATES ! JULY 3RD 2 P. M. tah Duchesne City Park Donkey Baseball YOULL LAUGII TILL YOUR SIDES ACHE m Duchesne Lions Club VS. Alt on ah Legionnaires Children 10c Admission - Adults 33c r rnii.ASaiiiaiifrta1 a ftr. Wfm Mrs. Bert Carter and small sonFriday as they were returning to left Friday morning for Provo their home in Topeka, Kansas after where she was called by the death spending a short time in Duchesne of her sisters daughter. They re- with relatives. turned Monday. A large crowd of baseball fans Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gingell and followed the team to Duchesne Earl Gingell accompanied by Mr. Sunday to enjoy their favorite and Mrs. Douglas Staker of sport. A snappy game entertained Bingham left Friday for Provo to them and when the dust cleared attend the funeral of Mr. Gingells away at the end of the ninth ingranddaughter, Dalliene Christian- ning they were cheered by the sen. score, which was 9 to 4 in favor of Mrs. Homer Robinson entertain- Myton. Our team needs plenty of ed the Friday Bridge club last encouragement to put over good week with the following members games so come out and give the and guests present: Mrs. R, E. boys your support. ' Waugh, Mrs. Wm. Koehler, Mrs. Mrs. Owen Jakeman and children Bliss Lott, Mrs. Lee Cooper, Mrs. are guests at the home of Mrs. J. T. Burke, Mrs. Wm. Preece and Jakemans parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. A. W. Forrest. The hostess W. E. Broome. served a delicious lunch after the Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Preece and games and awarded Ihigh acre dhiildrep, Edith, Nbll and Billy, prize to Mrs. Koehler. left Tuesday for a visit in Salt Mrs. John Zirker, Sr., was host- Lake City. ess to the Myton Literary Club Mayor R. E. Miller and Council-me- n Wednesday of last week. An esR. E. Waugh, Wilmer Murray, pecially interesting paper on "The W. A. Jennings and Bliss Lott History of Religion in Utah," was made & trip to Salt Lake City to presented by Mrs. V. T. Rice of attend to business matters for the Alterra, who was a guest of the city of Myton. They were accomclub. The members and guests panied by Floyd Lamb, who will present were Mrs. Hilary Holder, transact business while there. Mrs. Emery Neilson, Mrs. Reuben Mrs. Charles Wood left Tuesday Snyder, Mrs. Lynn Stone, Mrs. for a short visit in Salt Lake City. Wm. J. Stewart, Mrs. James Sheriff Herbert Snyder of UinMiss Alice Todd, Mrs. A. tah county was a Myton business W. Forrest and Mrs. Rice. The visitor Tuesday. hostess served a deliciou luncheon Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Harris and at the close of the meeting. As daughter, Margaret Mary, left .the club enters into its summer re- Tuesday for Salt Lake City where cess the next meeting will be held Mr. Harris will receive medical atSeptember 6 at the home of Mrs. tention. Roland Krebs and Ray ThompDalgleish with review assigned to Mrs. Stone. son left Tuesday for Ogden. They Mrs. Wilmer Murray entertained were accompanied by Mrs. Tessie at a quilting party Monday after- Smith, who will make a short visit noon with the following guests there. They took out a load of present: Mrs. Lou Milner, Mrs. horses and mules for Mr. ThompAlva Hart, Mrs. Wm. Stewart, son, who will sell them at the OgMrs. Jack Gingell, Mrs. Lynn den market. Stone, Mrs. R. E. Waugh, Mrs. Lynn Stone is spending this week Bruce Maxwell, Mrs. A. O. Smith, at Altonah attending to his work Mrs. Hilary Holder and Mrs. Em- there. Nancy Ann Tood returned Monery Neilson. At the close of the afternoon the hostess served a day from Salt Lake City where she has been a guest of her coustempting lunch. Mrs. Ed Hart of Duchesne and ins, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Sims for Mrs. Eleanor LaBronte of Salt the past two weeks. Howard Bingham motored to Lake City were guests of Mr. and Provo Saturday to get his wife and Mrs. James Dalgleish Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Biebush and children, who have been visiting daughter, Bea, of Trinidad, Colo- with Mrs. Binghams parents, Mr. rado, arrived Friday and are guests and Mrs. Dan Dennis. They reat the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. turned home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James McAfee Todd. Mrs. Tom Thomas and Mrs. Ver- and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Montgomery, nal Bromley of Duchesne were My- accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. John X. Anderson of Bluebell, motored ton viators Thursday. Mr. and Airs. Douglas Stoker to Heber City Tuesday to attend and family arrived Thursday from the funeral of Mr. McAfees sister Bingham to vsit with Mrs. Stoker's Airs. Jolm Broadhead. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Swain and mother, Mrs. Jack Gingell. They left Tuesday to visit at LaPoint family were guests at the home of Mrs. Swains parents, Mr. and for a few days. Mrs. A. O. Smith on Sunday. Their MisSt. of Moeller Louis, Roger souri, is a guest of his mothers son, Keith remained to visit with cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Todd, his grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer E. Kearns at their home on South Myton and family of Salt Lake City were bench. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Dean visited week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. with Mr. and Mrs. James Dalgleish N. L. Peterson. Mrs. Kearns is a sister of Mr. Peterson. a ip m Lavar Peterson, Evan Peterson, Vaughn Peterson and E. L. Jumer accompanied by LaGrande Kearns and LaMerl Kearns of Salt Lake City, were members of a fishing party who spent Sunday on Green river. Cliff Young of Hayden, Colorado, is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Young. Fred Musser and Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Snyder attended genealogical conference at Roosevelt Sunday. Mrs. Lynn Stone was a guest at a luncheon given Friday at Fort Duchesne by Mrs. C. C. Wright, who entertained the Relief Society Singing Mothers of this Stake. Mrs. Frank Monks, Mrs. Lars Marsing, Mrs. Robert Wells and daughter, Gilda, attended the funeral of Mrs. Emma Powell at Mt. Emmons Monday. Mrs. Powell, Dal-gleis- h, ? a Pit. 3Aq sb os. staff did set out to make just this rich flaky and filled with luscious fresh fruit under a topping of snowy whipped cream. Everyone who sampled these tarts was so enthusiastic that we recommend them for the finishing touch at luncheons or for afternoon refreshments or for the climax to a very special company dinner. Fresh Apricot or Peach Tarts Peel and stone 9 to 12 fresh apricots or 3 or 4 large peaches. Cut in slices and add sugar to sweeten (about cup). Drip the juice from 1 orange over the apricots and sugar (about i cup orange juice) or drip the juice of a lemon over the peaches and sugar. Place in refrigerator to chill 2 to 3 hours. Brown on pan in oven 1 cup blanched whole almonds. Shave the toasted almonds in r-thin strips. .Take apricots or peaches from refrigerator. Drain and combine with the almonds. Pile into baked tart shells, and top each tart with a spoonful of sweetened whipped cream. A few of the almond slices may be reserved to garnish the top of the whipped cream. Fresh Pineapple Tarts To 1 cup fresh pineapple cut in small pieces, add enough granulated sugar to sweeten. Set in refrigerator to chill 2 to 3 hours. Drain juice from pineapple and fold it into sweetened whipped cream. (Use 1 cup whipping cream, then when it is whipped fold in 4 tbsp. confectioners sugar.) Pile the pineapple-fille- d cream into tart shells and garnish each tart with a stoned fresh Feaet Special Bartletts Jack cair be used in place of fresh ries. Berry Tarts Wash and hull 1 qt. straw berries, raspberries, or blackberries and add enough sugar to sweeten. Pile sweetened berries immediately into cooled baked tart shells. Garnish each tart with sweetened whipped cream and serve immediately. Flaky Pastry Tart Shells flour lbi cups Vi tsp. salt Vi cup shortening Ice water (about 5 to 6 tbsp.) 2 tbsp. butter Sift flour once before measuring. Sift flour and salt together. Cut in shortening with 2 knives or a pastry blender leaving it in lumps about the size of giant peas. Add just enough ice water to make dough stay together. Pat together d and round up dough on board (using flour rubbed into cloth to keep dough from sticking). Roll out into oblong shape. Dot with 1 tbsp. firm butter. Fold so as to make 3 layers. Turn half way round, pat and roll out. The pastry is easier to handle if not too warm. Repeat process using remaining tablespoon butter. RoU thick. Cut out thin, about rounds of pastry to fit loosely over the backs of shallow fluted tart pans or muffin pans. Prick pastry with fork to prevent puffing. Chill before baking. Lay tart pans up-- j side down on a cooky sheet to baks the pastry. Bake in very hot ovem, 500 F., until brown colon begin to appear, reducing heat to 400F., moderately hot oven, to finish baking. (Tarts are baked about 12 to cherry. (The cherry can be filled 15 minutes.) Inc- ,er pape- Copyright 193 by cloth-covere- Btty J Robbers Roost Crocker, of Airs. was a Marsing, died In Salt Lake City Friday. Services were held at Alt. Emmons with interment in the w'ho sister-in-la- w Duchesne cemetery. Mr. and Airs. Rae Gagon and family of Roosevelt were Myton visitors Tuesday. Air. and Mrs. Reuben .Snyder were guests at the home of Airs. Snyders parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim Lambert dn Roosevelt Sunday. BLUEBELL By Mrs. Florence Sargent Air. and Airs. Lyman Burdick received word of the birth of a baby boy, born to Mr. and Airs. Leon Burdick of Salt Lake City on June 22. This is Mr. and Mrs. Burdicks first grandchild. Ed Conklin, superintendent of the R. E. A. project, was In Bluebell on business Friday. Air. and Mrs. John Goodrich were in Duchesfie on business on Friday. Out of town visitors at Sacrament meeting Sunday evening were: Bishop and Airs. Floyd Case and daughter, Deane, Air. and Airs. LeRoy Rust and daughter, Zella and Mrs. Fred Case of Mt. EmPresident E. L. Murphy mons. and E. Alurphy of Upalco and Mr. and Airs. Byron Goodrich and son, Lynn of Vernal. Air. Goodrich, Lynn and President Alurphy were the speakers for the evening. Air. and Airs. Ray Gagon and children of Roosevelt were visiting at the home of Air. and Mrs. Levi-so- n Hancock Sunday. Air. and Airs. Hosea Llsonbee and family were visiting at the home of Air. and Airs. Charlie Bird Sunday. Airs. Zella Goodrich was visiting with Mrs. Martha Thorsen Saturday. Quite a large crowd from here attended genealogical conference Mrs. W. G. Gentry Dr. Irons of Roosevelt was business visitor in Ioka Friday. Airs. LaRue Burgess and Mrs. Jennie Woodward of Neola were visiting Mrs. J. A. Angus Wednes day. Mr. and Airs. R. C. Johnson were Salt Lake City visitors last week. Air. and Mrs. Tom Gentry were Myton visitors Sunday. Mrs. Dick Fausett spent Thursday with Air, and Airs. William Fausett, Sr. Air. and Mrs. Fred Palmer of Myton were transacting business in Ioka Aionday. Mr. and Airs. James F. Lemon entertained the M Alen and Gleaner Girls at their home Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Remund of Duchesne were visiting Mrs. parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Angus Saturday. Lowell Cutler of Altamont spent the week end at the R. C. Johnson home. Air. and Airs. J. B. Demon and Airs, Glen Alorrell were Duchesne visitors Sunday. Mrs. J. A. Angus spent Wednesday in Bluebell the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Orie Cook, Mrs. Ethan Nelson of North Myton bench entertained the following ladies at her home Thursday afternoon: Airs. J. W. Jensen, Airs. O. A. Walker, Airs. Otto Lloyd, Mrs. Eliza Robinson, Airs. Senior Mortensen, Mrs. James Lloyd, Mrs. Olive Sorensen and Airs. W. G. entry. Mr. and Airs. James Dalgleish of Alyton were Ioka visitors Sunday. Hal Johnson returned he s Roundup TIIURSDAr, FRIDAY ANI) SATURDAY JulyAt 6-7- -8 Price U Lalt One of the Wests finest rodeos . . . its as colorful as its name . . . staged under Rodeo Association of America rules. Clever Cowgirls . . . Champion Cowhands . . Swell Specialties . . cash prize to Eastern Utahs outstanding cowgirl, $10 award to each county winner other than the major winner. Performance starts at 8:30 each evening . . . grand fireworks display on final night through courtesy of Shell Oil Co. $50 jthat Mite M ; eat ML a AaiUf Msteat Mtitlt Sunday. tr-- I FREE CELEBRTIQN Famous Original Trained Bon&ey Soti?all JOINS .DUCHESNE To Provide a 1th of July Children 23c Rodeo Admission, Adults 50c At Ylnglat . JULY 4th SPORTS - HORSE RACING - NOVELTY RACES - FOOTRACES CLOWNS - BRONC RIDING ANI) RODEO EVENTS ESf EBanee ,unuidiijo,, after a two months Thursday stay in Chicago where he has been taking a course in air conditioning. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Johnson will give their wedding dance in Ioka Wednesday evening. The young couple will leave Friday for their home in Hines, Oregon. Airs. Donna Lemon spent Tuesday with Mr3. Tom Gentry. W. H. Stone left for Detroit, Alichigan to visit with his daughter and family. Albert Smith of Alyton was in Ioka on business Monday. Mr. and Airs. Chester Alathison and children were the dinner guests of Air. and Mrs. John Lemon Sunday. Airs. Chas Percival and little daughter, Florence, were calling on Mrs. Hugh Percival Saturday. Leonard Gardner of Neola was in Ioka Tuesday buying hay. sort of tarts, tender Owen Goodrich spent the week nd with his wife at Ioka. Airs. Leslie B. Goodrich and daughter, Velva, and Alax Owens of Roosevelt visited at the home of Air. and Mrs. Frank L Smith of Upalco Saturday evening and PATRIOTIC PROGRAM, 10 A. M. AFTERNOON PROGRAM INCLUDES: guiuBaiu paAijap aq qji.w umbuoSiv ub tuojj auioa iCbuj ..jaddiqo,, pjoM aqi Bqi ajqBAiaouca si u qSnoquy .jaddjio, pjo jo uiSjjo FRESH FRUIT IN ALL ITS GLORY apricots taste so refreshingly delicious just as FRESH that it seems too bad to cook them for a pie filling. And its the same with fresh strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, cherries and fresh pineapple. Why dont we put them in our pastry shells uncooked? The luscious sweetness of the apricot3 and berries would blend so delightfully with the rich tender flakiness of our pastry. Some of the members of my with a nut) Maraschino cherries cher- at Alt. Emmons Sunday. o o pao.w prepared by Betty Crocker Home Service Department Your Newspaper Celebration for the KIDS o Duchesne City Park o EVERYBODY WELCOME 30, 1939 Bishop and Airs. Bill Brotherson of Eoneta were calling at the Alur-ra- y home Aionday. Lynn Angus and Ben Webb of Ioka were guests of Emily and Venla Theming Sunday. Airs. Ralph Woodard and children left for Kamas on Friday after having spent the past two wks. at the home of Air. and Airs. R. A. Alurray. Mr. and Airs. Vose Mowers and children of Alt. Emmons were visiting at the home of Air. and Airs. EArl Alurray Wednesday of last Its quality matches your finest skill in making good things to eat Order a case from your grocer... TODAY! Becker Products Company "0' en week. Air. and Mrs. Harold White and children of Duchesne were visitors at the home of Air. and Mrs. John f X. Anderson Sunday. Airs. Jolm X. Anderson left Aion- day for Trovo to attend the funeral of her sister. Airs. R. A. Alurray and daughter, Gladys, Airs. Florence Sargent and small daughter, were visiting with Airs. Earl Muray Tuesday. o I Distributor : F. W. Carroll, Vernal |