Show INEXPENSIVE MEALS The rh bet best rood food in Salt Lake i ti served by byThe byThe byThe The MAYFLOWER CAl E at nt South Main POPULAR Main POPULAR PRICED Luncheon Dinner anil n HOTELS HOTEL PLANDOME lE SALT SAIT LAKE S So S. 5 State St St. Rau 1 to 2 When in RENt RENO NEVADA stop top at nl the ho GOLDEN GOLDE GOLDEN Reno's Renos and most popular hotel APARTMENT HOTEL Jock Block from Temple Reasonable Rates day dy week or mouth month Completely furnished RICHMOND D. D 70 E. E No Temple Salt Lake PHOTOGRAPHY 16 PRINTS 4 II Roll noB Dev Dv and 16 IG prints 1 16 G Reprint HEX REX PHOTO OGDEN ORDEN UTAH SCHOOLS BARBERING taught In a n short time Bo lb sure of g good pay and steady lr work liar Bar are e In lc demand Enroll demand a 3 Enroll now MOLER'S BARBER DAnDER COLLEGE COLLEGE SnIt Salt Lake VENETIAN BLINDS Order your Venetian Blinds made mide to order and shipped ed within 5 days Finest quality 3 lf and fi finish Write i for o i information 1 and n order blanks Dealers wanted wanted Utah Utah Venetian Blind Factory 17 1 W V. So Sall SaIt Salt Lake PACKARD AUTOMOBILES The New Nev Packard 6 Deliver Now In Salt Snit Lake for or 1128 Equipped Motor Co Motor Avenue 2nd East Eat Salt Lake HEMORRHOID TREATMENT Hemorrhoids PILES and other rectal disorders dis- dis orders cured without the thc knife For tor literature litera litera- ture turc and Information write nile SURGICAL SURGICAL NON CLINIC till Gil Templeton DId Salt SnIt Lake City TRUSSES Surgical Instruments Instrument Hospital Supplies Trusses Manufacturers of Abdominal Supporters Sup Sup- porters portera Elastic Stockings Stocking The Physicians Physician Supply Company 48 43 3 W 2nd South St. St Salt SaIt Lake City Citro Utah 4 T TRAI TRAILERS LERS Make your jour trip with a n like home Shutt trailer Save hotel and end restaurant bills billA Low Price Reasonable Terms Trailer Rentals A. A L L. L. L ARNOLD South State Salt Lake City OFFICE EQUIPMENT 5 NEW AND USED desks desk and chairs chain files file typewriters typewriter addin mch's sare bk- bk cases bk-cases lI S. S L. L DESK EX 3 35 W. W Broadway Salt Snit Lako Lake ELECTRIC MOTORS REPAIRED Satisfactory work Guaranteed in minimum time on motors and transformers SCHRAGA ELECTRIC CO Ill IH Salt Snit Lake L. AMBITIOUS WOMAN WOMAN between 30 40 sO Refined as distributor for or N tl Corporation Must have car car financially responsible References Grace W. W Ball Ut Ute Sav Trust S S. S I. I BABY CHICKS Tested Blood flocks Clocks culled by State Licensed Experts for lor 18 years Red Rell Rock Orpington Wyandotte chicks A grade ade per pir A AA A f AAA Leghorns for lor less Duck- Duck p Jt lint ins Prepaid guaranteed delivery Eventually Eventual ly Iy Better Belter Chicks why not now t Write for catalog llo Colo Cola Hatchery lUG 1416 Larimer Denver TIRE REPAIRING and RECAPPING S We can Repair or Recap In our shop Any size Bize Truck or Tractor Tire Tin up to anI and including 1350 1360 BAILEY Inc Firestone Frestone Distributors S West Third South Salt Snit Lake Lob City PHOTOGRAPHY PHOTO-KRAFT PHOTO ECON ECONOMY AY FILM SERVICE Any Roll Developed with 8 S Quality Prints Extra Prints 35 I Wrap coin coin and film carefully SCHRAMM-JOHNSON SCHRAMM DRUGS f 1 PHOTO KRAFT Bex Bex Salt SnIt Lake CIl City Utah Ulah BUSINESS TRAINING JL L D. D S. S Training Doesn't Cost Cost It It n Pays It f LOOKING FOR WORK I WHAT CAN YOU DO Take a 1 sh short rt inexpensive course in in business training and you can answer that ques question ion satisfactorily L. L D. D S. S BUSINESS COLLEGE 70 NORTH MAIN SALT S. LAKE CITY In SALT LAKE CITY Stop at the BELVEDERE APARTMENT HOTEL S. S J 1 i 1 Attractive rII Rates by tho i Month Week Day 29 So State St. St Salt Lake City Tel Was Wai Calvin O. O Jack M A- A Week No SALT LAKE |