Show Filet Crocheted Squares Elegant I Elegance without extravagance extravagances I Its It's yours in this filet lace lac spread which requires only humble string for Cor the making See how beautifully beautifully fully Cully the 10 inch companion squares are made to contrast If you prefer preer but one square may 4 m 4 a. a tt I 1 I p. p r 44 S j fi 1 Pattern be used and repeated throughout You'll be overjoyed to find both squares so easy I In pattern you will find instructions and charts for making the squares shown an illustration of them and of the stitches used material re re- re- re I ITo To obtain this pattern send 15 cents in stamps or coins coins preferred to The Sewing Circle Household Arts Dept W. W Fourteenth St. St New York N. N Y Y Please write pattern number your name and address plainly |