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Show UINTAH BASIN RECORD. DUCHESNE. UTAH v'?rT UINTAH BASIN RECORD Roy A. Sehonian, Publisher and Editor PUBLISHED EVERY FKID AY AT DUCHESNE, UTAH SHERIFF'S SALE matter IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF Entered as second-clas- s RATES ADVERTISING THE FOURTH JUDICIAL May 26, 1922 at the Postoffice at DISTRICT IN AND FOR THE Display Advertising COUNTY OF Flat Rate, For Plates, Per Agate Duchesne, Utah, under the act oi DUCHESNE, STATE OF UTAH. Line, March, 3, 1S79. FEDERAL FARM MORT- - ) Per Column Inch, 30c. GAGE CORPORATION, a ) Classified and Reading Notices ) corporation, For Sale, For Rent, Wanted, Lost SUBSCRIPTION RATES ) and Found, Miscellaneous, 10c per Three Months Plaintiff, 75 vs.) line, first insertion; 5c per line for 100 HANCOCK each succeeding Issue minimum Six Months BROTHERS, a ) $2.0u Year One 30c. consisting of ) charge, W. C. HANCOCK, MARTIN ) L. HANCOCK and ALVA D. ) In the Good Old Summerlirne HANCOCK; W. C. HAN- - ) COCK and CLARA E. HAN- - ) COCK, also known as Clare ) E. Hancock, his wife; MAR- - ) TIN L. HANCOCK, (also ) known as M. L. Hancock, ) and LYDIA HANCOCK, his ) . wife; ALVA D. HANCOCK ) and FLORENCE W. HAN- - ) CON- - ) COCK, his wife; COM- - ) TINENTAL OIL a ) PANY, corporation, Defendants. ) To he sold iat Sheriffs Sale at 10 oclock a. m., the 9th day of July, 1937, at the Front Door ol in Duchesne, thi Courthouse described Utah, the following property situated in said county, to wit: The Northwest quarter of the Northctist quarter; the East ! half of the Norheas;. quarter, and the Northeast quarter, of the Southeast quarter of Section Twenty-seveTownship One South, Range Three West, Uintah Special Meridian. ' The propel ty above described contains 160 acres, more or less. Subject to existing rights of way of record. Together with 120 shares of stock in the Fanners Irrigation Company, represented by 2c. -- STRIBE 7kz FOOD PRiMER Legal Advertising Mr. f J home. Mr. first name is unknown). stands for Cheese U s, Lloyd and Frank Howard of Salt Lake City spent the week end fishing in this vicinity. Several cases of mumps are reported in town. Mrs. C. W. Stanley and son, Cecil and Mrs. Roy Workman of Paik City spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Stanley. Mr. and Mrs. John L. Johnson and sons, Alus and Andrew are enjoying a few days in Salt Lake Miss Kerksiek of Salt Lake City is spending her vacation with her sister, Mrs. Mildred, Johnson. By Komanza Mott and Mrs. Clarence Ivie spent Thursday night in Fruit-lan- d For Carrots and Cherries. visiting their daughter Mrs a Mariam Young. For Chicken, Crab Apples Miss Lola Baum has gone to And Choice Huckleberries. Fork to spend her sumSpanish N- 1 mer vacation. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Mezenen returned home from Spanish Fork Monday. After hearing of his little son Therulds fractured arm, Mr. Earl BY BETTY BARCLAY McCormick rushed home from Wyoming. He took him to Roose- Scrape or elt for another examinNow that the preserving season Use vegetable brush. Precook 5 ation. Monday skins. remove to are foods C pare He is under the care of these is approaching, Doctor Saunders. in the limelight. Some women are minutes. Pack into clean glass Add level teaspoonful salt planning to stock their emergency jars. Mrs Fill each to if desired jar. quart shelves with glass jars of cherries, f inch of top with list. chicken and crab apples. Others, to within was prewho do not put up their own water in which vegetable Relief Society was held at the cooked or boiling water. Put on goodies each season, are purchasing home of Mrs. Ilyrum Rassmussen band firmly tight. cap, screwing supplies for next winter feeling 35 Tuesday. A very enjoyable aftercon- Process in pressure cooker, to are likely very that prices minutes at 5 pounds; or in water noon was spent by those present.1 tinue climbing. bath, 120 minutes; or in oven, 150 Mrs. LaVell Wheeler and little When stocking your preserve minutes at 250 degrees. LaDorma spent Sunday closet, remember to purchase foods daughter, Cold Pack Cherries and Monday with Mrs. Ilyrum packed in containers of glass or to use new glass containers if Wash, stem, pit if desired. Pack Rassmussen this week. delicacies. stocking with home-madinto clean glass jars. Fill to withBaum and and Bishop Clarence are transparent qese jars IV2 inches of top with No. 2 or wife and Mr. Dail Ivie attended through their sparkling sides you in 3 can see the quality of the foods. No. syrup (see below) depending convention in Mt. Emmons Suncherries. of the sweetness on the Food packers are constantly imband firmly day. proving the shape and appearance Put on cap, screwing Mrs. Tessie M. Ivie was in Du0f these glass containers, so that tight. Process in water bath 20 on business Tuesday. chesne 6S cherries at minutes oven of or in cheese, now, shelves minutes; are Clarence I im and exceedingly 250 degrees; or in pressure cooker and crab apples Bishop attractive. 10 minutes at 5 pounds. wife, Mrs. Catherine Williams, If you would like to try some Syrups: No. 2 Medium syrup. Mrs. Agnes Gentry and Mr. J. g. home-madthis season, goodies Use two parts water to one part Ivie attended a meeting in town here are a couple of of sugar and bring to a boil. No. 3 Monday night. recipes: heavy syrup. Use one part of water Carrots to one part of sugar and bring to Grade for size, color and degree a boil. Choose your syrup, accordof ripeness. Wash thoroughly. ing to the sweetness of the cherries. ,1 reunion was held on Lukes Hot Pots at at Saturday Midway. Those attending from here included Mr. and Mrs. Owen Ellis, Mr. and Mrs. Nelio Hiek-enMr. and Mrs. Marvin Michie, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. White and their families. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Jones have moved to Moon Lake to spend the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Bert White left Monday for Rocklin, California where they expect to make their A family q one-hal- , ) e Delendants. ) OF UTAH TO THE STATE SAID DEFENDANTS: You ate hereby summoned to. appear within twenty days after s.rvice of this summons upon you, if served within the County in which this action is brought; otherwise, within thirty days after service, and defend the above entitled action; and in case of your failure so to do, judgment wift be rendered against you acDELINQUENT NOTICE cording to the demand of the One bay work horse, LOST Ditch Company - Arcadia, Utah Uteland filed been has complaint, which branded S on left shoulder. He enwith the clerk of ithe above about 1500 lbs. Also a There is now due and delinquent, on account of an assessment weighs titled court. This action is brought white pony, branded S, weight for the purpose of foreclosing one levied May 13, 1937, the several amounts set opposite the names of 800 lbs. Notify Emry Smith, as holders the advertising: share follows, plus certain mortgage, dated October Certificate No. 378. t. Amount Fruitland. $5.00 Reward. Shares with (all other rights 11, 1929, and recorded in the ofTogether 34 $10.20 S. Murdock A QUIET FOURTH OF JULY Margaret of every kind and nature, how- fice of the county recorder of Du- Issac Sorensen BACK AGAIN Wendel, the 10.00 30 ever evidenced, to the use of chesne Co. Utah, in Book 16 of Otto Nielson then Now in Jeweler. Duchesne, 24.45 60 of in best the It appears that spite boasting city water, ditches and canals for Mortgages, pages nexlt in Roosevelt. And in accordance with law and by order of the Board of Di- in Myton, on the 16th day of October, rectors, so many shares of each parcel of stock as may be ne- Most park in the Basin and a well earned reputation as a the irriga.ion of sUid premisWATCH REEXPERT and executed by cessary will be sold to the highest bidder for cash to pay the Delin- PAIRING. 1929, made celebration town, Duchesne is not going to promote es. Together with ail tenements, Charles Lynn and Amanda H. quency, advertising and cost of sale on July 13, 1937 at 2 oclock p. any sort of celebration this year on Independence hereditament and appurtenan- Lynn, his wife, as mortgagors, to m. at the office of the Secretary, Arcadia, Utah. (Signed) THOS. M. GILBERT, Day. One of the main stumbling blocks in the way of ces thereunto belonging or in State of Utah as mortgagee, and of sum tine and for the Secretary and Treasurer. $2000.00. being appertaining, plans for a celebraion seems to have been the fact anywise Date of first publication, June IS, 1937. reJOSEPH CHEZ, and reversions, reversion that no baseball club has been organized here this mainder and remainders, rents, Date of last publication, July 2, 1937. Attorney General of Utah. and chance seems little thereof. there of one. D. S. and issues By HUFFAKER, year, developing profits Mrs. Otto Johnson Sr. were RoBOY A. SCIIONIAN Assistant Attorney General A good baseball game always helps mightily in fill- Bated; June 14th, 1937. osevelt visitors Monday of Hast P. O. Address: ARZY H. MITCHELL, Registered ing in the day for a good celebration, and with this Sheriff, Duchesne County, Utah 224 Capitol Building, week. Mortician Lake Utah. the Salt of June deemed unavailable of was first best Mr. Dale it Burkoan Mrs. and City, publication, Arthur part program Date of first publication, June to hold no celebration at all rather than a poor one. 18, 1937. were of with Charleston Miss Florence visiting By Utah Murray Duchesne Date of last publication, July 4, 1937. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Goodrich fric-ndand relatives here on SatDate of last publication, July and Rulon Promoting baseball games, celebrations and 9, 1937. Goodrich went to Salt urday and Sunday. 2. 1937. other community activities is a hard job often reLake City on business Thursday Miss Venla Therning returned NOTICE OF SALE returning the same day. sulting in a financial loss and criticism instead of home Monday after spending a L. A. HOLLENBECK SALE SHERIFFS A surprise shower Was held at few thanks for those who devote their time and energy IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF days in Salt Lake City visitthe home of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. ing with her sister and brother-in-laAttoriiey-at-Lato the cause. Such promotion does, in spite of possiJUDICIAL IN THE FOURTH JUDICIAL Lisonbc-THE FOURTH Wednesday night for Mr. and Mrs. Maurice ble results, help keep a community in the public eye DISTRICT IN AND FOR THE DISTRICT COURT IN AND Mr. and Mrs. I tab Lee Lisonbce. The Tullgren. Duchesne DUCHESNE OF COUNTY FOR THE COUNTY OF DUevening was spent playing games though, and always results in increased interest and STATE OF UTAH. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Allen of CHESNE, STATE OF UTAH. and program was rendered. Cake the ) STATE OF UTAH, THE UNION CENTRAL ) activity. and punch were served to about Pleasant Valley attended shower for Mr. and Mrs. Lee ) COM- - ) LIFE INSURANCE Plaintiff, While there will undoubtedly be many who will fifty guests. vs.) Lisonbee on Wednesday night. ) PANY, a corporation, Visitors at the Leslie B. Good-ic- h n. B. HOLLENBECK be relieved to know that they are free to spend Sun- CLYDE ROWLEY and LIL- - ) Stevenson "and Miss Gladys Plaintiff, ) home on Sunday were, Mr. t LIAS ROWLEY, also known ) vs. were Miss Allred ) Florence and 4th 5th and on a quiet fishing-jaunguests Monday, July day and Mrs. Leland Goodrich of Notarj Fublic LILLIAN ROWLEY, his ) ERNEST J. PRESCOTT, ) of Miss Gladys Murray on Sunor similar relaxation, we believe that money as Harm-stoNorth of Mr. and Mrs. Bluebell, Ted PRES- ) M. ELIZABETH wife; J. E. ROWLEY, also ) and Miss Elda Goodrich of day. and energy spent on town celebrations are well di- known as JOHN E. ROW- - ) COTT, BEN II. CORNELL, ) Mrs. R. A. Murray and daughCounty Court Ilouse Roosevelt, Mr. and Mrs. Russel KALTA J. CORNELL, ) rected and hope that Duchesne does not get into the LEY, and FLORELLA )) and Florence and ters, Gladys Mr. Utah Ronald Robison, Benson, Duchesne ROWLEY, his wife, Defendants, ) Miss Ardith Drollinger and Miss Arthur Allred were Roosevelt and habit of passing up these opportunities. Defendants. ) To be sold at Sheriff's Sale on Myton visitors Friday. TO BE SOLD AT SHERIFF'S the 3rd day of July, 1937, at 'the Virginia Benson of Ioka. NEW ROAD PROGRAM IS HEARTENING Mr. and Mrs. Hilary Holder of SALE on the Dth day of July A front door of the County Count My ton were visiting at the home D. 1937, at 10 oclock a. m. of House in Duchesne, Duchesne is to It certainly heartening note that the state said tj CLEAN MILKING HABITS day at the Front Door of the County, Utah, at Ithe hour of 10 of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Murray on road commission has included in its program for Duchesne at House Court Sunday. desa. oclock the County m., following Improve Cream Production the Mr. and cribed the Mrs. Utah, following situated in Fred fiscal for the Duch.sne, Goodrich property highway improvement S Before you start to milk, it's a good plan to wipe the Cows year beginning described property situated in of Duchesne, State of and sons, Anil, Norman and ijj flanks and udder with a County of a readamp cloth. July 1st, project approximately $200,000 for t: said county, Boyd and Mrs. John Goodrich and y Utah, . Ihe hair on the flanks and udder should be kept clipped, and The Wij of the Wj of Sec The Southwest Quarter of the son, Lloyd and daughter, Carma fcj ligning graveling the road through the Strawor it 'will accumulate dust and dirt which, inevitably falling Northeast Quarter of Section were Roosevelt visitors on Mon- 3 into the nrdk 10, Twp. 1 S. R. 5 W. of Uintah Strain the milk berry valley between Daniels canyon and Fruitland. Spec. pad, will pollute the milk. Mer. Utah. 34, Township 1 North, Range 1 day of last week. alter The program as submitted still awaits approval of immediately nulling! Cont. ICO ac. tog. with any West of the Uintah Special Mr, and Mrs. John Thorson and M the federal government, and of course carries the and all bldgs, imps, land BETTER BUTTER CIEAN CREAM Meridian, containing 40 acres For now thereunto (More a of Money Also Dairy Folks!) land. belg. at p the work will be done when and if the commencing stipulation built or to be built thereon dur26 feet East of the cenpoint state finds funds to match Federal Aid. Also includ- ing the existence of this loan. ter of said Section 34 and run!j ed in the program under secondary state highway of Tog. with ning ithence South 120 rds; water stock in the Farnsworth thence East 304 Let; thence Duchesne, Utah improvement is $20,000 for the Bridgeland-Mt.Em-mon- s By Mrs. Ethel L. Curran CUnal & Rc3. Co. & also tog. South 40 rds; thence East 60 road. Mrs. J. D. Wimmer and daughwith all other rights of ev. rds; thence North 160 rods; kind & nat. how. evid. to the thence West 1294 fee.t to the ter Dorthea were calling on Mrs. Both of times roads are in dire need of attention. Ethel Curran Saturday. of waer, ditch. s and canplace of beginning, containing While road men are doing everything possible to use Guests of Vennor and Sharon 74 acres of land, more or less. als for the irrig. of staid premMecham Sunday were Joe and ises. Together with 4 shares of the Ken keep the Strawberry valley road in passable condiClayburn, Neldon Nielson, DATED this 14th day of June, A. capital stock of the Uintah Intion, and are really doing a remarkable job of it, it D. Claud Curran and Stanley Niel1937. dependent Ditch Company and is useless to expect good roads with no more to ARZY II. MITCHELL, also 74 shares of the capital son. Miss Dorothea Wimmer was a Duchesne Utah stock of the Dry Gulch Irrigawork with than is left of the highway there. By Sheriff, County, 99 A of first Da.e June tion and Saturday night guest of Mellyi publication, Company, together the larger portion of this stretch is worn down IS, 1937. with all other ditch and watei Curran. ii y 11 through the gravel to the subbase, and in many cas- Date of last publication, July rights and rights to the use of Miss Melba Curran and Miss water for irrigating said premis- Dorothea Wimmer were es even through the subbase so that travel is now be- 9. 1937. calling on es, or for domestic use thereon, to Miss Bernice Mecham Sunday. ing carried on the earth grade. This means travel which the said Ernest J. Prescott Miss Beth Fouse and Mr. WalSUMMONS over nothing more serious than a rough road this and Elizabeth M. Prescott, or the lace Fouse of Salt Lake City are 3rd guests of their grandparents Mr. summer, and we repeat, the maintenance crews are IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF said ofpremises were on or.thethereand Mrs. P. W. Fouse. day February, 1922, doing a mighty fine job of keeping this in the best THE F O U R T II JUDICIAL after or which were Those attending the Cleaner LIGHT entitled, DISTRICT IN AND FOR THE then or thereafter acquired or Girls social at Bridg eland Tuespossible condition. COUNTY OF DUCHESNE, used on said premises, however day night were Misses Bernice The real trouble will come next spring, if the STATE OF UTAH. ELECTRICITY 15 YGUR evidenced, and together with all Mecham, Melba Curran, Vennor EFFICIENT SERVANT new graveling is not done by that time, and it looks STATE OF UTAH, and singular Ithe tenements, and Sharon Mecham, Ellsworth Plaintiff, ) hereditaments and appurtenan- and Claud Curran. like the chances are pretty slim for that to happen. vs. ) ces thereunto belonging or in iris. Fred Emry and small son We had a pretty good example a few months ago CHARLES LYNN and A- - ) Melvin have been visiting a few anywise appertaining. H. LYNN, his ) Purchase of what this road can be when the frost is breaking MANOA price payable in days at her mother's home, Mis.'B wife; THOMAS T. WILK- - ) lawful money of .the United Ethel Curran. 0 STERLING TRANSPORTATION CO. out of the ground and there is no roadbed to hold EPSON and OIRILDA WIL- - ) States. A. G. Maas had the misfoitune & ) with ALEX another his and of to finish travel wife; KEUSON, Dated at Duchesne, Utah, to break an axel on his car last i year traffic, I intah Basin To & From Salt Iaike, Piovo Si WILKERSON JANE ) this 7th day of June, 1937. week while going u wearing out what little road bed is left we can look J. WILKERSON,and (whose Pridgelnnd. ) R. E. Emry went to Ogd n last H (Signed) ARZY H. MITCHELL, liitermediuto Point forward to some real trouble next spring. Uintah other and true fust name is ) Sheriff of Duchesnei County, Utah. Monday with a load of fat 1 hogs. WM. A, HILTON, Basin citizens have traveled in mud for years, how- unknown); THAI! WILK- - ) Fiom Ogden, Mr, Emry ra ERSON, and JANE DOE- ) Address: 719 Continental Bank to go to Rule, Colorado expeels EASTERN UTAH TRANSPORTATION CO. U whole ever, and will be able to stand it again, if, while they WILKERSON, his wif', ) he will do assessment, woi k on his S Lake City, Utah, Salt Building, be assured that the new road (wince other ami true first ) are doing it they can I tah Basin To & From Price and Intermediate Point Attorney for Plaintiff j9 mining property, Date of first publication June Re se Chnpburn, Mom 11 will be completed to a hard surface before the year name is unknown) ami G. J. i Biady, WILKERSON and JANE ) 18, 1937. Wells Wright and August 11. is is out, and it looks like that will be possible under the DOE WILKERSON, his ) Date of last publication, July art woikm on Mis. Met hams Day Service Each Way week. this & wife, (whose other and true ) 9, 1937. ditch. program released r ! -- I e easy-to-follo- H4 ut 48-2- 48-lt- p. Professional Cards , BLUEOE s w e -- n, to-wi- t: ito-wi- ap-pur- that MUTUAL CREAMERY CO. 115-shar- ag!it far SO'i&TiV77 200,e.tSI it n Hill POM 8 1ST j Emy Cl. ' |