Show Frocks Made Gay GayS S With Stitch Flowers Fashion decrees that flowers b be bloom loom on our dresses in embroidery e ery ry this Spring and Summer Give this smart touch to that new f frock surprise rock surprise yourself and allour all y your our friends too by what it it will willo yd d do o to renew that plain dress from l last ast year So easily done in single 4 Pattern and running stitch stitch- you'll find it fun to embroider these large and small nosegays Choose all the gay colors you wish in wool silk floss or chenille and know youre you're in style In pattern you will find a transfer pattern of one andone and andone andone one reverse motif 73 4 1 by 8 inches one and one reverse motif 5 by ly 6 inches and six motifs 3 3 by 3 i inches color suggestions illustrations of all stitches used To obtain this pattern send 15 cents in stamps or coins coins preferred to The Sewing Circle Household Arts Dept W. W Fourteenth Street New York N. N NY Y Write pattern number your name and address plainly |