Show Phooey Gives Way a to Um m m. m-m-m. in in Medicines New Drugs Will Have More Pleasant Taste PHI PHILADELPHIA Better Better- tasting medicines will apparently apparently apparently be DC one result of changes in the National Formulary which might be called an official official ohi- ohi cial recipe book for The changes embodied In n ile tie sixth th revision on of this volume wl wJ winch ch becomes on June 1 1930 1936 were explained by Dr Adley B. B Nichols secretary of at the National Formulary committee on revision at a 3 conference at the Philadelphia College of ot Pharmacy and Science The National Formulary Formulary known known as N N. v F F. for tor short short short-Is Is a companion to that other legal standard for tor drugs In the United States the United States Pharmacopoeia The latter includes drugs and remedies of proven efficacy regardless of ot whether they are widely used or seldom used Products are Ire Included ed In the N. N F F. on the other hand on the basis of how gory generally the they are arc used Doctor Nichols pointed out Items Dropped In the present revision items were dropped from the book because because be be- cause survey suney or over a n hundred thousand prescriptions collected l from all aU parts of the country showed shorted that these Items were not used In actual practice A total of new Items were admitted Six glandular products were admitted admitted ad ad- namely corpus lutum ovary ovarian residue anterior pituitary whole pituitary and tasting Salty-tasting medicines such as the bromides should taste better because s syrup rup of ot raspberry rry Is the tire official vehicle for these prepa preps rations The resulting effect Is like adding a pinch of or salt to bring out the flavor of at the syrup Syrup of ot acacia Is another new vehicle which makes disagreeable medicines pleasant to tape take because the colloidal action of ot the acacia keeps the medicine from coming In contact with the taste buds on the tongue Praise Cherry Flavor Syrup of cherry Is another new addition which has been widely ac claimed Its lilts specific value alue lies In Its fruity tartness which makes it a s delightful delightful de de- de- de mask for sour products such as the diluted acids where the acid geld almost entrances enhances the taste rather than destroys It Doctor Nichols says For a change pharmacists are ad ad- advised to use syrup of thyme which has a markedly different taste |