Show Duchesne County Students Receive Academy lY Honors Several students from Duchesne County who wh have been attending school at Wasatch Academy in Mt 1 Pleasant received honors at the Commencement exercises held Wednesday Jack received awards for athletics composition of a school song song- and tied for first place n in n an essay c contest Weldon Veldon McGuire was mentioned as is bein being outstanding in music Owena Oweno Young Young- received an award award award a- a ward for athletics Alma Lou Lott of My Myton ton won second second- place in the Declamation contest Evelyn Ashton of Roosevelt Roosevelt- won first place in music Marilyn Whitmore of Roosevelt won third place in music Gordon Harmston won awards awards for athletics Marion Malion Hislop of Vernal was mentioned as outstanding in dramatics dramatics dramatics' dramatics dramatics' dra dra- matics matics' and won first place in ath- ath |