Show j Frock roc Well e Named f f- Love of a Dress ressI t- t r. MERN 1 j t 1 J. J J w wc c if r I t lIf lI- lI r rl 5 iTY r tic 1 f L j jL l 10 t t IA Y 2170 Here you are the are the soft wearable looking French-looking afternoon dress for which fashionable women are searchIng search search- In lug Ing exclusive shops Yours Yours for for only a few yards ards of material and a n few hours of or enjo enjoyable able time The design desIgn design de de- sign Is perfect perfect combining combining a slick sUck yoke and trim skirt with the softness softness softness soft soft- ness of gathered bodice and flowIng lowing sleeves which may button below the elbow or be cut short colorings colorings col col- col or subdued prints fit Into the mood of ot the dress but If It youre you're a striking type you yon may select vivid tones Any soft silk crepe or triple sheer material will adapt Itself Itsel to the design R Pattern 2170 Is available In sizes 12 14 16 IS 18 20 30 32 31 3 30 38 33 40 and 42 Size 10 takes 3 37 yards 89 Inch fabric step step step-by- by- by step sewing Instructions Included Send FIFTEEN CENTS TS In coins or stamps coins preferred for tills this pattern Write plainly name address address ad nd- dress and st style le number BE SURE TO STATE SIZE Address orders to Sewing Circle Pattern Department 2 13 West Sev Sev- S Seventeenth street New York City a B Bl l hn 1 r 1 1 1 I 1 f r rc Ir is j s A g LANTERN I Fa f Coleman Lanterns turn night Into day dayl plenty PRICED AS LOW AS of light for every outdoor COMPLETE Job nt at tc ht in every kind of weather U Up to brilliance Pyrex glass globe globo mattes It windproof wind rainproof rain proof and insect Cant Can't split fuel even it if Upped tipped over over Fine lino for night work around barns Iced feed lots loth and cellar for lighting lighting light light- ing up lodges clubs nod and cabins Its It's the Light of a Thousand Un See roar your or boo hing deal er cr If ho doesn't handle write na us THE COLEMAN LAMP 6 b STOVE CO Wichita t IUt ID j Ix Loa 3 Angeles Call Calif Philadelphia Pat j Toronto Ontario Canada I 1 7 ti i 1 d Will 10 Wf lob buy anything that grves more pleasure an and ana satisfaction than thana a 1 packet of seeds seeds especially if they're d dependable e and fresh FERRYS FERRY'S Purebred SEEDS X J have a year 75 record of Their freshness is assured by the dale date on every packet Choose wisely wisely choose choose FERRYS FERRY'S from the convenient FERRY SEED RACK at a 1 nearby store Vegetables Most Flowers erf t I A K U N G GIt I r tM y ytM It t ta tn a n p O i BIG CAN LI e Wr Fm m fetter Teter Q ll fl J B S t Relieved by I r suffered for two or three years with tetter on my hands If It I did any work they would bleed and become be come Irritated and I could not bear to put them In water They were looking dirty-looking all nIl the time I tried different remedies but they failed so I sent for a a. free tree sample of Soap and I ment I purchased more and after asing using one De cake of or Soap and one bo bog bor of Ointment my hands were entirely relieved ed Signed Miss Mary Pratt R. R 3 New ew Market Tenn Soap Ointment and Palcum Sol Sold everywhere Ono One sample ample each free Address Cutt CutI ura aura Laboratories Dept E TI Malden Maiden Mass Adr ARE RE YOU RUNDOWN RUDOW lira Mn L L. L M. M Forbush of oft oft ofa t t Post St. St St St. Salt S Salt t Lake uke J. J id a City Ut Utah J says I I 1 had hadDO DO no strength at all nUl was so A Jh well weak I 1 could hardly move and had frequent r fainting V sp spells ells I used Dr Pierces Pierce s st i o e 1 t l Golden Medical Discovery and It t rid me of the trou trou- ble All U U. U i New size size tablets 50 SO cu liquid f far Large size Ire tabu taba or liquid liquids 1 35 S. S Write ite Dr Pierces Pierres Clinic dial Buffalo N. N Y tor lor free reo medical medial advice 1 |