Show Hitler's Army to Be Second Largest in Europe k t A q 1 3 Y YI YI I I 1 1 Robert Robert A. A Taft son of or the late President has med lied a suit qUestionIng questioning the authority of or the Treasury to call gold bold clause obligations for Cor redemption prior to mn maturity unless prepared to pay In gold of ot the value at the date the security was issued 2 Admiral 2 Byrd returning from the Antarctic Is welcomed at Dunedin New Zealand 8 Types 3 Types of ot soldiers In Germanys Germany's new army r 4 German Forces Number Experts Claim aim e Hitler's dramatic decision to create cre ere create ate nto a n huge conscript army overnIght overnight overnight over over- night has aroused fresh tresh fears for peace In Europe and caused sharp revision of ot the European military and naval strength charts The new army using the wehr considered one ono of ot the finest trained forces in the world as a basis will consist of ot men The Tho a unit of which Is la lashown shown above e will undoubtedly be used to train the tho new soldiers and can probably make them Into first- first class dass fighting men within a n short time Only Russia has a n larger army arDy than Germanys Germany's will be and on only England and France will e exceed emceed In tonnage the proposed German fleet of ot tons A review of ot armed strength shows a neat balance between the French and German blocs with Russia Rus Rus- sia sla holding the balance of power |