Show GOOD FOR POR THE RAILROADS I i The rh announcement of the thee e nn l Improvement on th Ogon Llna Ln baa bu Riven preal tat tatI t encouragement I mid and satisfaction to in the llie then theL L Olt n lit nt tho thoe e i Itt iti f an w 11 In tn th the traveling public gen Ien n rd now om the tilt n ne news that thata a of ot ut per pr perI percent I rent cent on rau rain ratel will III b ha be mud t to 10 RO 10 n Into Iut ifft on An July 1 I ThU will IU 1 no fl doubt h followed by th the other rr reat eat t 1 n K of ot t ansi and ll II l already d de deI I dared cured h 11 i j th tt Southern Pacific com corn company cornI pall pany Th TIM nf o n this thU movement I I to 10 th entire fIUre Writ West W loom nom tp tJI p In ch h magnitude ami RM variety M aa to appear I too bK bl bI and Important for tor ton In i a 1 brief editorial notice There Thane is Ii I a 1 general Jeneral sentiment of ot encomium elk of ot the Ute courM of or the railroad managers and ami andi i magnates maR lea and a feeling of ot Jubilation rt over oer that It 11 will Rive to 1 the work ork of ot up and vf i thin n of nf n our great grout country How Howth howiT iT th change e will wilt th financial In Interests I of at the railroad remains to be M traffic Is Ii In InI I to tn loch ai al a will III g the deac ncy l by bythe II IIi byth i the Ihl th han of o It 11 wUI prove 4 ile I to the IIlo I Ht It U is t ved ed tint that the will 11 t turn I urn out to 10 lie be both belli to 10 the 1 mails and the hll I am and nd that tbt there th thi i will be no cause raut for regret ft at the tit step 1 hOW tiow In III progress We f wish wi to 10 toI 3 I the Ille project and Join In the Iii ral w al of ot praise to I ti companies I tint have hae inaugurated the rou |