Show I 1 Eliminate The Gamble Gamble Gam Gam- ble In Marketing Livestock producers who will sell in the country are gambel ing with the market and not taking taking tak tak- ing the safe sure way of turning their livestock Into money During During Dur Dur- ing periods of falling prices their might be some excuse for this practice Because then the quIcker quicker quicker qui quI- the livestock is sold the smaller he hazard But when prices are rising or markets are steady the producer can well aford aford af- af ord to ship his livestock to a public public pub pub- lic market where he can realize I the full market value and eliminate cumin cumin- ate the gamble he takes in try trying trying ing to outwit he county buyer When your is shipped shipped shipped ship ship- ped to market their is no incentive incentive incentive tive for a legitimate commission man who who handles the selling to beat you down in price His commission commission commission com com- mission is the same whether your livestock sells high or low and he recognizes the necessity of getting you all they are worth if he is going to hold your pat pat- A good sale is the best lest means of advertising that a commission firm has and he always does his his his' level best to get the shoppers the ast possible nickle that their livestock will vill bring To do this he offers them to all available buyers And when more than one buyer Is present your livestock livestock livestock live live- stock is bound to be more attractive attractive attractive active to one than the other If your is made up of different grades of livestock the commission man sorts them for grades and sells each particular particular ular grade to the buyer that ca capay can n pay the most money Few shoppers operate on a large enough scale to permit proper proper proper pro pro- per grading at home And when their livestock is offered In one parcel the good end Is penalized to take care of the poor end I Frequently a single consignment consignment consignment consign consign- ment on a public market goes to toa toa a number of buyers The commission commission commission com com- mission man sells your livestock accepts In payment the checks of the various buyers runs all the risk of their checks being good and in turn pays you in one check after all your shopping costs costs and incidentals incidentals have been taken care of by bya a check Issued on his own firm that is backed by a bond to insure you against any possible ble loss This service and assurance takes the gamble out of your your selling transaction and gives you the most money possible for your livestock to bring on the day of the sale During these times of unsubstantial financial condition condition condition condit condit- ion livestock producers can hardly hardly hardly hard hard- ly afford to take the risk of selling selling sel sel- ling their livestock in the country where they have no guarantee that the checks or drafts of the buyers will be paid other than the individual guarantee of the buyer himself I |