Show Fish And Game dame Asso Asso- Association Stocks Waters The Duchesne Fish and Game dame Association has expended for Cor gasoline and oil for the haulIng haulIng hauling haul- haul Ing of fish to be planted in the lakes and streams of Duchesne County U. U S. S government state and private owned trucks were used This service can be gained where local organizations can pay the expenses expenses named above In addition the local association expended 1700 for meals for those doing the hauling for advertising Money for roadwork road roadwork roadwork work so that the trucks could get to the lakes and streams was also expended two Twenty-two loads of fish were planted in the Yellowstone and rivers six loads were I planted In Lake Canyon eight In Inthe inthe inthe the Strawberry river fourteen hi in hithe inthe in inthe the west and north forks of the Duchesne river six in Rock Creek Cr Cr- I eek Pack horses were used to stock Moon Lake Clement lakes and the Brown Duck lakes i Future plans of of the local association as as- call for the stocking of Bear lake on Rock Creek and an unnamed lake west of the the Yellowstone Yellowstone Yellowstone Yellow Yellow- stone forest station The size of the fish stocked range from two to seven inches The work of ot stocking the lakes and streams could not be dons donG without cooperation of at the many citizens who donate their time timo timeto to the project Arnold Robbins donated his new new International truck for one load of fish The only cost to the fish and game association was 1375 for gasoline gas gas- oUne oline and oil This was a So long trip through rough country In order to protect Mr rr Robbins Robbins' truck from the scratches of branches branches branches bran bran- ches of trees and brush the truck was V covered with blankets and went through the journey med Lloyd Belt Orville Thompson Thompson Thompson Thom Thom- Martin Avrett and three or four local boys whose names can not be secured at this time assisted in this trip William Lawson President of or orthe the Duchesne Fish and Game Association Association- donated his services for twenty seven seven days In this time he hauled two loads of or fish flah each day from the fish hatchery at Whiterocks to various places in the country He was assisted by Daryl Smith Deweey Wilkins Chris J J. J B. B Thomas and his son Arthur Avrett andI and andLee andLee I Lee Alger of Moon Lake |