Show Helps Given For Spring Work At Your Home HomeI I While the young mans man's fancy turns to thoughts thoughts' of love his mother is making plans for the spring house cleaning While there is little help for the youth there is help for the homemaker in the ther r of the extension service of the Utah State tural college Here is o one e a formula for mixing mixing mixing mix mix- ing whitewash that will stand up ur under the weather on exterior surfaces sur sur- surfaces faces Slake one bushel of lime in 12 gallons of hot water then two pounds of cornmon com corn common common mon salt and one pound of sulphate sulphate sulphate sul sul- sul- sul phate of zinc in two gallons of and arid mix thoroughly When the mixture is prepared spread over the surface with abroad a abroad abroad broad When the paint brush was last used perhaps it was left with paint mixed in with the bristles The brush is now hard and difficult to soften for use in painting The extension service servie recommends the Ue following process to solve the difficulty difficulty difficulty dif dif- dif dif- Heat some vinegar to the boiling point and alow the brush to simmer in the for a 0 few minutes Remove and md wash in strong soapsuds to which a little sal soda has been added That simple process has been proved to o do the trick and the brush will become soft and pliable |