Show Blood V Works Far Into Night Clearing The Legislative Grist Gris Working under pressure until long into th night Governor 1 H. H H. H Blood Tuesday finished up UI the litter of measures which have bee been on his desk ever since the state stat legislature adjourned March 1 12 Late in the evening he signed UI the sales tax ta bill the beer bill an anthe and the state depository act The three measures are among the most important of the las last legislature as well as typical o of major problems which confronted that body The depository bill was wa the result of the attempt of leading leading leading lead lead- ing financial Interests of the state stab to solve ne of the most difficult problems facing the financial The sales tax bill was the offer of the legislature largely at th the of the governor himself for the solution of the problem oJ of unemployment relief During th the day Governor Blood relentlessly applied the veto to other measures measures meas mess ures ares designed to increase taxation and md particularly the general property property prop prop- erty tax But the sales tax pro pro- proceeds proceeds are devoted mainly to providing providing pro pro- viding riding for means of meeting the thc needs reeds of persons out of employment employment employ employ- ment nent and if there is any surplus after this has been done one it will mIl go goto goto to 0 aid the state general fund revenues revenues rev rev- to which from other sources have of late sho shown rapid declines The beer b er bill was the farthest that hat the legislature would go toward to to- yard ward pl placing cing Utah in line with the the- on movement that appears to be sweeping so many sta states tates s. s This bill permits the manufacture manufacture ture ure in Utah for export of beer bee with an alcoholic content of not notto notto to to- to 0 exceed per cent It has hasden haS haS' been den claimed for it that it will give employment to a considerable num number numer ber bel er of of residents of Utah especially especial especial- ly yr of Ogden The bill provides for a tax on beer and the proceeds are to go goto goto to the support of junior colleges and nd to unemployment relief Some wag from the Weber colleg colleg col- col leg g at Ogden is s said id to have suggested suggested sug sug- ested that hereafter another e a should rould be placed in the name of that rat institution make it We Ve beer c college The bank deposit depository ry bill introduced introduced intro intro- iced by senat senator r John M. M Wallace had id a stormy passage through committees and on the floor of ot each house As the bill becomes an I act it provides for f r a board of three ree persons with the state bank commissioner as chairman andLe and the Le attorney general and an experienced experienced ex ex- banker as the members |