Show WINTERING OF liVESTOCK PlAN Organization Necessary to Have Ha Livestock Where Feed Is la Short Committee Appointed Last week an important meeting was as held at Roosevelt by chairman Al AI Wells which in turn was sponsored sponsored sponsored spon spon- by State Chairman J. J M. M McFarlane The meeting was for forthe forthe forthe the purpose of considering handling handling handling hand hand- ling the range and feed condition during the ensuing winter The following men were appointed Owen Bennion of Mt Emmons for the sheep business Ed Davis of Altonah for the ordinary farmer farm farm- er Clyde Lambert of Altonah for forthe forthe forthe the forest Horace Allred of Roosevelt for the Cattle and R. R S. S Jordan of Roosevelt State Bank as the financial committee member County agent Leroy C. C Funk will like chairman Wells help to handle the general situation situation sit sit- in the county This feed question demands a community leader in each precinct and these h e m may r be the h same fam as those selected for the employ thenon non employ ment question or others may be bo selected Each community chairman chairman chair chair- man n n is expected to report to Mr Wells at My Myton ton within ten days or b by October 1 Prof Wm Peterson Peterson Peterson Pet Pet- erson of the Agricultural college at Logan is the member on the general committee appointed by President Hoover In Duchesne county this work Is important in certain communities while others have ample feed Apparently President Hoovers Hoover's plan is to protect the home first and the large herds must be sec sec- ond Nevertheless leadership and must be manifest so that our large sheep and cattle men may be protected and the livestock industry not be nearly ruined asit as asit asit it was ten years ago Application for loans s shall aU be made on forms by sec- sec of agriculture Loans to any family will not be in excess of l feed teed for forty cattle six horses or 1200 sheep and the following rates per month for a period not exceeding ex ex- six m months Cattle and horses per head sheep Each application tion Ion will be investigated as the department department de de- de- de decides and approval nay be for a lesser amount than that applied for A special disbursing disbursing disbursing dis dis- dis- dis bursing agent may be provided in inthe inthe inthe the state for making out the checks for the applications ap ap- ap- ap proved Certain rules covering the formalities are in substance as follows Application must be verified by bythe bythe the uhe agent for the county Note oust lUst be signed payable to the United States on or before September September September Sep Sep- 30 1932 and Interest is 5 which Interest will be deducted In advance from the loan made A chattel mortgage must be given on livestock for which feed is ask ask- ed d. d Authority is given in the mortgage mortgage mort mort- gage age to permit the government to properly care for the livestock incase in case oase the owner fails falls to do so The usual mortgage clauses relating to the foreclosure and sale are in in- in In case the applicant has m n a mortgage or lien on the livestock in question he must secure se secure se- se cure cur the signature of the mortgage holder to the agreement In the new loan on space there there- for This agreement will provide that the government loan and lien shall be of ot equal standing with the e first lien in the event of ot foreclosure foreclosure foreclosure fore fore- closure or sale aale of the claim of the United States whether due or not shall be paid in proportion that the sum loaned by the government bears to the first lien The government government government govern govern- ment will not recognize valuations in excess of on cattle on horses and on sheep The right is reserved to make payments payments pay pay- pay pay-I ments menta in instalments and have evidence evidence evidence evi evi- dence of the manner In which the initial installment has been ex ex- I The above is a brief summary of ot the rules laid down September 12 by Athur M. M Hyde of Applications must I be mailed in time to be received at the Farmers Farmers' Seed Loan office Grand Fork North Dakota not notI I later than November 1 1 |