Show PAY CUT CuTar X W x r 0 1 ar f. f gl V 0 i x i tm t. t II I. I if J ft i Y f t V f i r k I J j r A W u y P 30 OR MORE PERFECT Z I CIGARETTES FOR FORr Q IT i r H Ht 0 t Kir jr THEN HEN my pay was cut I eWHEN V V had to think of ways to ton n save My pal told me about Target and I tried It Now you couldn't get me to smoke any tIP other kind of cigarette but the ones I roll roU from Target Targets Target's a real real cigarette tobacco and with e those ose gummed papers you get free it doesn't take a n magician m to roll roU a cigarette that looks just m like a ready readymade Think of it gents 1 I Savin half halfa a buck a n week and smokes better than ever BACK MONEY GUARANTEE 0 For 20 ready made smokes Imolee you pay 5 60 federal tax plus a state tax In some tales states With TOJ Target et you pay only r If 11 Z And your dealer offers offen you a Q money money- back guarantee if you dont don't eay Target Ii is better than any other cl cigarette t tobacco to e bocco bacco you have ever rolled I WRAPPED IN I CELLOPHANE tA 0 f o OCl Brown rown Cs Williamson Tobago Tobacco Corp 0 Louisville le Ky Sy 19 0 m City ewest Hotel r hOTEL DOYEL TEMPLE MARE Rooms Tile Baths Bath Radio connection In every room RATES FROM I Jail Ju C opposite Mormon I ERNEST C. C ROSSITER Mgr I I o 00 o o a c ch Children's Childrens h en COLDS COMMON head colds often s settle n c in is throat and chest Where they may become dangerous Dont Don't take a chance chance chance-at at the tho first sniffle rub on Childrens Children's once every hour for lor five fit f tic hours Childrens Children's is Just good old you have known so 60 long in ill in milder form This famous blend of oil of mustard camphor menthol and other ingredients brings relief naturally le gets action because it is a irritant not irritant not just a salve salve salve-it it penetrates pene- pene and stimulates tes blood circulation feel helps bep's s to draw out infection and pain Keep full fuU strength 1 on hand han J for adults and the milder milder-Children's milder Cl Idren 1 for tittle tots All AU drugg druggist to Wv r TT 1 9 y T I Diet Didn Didn't t Do This 1 lR i s Ys w yf HAPPY H APPY little girl just bursting with pep and she has never tasted a tonic 1 Every childs child's stomach liver and bowels need stimulating at It times limes but give children something you know all about Follow the advice of that famous family physician who gave the world Syrup Pepsin Stimulate The body's vital organs Dr Caldwell's pr prescription of r pure pepsin active senna and fresh herbs is a mild stimulant that keeps the system from getting gelling sluggish If your youngsters dont don't do well wen at school dont don't play playas as hard or eat as well as other children do begin this evening with Dr Caldwell's s 's Syrup Pepsin This gentle stimulant will soon right things I The bowels will move with better regularity and thoroughness There wont won't beso beso be ba baso so many sic sick spells or colds Y You'll oun find it just as wonderful for adults too in larger spoonfuls Get some Syrup Pepsin protect your household from those bilious days frequent headaches and that sluggish st state te of health half that means the bowels need stimulating ting Keep this preparation in the home to use instead of harsh cathartics that cause chronic constipation if taken too often You can always get Dr Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin at any lIlY drug store they have it all ready in big ig bottles That Nagging i iMay May Warn of a Disordered Kidney Sidney r or Bladder Condition t fJ ED promptly a n nagging JOB backache with bladder irregularities ir- ir r l l regularities and d a n tired nervous ll S The J V of some disordered kidney or r 4 w t I bladder condition y 1 s Users everywhere rely on Doans Doan's fUsers f f y Pills The S sale C of millions of boxes f t annually attests to Doan Doon's s 's f t larity Your druggist has hoa Deans Doans y 1 f fP i A Diuretic P for fat forthe S IuS the kidney Kidneys Kidney NEURALGIA f u uN N THE HE agonizing aches from from neuralgia can be quieted m in inthe inthe the same way you would end enda a headache T Take some Bayer Aspirin Take enough to bring complete relief Genuine aspirin cant can't hush hurt anybody s. s Men l and women bent bent with rheumatism will find r the same wonderful comfort in these tablets The They arent aren't d just for headaches or colds Read Head the proven directions covering a dozen other Uses neuritis sciatica lumbago muscular pains Cold damp days which ti penetrate to the very bones have lost their terror for those who carry Bayer Bayer k Aspirin All druggists in m the t. t w ti familiar little box boa u a a |