Show Superintendents Meet leet In Ogden The from all the school districts in Utah held their I annual convention at Ogden January January January Jan Jan- uary 15 and 16 I Various matters mattern of import were discussed the main theme being that economy be used as much as possible in the administration of the county schools State Superintendent of Schools C. C N. N Jensen in his address to the assembly was very optimistic in regard to o the thc future progress of the schools in Utah He advised the officials present that they should go through the school year with a sp spirit rit of good feeling andera and m nHon tr With mutual p coo P era era- Tl- Tl o lJ r u s. lion tion of all teachers and Superintendents Superintendents Superintendents he thought it possible that no schools in the state should Ii have to cut down the thc regular term of school for lack of fun funds s. s Adult education was particularly particular particular- ly stressed as being valuable to all parents of the state This move is progressing at the present present present pres pres- I ent time in many towns The careful safeguarding and spending of public funds appropriated appropriated appropriated for use of the schools was advocated at the Ule convention George Washington's birthday celebration was discussed th those se present wre informed that on February February February Feb Feb- 22 in all schools of the state a very large and beautiful portrait of Washington would be unveiled with appropriate programs programs programs pro pro- grams rendered by the school stu- stu stu stu- dents |