Show I ALTONAH Too late for last week The Boxing and wrestling tournament tournament tournament tour tour- held here New Years Year's night was a big success Irvin Pearson won a decision over Clinton Clinton Clinton Clin Clin- ton Ames Dallas Ames and Harold Harold Harold Har Har- old Behunin fought to a draw for four rounds Ray Davis and Gene Clark wrestled Ray winning winning winning win win- ning by two falls out of three o 0 Sheriff Mitchell attended the boxing match here on New Years Year's night nigh t. t o 0 o Mr and Mrs Berdett Berdell were glad New Years day by the appearance of a baby girl Dr Miles Miles' was in attendance Mrs Is at the home of her parents Mr and Mrs Wallace Vallace Wardle o 0 o Mr and Mrs Barlow are arc now con comfortably located in their new home o 0 Roy Nelson and son Worth went to North Fork sawmill located lo- lo lo located cat d above Hanna where they have employment 9 0 Horace Foot and Miss May Mayhew Mayhew Mayhew May- May hew returned Sunday evening Ogden o 0 Bishop and Mrs Lott Powell were were called to Price Monday on account of r a serious illness of Mr Powells Powell's mother 0 o Aunt Docia Clark of Bluebell Bluebells is s the guest of her children She is always a welcome visitor in our being one of our early pioneers 0 o Mrs Rodney McKune and son Danny have moved down from fromI I the sawmill so Danny might attend attend attend at at- tend school for the balance of I the winter 0 o Mr and Mrs Ellis Maxwell Mr and Mrs Ralph Maxwell of Pleasant Pleasant Pleasant Pleas Pleas- ant Valley spent the holidays with their relatives and friends I The attendance at all sessions of the L. L D. D S. S church was well represented Sunday The bishop reported less sickness and deaths in the last year than for a number number number num num- ber of years past with an increase in the ward of three fifty-three and a total of four hundred and eighty members for the year just end end- ing I I o 0 o oThe The first P P. P T. T A. A in th the new year was held Monday night The crowded house greeted the debaters debat debat- ors ers who were announced by the chairman F. F L. L Maxwell the question was Resolved that the I eighteenth amendment sh should be modified or The debaters deI de de- I batons baters were affirmative D. D J. J Thompson and Mrs Albert Dastrup Dastrup Dastrup Das Das- negative Ed Davis and Mrs D D. D J. J Tompson The judges decided decided decided de de- in favor of the affirmative Piano solo by Mrs R. R W W. Snyder after the business part of the meeting was was to Teachers Teach Teach- ers reported all grades were doing doing doing do do- ing nicely with a full attendance It was v voted ted to supply our quota II of funds in helping to erect the monument of George Washington in our state Old time dancing followed music furnished by Mr and Mrs Roy Thacker of Mt Emmons and our local musicians The entertainment committee I served a delicious lunch lunch and hot drinks to over two hundred and thirty-five thirty persons The different different different differ differ- ent committees are to be complimented complimented complimented of the entire success of the evening |