Show MOON lAKE IS VITAL ISSUE Basins Basin's Big Reservoir Receives Publicity arid and Outlines of Cost And Distribution of Water Are Set Forth Moon Lake the largest of the many hundreds in the Uintah range is getting the publicity which it deserves Proposed dam I to make s storage orage of over acre feet to be built by the government government government gov gov- is apparently now back- back ad up by publicity a real power at elt all times Engineer E. E O. O Larson working on this for the last two years in cooperation with other federal men has given out data of value a summary of which is Elevation of lake level will be feet above sea level at top of the dam and it is on the west westfork westfork westfork fork of the river After I. I July 15 the white settlers receive only about 35 of the natural flow the Indian priorities taking I the 65 hence for late use storage storage storage stor stor- age is desired The dam will vill be 1120 feet long and 20 feet wide at the top but 84 8 feet thick at spillway and feet at the base and made ly of earth fill with rock facing Outlet will be by a n nine foot con con- lined crete-lined tunnel which will deliver deliver de de- liver lher the water to two Inch fifty steel pipes Yardage of dam will willbe willbe be and cost per acre foot fool at the dam To use the water on the Uintah river side requires a mile mile 13 canal canal canal can can- al carrying from 60 to 80 second feet from the east fork hence would be trade water because it may not be the lake or storage water Wide Vide is given for variations of season Allowing acre acre cre feet for increased use of Indian water seepage losses etc the capacity will vary from to l OOOO acre feet The raise of the lake lalm level will willbe be 56 feet In dry years it will hold hold all the head water but in average years sears will not hold the total supply sup sup- py ply Allotments of the water now only tentative are Dry Gulch Irrigation company the real owners of the storage I rights right 11 2 10 acre feet for the drainage side c gasses classes A A. B B. B and C. C and D. D 1 Farmers' Farmers Irrigation Irrigation Irrigation tion company 2046 feet L L Continued on last lost page pane MOON LAKE IS VITAL ISSUE Continued from page from page one Irrigation company 1920 South Boneta company Ditch feet and Purdy Ditch acre feet making a total of acre feet These allotments Mr Larson says are made mad on the basis of one acre foot of water for each acre of land considered able to repay the cost The remainder of the acre feet is not yet definitely determined Several companies already have more or less storage the the Dry Gulch for the Uintah side having excellent lake storage at high elevation elevation elevation ele ele- all of which is not yet supplied supplied supplied sup sup- plied because the work is not all done As a sample of variation of season this reservoir water was not even used at all in 1929 while in 31 1930 more could have been used Perhaps the main issue on the Uintah h side is this will the farmer farm farm- er be obligated by majority vote to take an allotment of this Yel Yel- Jow branch tone branch water and suffer suffer suffer suf suf- fer a large evaporation and seepage seepage seepage seep seep- age loss against his own vote or without his consent Farms differ differ differ dif dif- dif dif- fer about as much as seasons Some have thin soils others have gravel under a comparatively thin layer of good dirt making total I s seasonal demands so varied All want Moon lake to be made the big storage reservoir It should should be Yet in our desire to have more water simple justice should prevail No farm not needing the water should be forced to take it and pay for it This project is perhaps in reality reality real real- ity a part of the Great Basin reclamation deal and on this assumption assumption as as- writer is inclined to the opinion that leaders in the bigger move are more concerned about this for Moon lake than the citizens who may use the water It may be our share of the fifteen million dollars which is to be spent and as we have said before mainly for metropolitan tan or urban use Hence we want Moon lake but we ask for more than that And Andin Andin Andin in arranging for and in the providing providing providing pro pro- viding of this lal lake e water this paper paper paper pa pa- per will remain firmly opposed to other than a square deal Uintah river is a larger stream than the and considerable storage storage storage stor stor- age still not used Use of Duchesne Duchesne Duchesne Du Du- Du- Du chesne river water by Salt Lake City is Involved in this whole mat mat- ter Therefore fellow citizens Moon lake is in reality of more concern than it may appear to you ou |