Show A t J TH San Bernardino CaL Cal Sept 27 21 7 Elijah T Crawford engineer for lor the Italian Vineyard company met death In a shocking manner at last night night Caught In the chains of ot the grape grope elevator Ms his III bones tonel were broken and Ind his hil flesh torn and he was Wil carried a 1 considerable distance underground finally to be dumped dumpel still stil conscious In Ina Ins ina a s huge wine vat at whence wh ce he was yg WIS rca res rescued re cued Ho 10 died after atler enduring great agony l S New Ness York Sept Sterling Countess wife of oC Count Ignace and daughter of or the late John M 1 the shoe blacking manufacturer was wall today toda ad judged Insane and Incompetent to tn manage her property valued at It several hundred thousand dollars by ly a l sheriffs sherl fg jury jur and a commission appointed by b the supreme court The he countess counters was WA married In this city In 1579 She went ent to England with wih her husband and three children Ten years ago she was declared declare Insane Inane by b tho the British courts and for tor some omo time was 15 In a n sanitarium In England A few tew years ears ago Ino she rejoined her husband in Lon Len don Countess was 8 brought to New York by her husband Sept 8 S last Iut by b permission of 0 the Sep English courts and proceedings Pole ln s l were tre Instituted to have hae her sanity posed upon |