Show OBRIEN ON NEVADA l lIr Talks About TiltS Years nr Production of Gold Guill J 7 F P founder of the Gold Goldfield GoldfIeld field News Newe has hIlS boon been In lu New York nod and other oilier oth eastern cities and has been found rOUDI by b Boron metropolitan newspapers which Ihl h contain Interviews In which the former fonner Goldfield editor loees no tipper opportunity to 10 talk about the greatness of o Nevada as ac a mining ruining Mate elate and of ot in particular Till The merchants of Goldfield carry full lines line of DC up pi I of all aU kinds kinda Most ef of the thc building buildings are frame maine but there are alto also many good structures The most mOlt prominent mine In the Ills dis district at nt present It the Mohawk located between Red Bed Top and the thEl Jumbo n a little north of the It Is III worked fIed by lessees le MB eight of If whom have haTe grade rade ore averaging MM n per too toe aCrOSS acres feat cot a vein In matter motter Only the richer grade grode Is I torud out of ot o othe the streaks recently discovered dl A few Cel months ajro ao the men were re working III in 3 feet of shipping ore or lr Ex E j Its erts estimate a production of ot Ka SUM 4 M this year The working are down about MO foet ft There are Rt ar 18 12 steam hoists on the Mohawk which with those an on the Combination II and anti POor Klor r once coca gives tho the hill hili tho the e of at a 1 great Old held of oil derricks In III the Portland mine one on and a 1 hair lulU miles mile fouth uth of oC the Mohawk and ami three foUrths t rth of nt a mite mile routh fOOth of 01 the Ille former limits of productive mining ares arem there Is II I a vein M J feet wide kif carrying M ore are c S The vein rein II was encountered at a depth of or X S feet fHt from the th surface MoAt Mut of the producing mines about aboul pretty good Od ore at the th Mir aur taos foe tat but the lite Mohawk people found lit Ut little littIe tIe tle value In their curiae urla stuff The labored ta for two t C years u before they the rich bodies they thea ate are arenow a ano now new no working The MI hay Haye 4 8 litter expending over without were wen about aboul reedy ready to 10 the UI Job ob when the discovery dIscovers dl tr that Is Ii aon noss the talk of the thi tb district was Wu mad IMd a aI I think the Uie gold cold production prod Uon of ot the JoG alone for thIs year ear Wilt will b lit be U Ight and er r rats ral M AU Are Mill stIll but we win toon hart hare whoa w the will to a decent derent level and tamp camp ram will advance muck much more mere rapidly whet the Ute roW road from Lu Vegas egas to is completed |