Show SOMEWHAT DILATORY undo uncle sam reams to have been somewhat dilatory la in the matter of those thoo who arved served BI an deputy united states marshals last april and july or the an fn fault uit lies lica elsewhere during the colmon commonweal weal army disturbances in april and tho the great railway strike la in july a largo large number of men wore sworn ili ID armed and nit transported from one place to another to protect tho the lives lire and property of citizens citizen each and every one of these men doing duty a at tho the risk rials of their own lives lire this port part of the tha program car fled out successfully the riots quelled quo llad tile populace laca oooo once moro more at police peace with one an other and uncle sam barn said you gentle men who did tho the deputy marshal act will bleab wait for your pay and they waited six alx months month it is just uit now given out that these men ore are to sign vouch vouchers ors nod and then maybe their pay can bo be badi bad we think this manner of doing business la Is very strange str anBe to allow a man to go and fae death for a i mall email amount of money and then thea stand him off for his pay until he be has baa a chanco chance to dlo dio naturally there to la certainly a screw loose loona somewhere |