Show COUNTY COURT TUB AL HATCH or OP MINOR ATTENDED ATTim PEO TO 01 ol monday last tho the county court sat ial for or tile ho farat time this year judge do bo la mare selectmen andorson Aud Au dorson oreon droubay clerk spray sheriff gillespie mr clark claris being absent there was tho the usual amount ol at work done such as aa hearing about taxes accompanied by requests for reduction or of the same paying of bills etc but bo request of the ta that tho the ox ex of tho county bo be curtailed biad 0 od the county run on a more economical basis baals was again laid over notwithstanding tho fact abot that two petitions submitted at a pro previous meeting of the court praying that something bo be done clone it seems to us that thera is a desire on tho the part of a majority of tho the court to lave have nothing to do with tho question of cutting down expenses expanses the subject came up again at this session of tho the court accompanied by tho resolutions which wore not needed however and was championed in a very earnest manner by judge do de la mare but it was of no nyall avail as tho the balan balanco a a of tho court would not tako take any action in the matter till mr dark clark gets back the following is u review ot of the business transacted J C shields tod a flan financial noial statement of the county for the three months ending sept edth 1804 tile tho report was accepted and ordered filed charles griffith of bf lako lake point hotl lionel the court on behalf of brig davis for relief of taxes allowed M 5 mr gordon read to the court tho the opinion of D 11 II wenger in rotation relation to the petition of W W V riter asking the court tor for a rebate on special school tax tor for tho the year 1893 the opinion stated tho the court was not responsible to said bald W W riter biter the timo almo laving having passed to do anything when said petition was presented 11 II B S gowans again presented a petition on behalf of W W utter asking ashan a rebato on what lie he claimed as an erroneous assess men t of special school tax the petition was laid over frank washburn petitioned the court for or rebate on liquor license granted J 13 10 market at garfield beach ho he having only run the saloon nino nine days A rebate 0 t 75 was allowed mr gordon montio mentioned ned the recent fire of PP do de la maro mare stating that it was generally acknowledged by the people that some action should be taken by the court regarding his taxes and sugg suggested osted that an appropriation be made to in ills his favor mr droubay then moved that an aa appropriation amounting to 2085 bo made which was carried mrs mis coole cooley ot of Grants vill through P P christensen Carl stensen asks that her taxes amounting to 31 bo be reduced as she is no unable to pay tho the same narno mr christ nse a stated that tire mrs cooley has spent consid crable in improvement of late into that will reflect credit on the county and bo be a benefit in more ways than one and asks that an appropriation of 16 bo be allowed the matter was laid over samuel park asked that tho the special school tax ass assessed ossed on head bead of shoop sheep belonging to park brothers Dr others bo be transferred to ceover school district referred to the county attorney superintendent christenson Chrls tenson spoke at some length in favor of creating a now school at marcur lie ho said mercur bad the requisite number of children to bo on oa titled to a school district tho amount of school taxes paid to iho opher school district by pupils now attending that school but residing at Alc will be sot bolde and applied to tho the new district with that amount and an assessment ol of one per cent mr air christensen thinks tho the new school will bo be enabled to accommodate tho new district for three or four months which Is enough to cover the law on the mattur ila ho then submitted the following for the action ol of tho the court to tho the honorable tho chairman chaiem an and members of tho county court utah GENTS I 1 hereby recommend to your honorable body that bat you moko make and crosto croato a new school district to be known as mercur school district of tofele tooele county out at 0 what Is ii now opher school district and that its boundary lines bo be identical with those of mercur precinct alm alio that abo pupils enumerated by ophir school trustees then in mercur precinct and the money arising bo granted to said now district of Aler mercer cur also that the following named gentle men be appointed as school trustees john mcfarland frank and richard II 11 gundry Gundt fy also that a tax of at least ono one per cent be levied on tho the now district article IY IV of tho the school law gives you full power to perform the above upon the recommendation ut fhe county superintendent yours most respectfully 1 P P caristensen co bupt it was then ordered that tho the now new school district bo be created to bo be known an aa tho the herour school district the abo boundary lines lanca of which aro are to contort with tho the marcur lines hues created last spring mr anderson then moved that tile the men man named in a mr ro solutions bo be appoint od BS as trustees trust cea of tho the now A lengthy was then had bad as ai to tuo men nonpartisan non partisan judge do la 13 maro blare sold said ho thought it would bo be better if f they wore nonpartisan non partisan mr christensen upon being asked as to their polities politics said bo did not know and did not caro care that they rood good men for the and that was what he be was after I 1 tho motion was finally carried and jobu job frank zimboul nod and richard lubard ll gundry gandry were chosen as trustees of 0 the now new district mr christonsen Chris then ben called attention to the law on naming school districts which does not inquire numbering but simply naming thorn them and asked that it bo be complied compiled with it seems there has bas boon been different sums of money drawn froni from the bohomol fund without a warrant from the county SuporI nten dent llo ila objects and submitted the following for tho action ot of the court 1 I desire hereby to draw your attention to article XI xii i especially section 63 62 which provides that tha t the treasurer shall receive and bold us as a special school faud subject to tho order of tho county super In ull all public school monies of whatever w source reo alved etc in accordance with tho the law I 1 destra that this coutt instruct insi the treasurer to pay out no money except upon my warrant yours moat alost respectfully 1 P 1 P christensen county superintendent Superintend eI t ilia his request was complied with mr christensen Christeas cn then presented and road read an a itemized bill for for services for tho six months ending sept 30 1894 tho the bill was accepted and ordered paid in discussing the matter said that ho he did not think his bis bill for the entire year would exceed JASO aso lie ile was on titled to from tho the county to dotray defray the expenses expanses 0 of the county summer school but as tho the excursion was successful he be only asked for oa 00 00 virtually giving the county f ro 50 ile he was also very liberal la in other items five dollars was allowed for the relief of mrs taxes it it was ordered that the salary of the county ofil cers be paid the amounts due for the caro care of our county poor was ordered paid the following bills billa were then ordered paid mr fraser postal cards carda and stamps I 1 17 N B nelson house rent rant for poc poor r 0 george water tax W M material for repairing grants ville road read mr anderson county woric john W tato printing joseph tato tate 1 court bouss lot 10 peter A droubay merchandise W II 11 gillespie collecting licenses etc mary E brown merchandise joe hanson boarding board lne mr jen jan soul benal 24 J U B gordon brig gillett cutting and hauling bay on poor house bouse lot 3 the abo usual court fees etro allo allowed wod court then adjourned to meet aaen a aln on october to appoint moat inspectors and cancel county warron ls |