Show MEN CHEW GUM TOO A feminine observer Ob nerver makes mahe a discovery that Vind vindicates leates liar her sex Is tho the chewing gum habit purely feminine I 1 think not now dow though tho the timo time is not so BO far gone when tho the practice tico was limited to children find and young misses it is different now dow I 1 base my calculation on a recent episode that occurred ou on a train leaving tho the grand central station hardly had the cars started than the train boy made his appearance to each person irrespective of ago age or box a package of gum was handed banded tho the women took the small packages with an all air that betokened thoro thorough knowledge of the contents the men handled tho the foil wrapped sticks gingerly it was evident tilso also that they had seen them before ono one old bearded fellow who doubtless thought liia his ago age an apology for his notions actions soon had liis his jaws working and others followed ins his example there wore were 29 men iu in the cir car fewer wo women men but a generous supply of children cli ildren tho the women I 1 expected would buy tho the sticks and divide with the children but as surely tho the habit has haa outgrown femininity when 16 men out of a total of 29 indulge in public in chewing gum on inquiry tile tho train boy told mo that the percentage of men buyers was much larger in that purely masculine retreat the car its the best selling article wo we carry ho he said and the men use moro more of it than tho the women now new york herald |