Show p A DAIRY NOTES the feed thai tha produces milk does it t produce tat fat 11 kid od butterfat butter fat la Is a ser serious lotis losi logs 1111 aft into alio un unmercifully ai separator cuts down the th colt coat 0 ivery thereby alie profil li it Is it ii sti samne une to aa a pow to 6 inalee milk alii butterfat butter buder tae fat without p roper proper 1 0 o d tho the calv calves milt that ar are apt apt bowing r lin m the ve very ry start have the best ance in e 0 in 6 dalrym dairying nj as aa in ev elbe lse ir lindu taken bo be a good on onnor 0 o keep out entirely th alit dalry dairy cow Js 8 fei fed today and tomorrow tho 00 cast ca sli product la is in tile the milk malk pall Good butter cannat be mabb out inia of bad bad nutter Is a hiang that bo be much much improved dairy cabil cattle bleeders breeders bre bg re i ears eders all af over the united states stated are the value oi the co cow la 14 always disliked but nino nine times out of tei ab la afie the result oi careless ca relesa handling th the e 1 ISO toi Vilich which tho the farmer puts pats his la is a large laige fictor factor in d determining eter minli ur tte ot of the ho dairy hlll milli as it toes frai tho healthy cow w ta is strict strictly pwe pure but it la Is 0 vary very happy homo foi nil all kinds ot of germ life dairy cows arv arb expensive the profitable profi I 1 e way td to keep tho 66 herd bead up is s to raise the calves from tho ae lis dairy product s aro are condensed products lidnel tha edit cast ok marketing Is less and the are proportionally larger the separator sepa la Is a clar lAer or of the milk but it cannot take the plate of careful methods th product ne and ora braining ining th the e byproducts by products ot afie cow skimmed milk and butter irilli are v 0 rt it more in raising pig pigs and calves than for fa r any other possible it pays to strip the cows A recent experiment the me strap st pings are unquestionably tho most valuable part of the milk further than this the cow that Is not stripped hold up UD as well in her milk flow ca 0 1 Z |