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Show THE TOOELE TIMES C. T. STONEY. Publl.h.r TOOELE UTAH Why Is a housefly, anyhow? The merciful man Is now very mer- We know of some cats that never fail to come hack. The Moros seem to be less dangerous than ice cream cones. There are 130,000 foreign waiters In London, all with palms extended. How aeronauts have cities at their mercy in mimic warfare is becoming amazing. With a new record every day it seems there is no limit to the powers of an aeroplane. The Chicago woman whose ear was bitten oft by her husband, probably didnt feed him enough. There is a very bad $2 bill in circulation. Insist on getting your change In twenties .and fifties. A Kansas judge rules that it is the of pedestrians to dodge automo- biles. Also the necessity. Few horses are wearing bonnets this season, probably because bonnets are absolutely out of style. cant swim stay near the If you can swim be satisfied to tell your friends about it. If you shore. Two Philadelphians have lost their lives running for trains. Such unusual baste was sure to be fatal in Philadelphia. INTER-MOUNTAI- cember. It may soon be possible to telephone to England from the United States. Very well, but how about getting money that way? Still there Is an abiding of optimistic faith that it will prove easier to dodge an aeroplane than an automobile or motorcycle. It would seem that more people are giving their lives to the perfection ol the aeroplane than to any former scientific achievement. In twenty-seveyears the Kimberley diamond mines have yielded worth of diamonds. Still our western cornfields do a lot better than $420,-000,00- 0 Ay- -' that The man who is earning his own living in these days, however mildly he may be going about it, is truly enough earning his bread by the sweat of hi3 brow. ilmorous males who are frightened at the way women are invading men's occupations should take heart at the success some achieve in trimming bats. Going down to the sea in ships was the ancient idea of peril. But it was common place safety beside going up In the air in the most modern style of ships. Ten or fifteen deaths among the comparatively few aeronauts and aviators in the last few months are not Dnly depleting their ranks but showing up air flights as mighty dangerous pastiming. In printing the new passenger tickets to be used on airship lines care should be taken to have it specified that stop-ove- r privileges may be had when necessary without the signature of the conductor. s - . general-in-chie- f, VM1 - I s Vice-Preside- Counterfeit buttermilk is being sold In some of the drug stores in the east, and the health authorities say it is very dangerous. Will It never be possible to get a good thing that the counterfeiters cant counterfeit? Farmers after experiment report that the cows yield their milk better when the phonograph Is kept going in the barn at milking time. This seems to offer a grand scheme of relief in the form of moving all the phonographs to all the cow barns. The torpedo boat destroyer Roe reached a speed of 31 knots an hour In a test off the Delaware breakwater, although the contract requirement was only 28 knots, and Is now acknowledged to he the fastest exclusively torpedo boat destroyer In the United States navy. The American shipbuilder has the reputation of cultivating a margin of safety, and turning out boats which exceed the maximum requirements of contracts. When the automobile collides with the locomotive it is seldom that the latter has to go to the repair shop. The work of a contributing editor Is sometimes made difficult by the friends who insist on coming around during office hours to talk politics and tell hunting stories. Having all the news about the hot spell that was fit to print, and some that was not news, it seem3 that we might have a litle cool weather for variety in the news columns Tho first Indication of kidney disorder is often backache. Then comes pain in the hips and sides, lameness,, soreness and urinary troubles. These are the warnings natures signals for help. Doans Kidney Pills should be used at the first sign. Mrs. W. R. Cody, 15th St., Lewis-ton- , I Idaho, says: had a bad case of dropsy and bloated 40 lbs. in weight My ankles swelled and I 402 had to wear shoes two sizes larger than I was nervusual. ous, restless and much run down. After using Doans Kidney Pills I came down to natural weight and my kidneys became normal. Remember the name Doans. For sale by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Milbur- n Co., Buffalo, N. Y. A BROAD HINT. ct n Just bottle up your weather grouch and strike a temperature average for the year on the 31st day of next De- NATUREL SIGNALS, give-ou- e ciful to his beast. duty t Attendant physicians have JAPAN COPS KOREA i the that Gaynor Mayor report HEWS OF A WEEK 1H CAUSE FIRES of out danger. practically McMurray, of Oklahoma, accordine to testimony given before the graft DEATH AND ACinvestigation, drew big salaries front GOVERNMENT MIKADOS several tribes besides his special fees QUIRES VAST AND POPUsurl of the ninety-threThirty-twLOUS TERRITORY. viving members of the old Quantrell RECORD OF THE IMPORTANT band of guerillas met at the opening WHOLE CITY AND VAST AREAS of their annual reunion at Kansas EVENTS TOLD IN BRIEFEST STORM. SWEPT BY BLAZING Heads of Dynasty Will be Made City. MANNER POSSIBLE. LIFE AND PROPERTY LOSS Although Governor Shallenberger of Princes; People Are Kept in IgENORMOUS. Nebraska has apparently been defeat norance of True Situation. ed by Mayor Dahlman for the DemoHappenings That Are Making History cratic nom'nation, he may still go on Information Gathered from All the ticket as the Populist nominee. Party of One Hundred and Eighty Tokio. Within the week the HerA belated attempt to heal the Quarters of the Globe and Caught in Seething Zone and mit kingdom and the empire of KoGiven in a Few Lines. breach in the forestry Alarm is Fet for Their Safety. rea will become historical terms, and land office before the twelve millions of people will be addcampaign gets fairly under ed to the population of Japan, and terway is seen in the action of the deand ritory as large as England will beMont. Mercilessly Missoula, In of sending agriculture Two men boarded a Santa Fe pas- partment elentlessly the forest fires in western come part of the Japanese empire. representatives into Colorado. over The treaty of Portsmouth, which setRussell Fork at the train senger Charles Gear was shot to decth, Montana and Idaho are sweeping of vast hundreds fugibridge, two miles east of Bucklin, tled the war between Japan and Rusarea, driving i Joseph Thomas was fatally Injured Mo., held up and robbed two of the and Preston Gear crawled into the tives before them, destroying small sia, provides that Japan shall have out of exist- the guidance, protection and control passengers and escaped. woods, presumably dying from, a gun- settlements and wiping Othello M. Evans of Kansas City shot wound in a fight over a crap ence millions of dollars worth of of Korea, and the last stage of this was arrested in Salt Lake City upon property. agreement is now becoming an actualgame at Big Springs, Ky. a bigamy charge. It is claimed he The situation Sunday night is more ity after three years of experimentThe New York banks are still acwas a married man with a wife and serious than it was in the early morn- ing to discover a practical method for money to meet the great three children when he married Grace cumulating demand which is bound to begin nex? ing, except as to Wallace, Idaho, conservation of the national entity of Norman of Grand Island, Neb. where it is believed that nearly half the Korean peninsula. month, w'hen the crops begin to move The rrivy council of Japan Sunday Western governors in session in inearnest. One bank alone has be- of the city will be saved. CommuniSalt Lake City decide to send a strong tween $60,000,000 and $70,000,000 in cation with Wal' ace to the west has was summoned to meet at 10:30 delegation to the St. Paul congress to its vaults and all the big banking in- been possible at intervals Sunday, but oclock Monday, and this is regarded off. It is by well informed persons as practieastward it is seek amelioration of conditons arising stitutions are more strongly intrenched known that the entirely of the cally the signal to complete the negoeast half entire from forest service abuses. with cash than they have been for a been tiations between lieutenant General has Seventh above street, town, Afraid to face the future painted by long time. of that a hard fight, is Terauchi, the Japanese resident genburned. West her invalid husband, with whom she Baby Harry, 15 years old, wht eral in Korea, and the emperor ol was discussing the family finances, weighs 450 pounds, and is a star at being made, and with an improvement in the water supply there is more Korea and his cabinet, which have Mrs. Emma Freidburg, in the midst traction at a Chicago was arrest park, of a conversation seized a bottle of ed for violating the child labor law chance that the flames may be driven continued for a week. back. For a few minutes Sunday afThe Yi dynasty in Korea has lasted carbolic acid and swallowed its con by appearing as a freak. ternoon a reporter at Wallace had a for 518 years. Seven branches cf the tents. New York City is to have a new po wire. He summarized the situation family remain, and the heads cf these San Francisco police claim that the litical party. The organiation will bt will be given rank as princes. A numarrest of Man Gow, a Chinaman, has known as the Federated Labor party as follows: lives lost: ber of other officials will be elevated Thirteen lost; property revealed a widespread conspiracy for and had its inception at a meeting o one million; fire still threatening. to the Japanese nobility. bringing Chinese slave girls into the prominent labor men held recently. the negotiations the Throughout Refugees Reach Missoula. country under the guise of wives of Beverly, Mass., was upset whei V About a thousand refugees have mass of the Koreans have been kept native-borChinese. new-came of the New York defeat o in entire ignorance of what has been Released from the federal prison at Theodore Roosevelt for temporary been brought into Missoula Sunday. transpiring. The newspaper censorthem. much is distress There among Fort Leavenworth, Kuratore Suzuki, chairman of the New York Republicai is complete, and Japanese news ship are wants nTheir by supplied being a Japanese, was arrested at the gate state convention. have not been permitted to he papers Missoula people, and they have been sold in Korea. by Thomas Topping, an immigration i with a large black bear given temporary homes. officer from Butte, Mont., who will theColliding in the town of LaGrang highway Three more rescue trains reached ESTRADA WINS IN NICARAGUA. take him back to San Francisco for car in which wer Missoula Sunday night from the west. a motor Tuesday, Suzuki was convicted of Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. deportation. Hopkins ant The Milwaukee ran in two of them Revolutionists Defeat Madriz Forces importing Japanese women for im- John P. Fassatt, all of New York, anand Are in Control. and the Northern Pacific another. moral purposes. Miss Marin Gordon of Philadelphia There were about 500 persons on the The provisional govWashington. It is stated that Senator Heyburn was ditched by the roadside. trains, but none of them is in the dis- ernment of Nicaragua is tottering to stopped an orchestra from playing L. R. Keogh of the Ottawa colleg tress that marked the earlier arrivals. its fall, the Madriz army is demoralDixie at Wallace, Idaho. ate institute stall announces that h The last Northern Pacific train ized, consternation reigns in Managua Statistics show that Denver has the has succeeded in transmuting coppe information that the town of and Dr. Madriz. his brought largest per cent, increase of suicides into iron. He states that the discov Saltest, earlier to be threat- Toledo, and Dr. Irias, are preparing to reported in 1909, with Salt Lake City second ery is of no commercial value. had caught fire before this train flee the country. This, in effect, i3 ened, in the list. The United States marshal at Me leit St. Regis. the news received by the state departDOMESTIC. bile was authorized to arrest J. Harr. From art directions come reports of ment Sunday from United Sttaes ConJames A. Patten, the Chicago wheat Steeves of the fishing smack Alba deaths in the flames, but they are not sul Olivares at Managua, and these king, who made his moqey gambling rella and the entire crew, charget authenticated and it is not believed advices are confirmed by dispatches there have been many fatalities. from Mr. Johnson, United States conon the fluctuations of that commodity, with inflicting corporal punishment o men were overcome by sul at Corillo. boy. warns the American yoih not to gam- John Roguis, a runknown Mrs. Rasmus Hage of Warren, smojRe in the forest near Iron Mounble' with cards. The panic in the capital is threatenchild werf taini It is political death to a Republican Minn., and her ing lives and property of Americans. Crowds are reported traversing the in Kentucky to indorse Speaker Can- drowned, when an automobile slipped NATION THEATRE MAD. streets crying Death to the Yankees. non or the things that Speaker Can- on an incline from a ferryboat and The cruisers Vicksburg and Yorktown non stands for, according to Represen- backed into the river. One Hundred Millions In- are at Corinto and in close touch with The coal lands in North and Soutl More Than tative Ollie James. that legation, and the consulates in vested in Theatrical Business. Eastern railroad magnates declare Dakota, amounting to about a milliot are under heavy police guard Managua seanew theatrical he New York, which withdraw were recently that the outlook for business generally acres, and preparations have been made to be the meet attacks on American lives and this fall and winter is exceptionally from the public domain by Presidenl son which is just opening will Taft, have been opened to homestead Jmost important, from many ight property. in the theatrical history A superintendent of a Childrens settlement under the act passed at LIQUOR CAUSES STRIFE. Home Finding society in a western the session of congress authorizing bf the United States. While managers throughout the state, says that the one great cause agricultural entries on coal lands. United States are optimistic In their Numerous Arrests of City Officials at for the dependent child is the unskilled WASHINGTON. Roswell, N. M. perdictions, nevertheess there is an parent, and that the unskilled houseTo satisfy the demands of Dr. G undercurrent of alarm engendered by Roswell, N. M. After being arrestkeeper is one of the greatest curses Campbell the English the theatrical war. Morgan, ed twice Sunday, the chief of police In the land today. preacher, President Taft will not now in- of this town is at liberty on hail SunMore than $100,000,000 in an speak at Winona Tuesday, August 30. Attorney General OMalley in In theatrical this day. The mayor, a deputy sheriff, a vested things opinion sent to Governor Hughes of at the Presbyterian assembly. ;ountry. constable, an attorney and two citiNew York, holds that exhibitors of Postmaster General Hitchcock will Over forty new theaters have either zens were arrested only once each, the Johnson-Jeffriefight pictures are soon start west to look over the post seen built for the new season or are and all except one are out on bond. not a violation of the penal law of the offices and will try his In the course of construction now. Trouble started when D. R. Patincidentally state. his hand as pacificator of the warring ricks confectionary store was raided, new and One hundred fifty plays a Business prospects are excellent all factions of the Republican party. quantity of intoxicants was seized he jvill produced. over the country, but speculation is The gross receipts at fifty of the i As usual, Charles Frohman is the and Patrick was arrested, charged ordiwith the prouiibtion dull owing to the uncertainty of the largest postoffices of the country dur tentral figure in the arrangements for nance. violating political outlook. ing the month of July showed an in he season, and the greatest national According to the census figures the crease of $199,465, or 2.74 per cent Interest is centered in his forthcomSTRIVING FOR HARMONY. back to the farm slogan dont work. compared with the same month Iasi of Chanticleer. ing production These figures show a constant in- year, according to a statement issued Split in Republican Possible Under Present Conditions. crease of urban population. Cruiser British Aground. by the postoffice department. New York. More than one RepubliAccording to the preliminary report Tokio. The British cruiser Bedford Officials say there is not the slightof the commissioner of internal revest possibility of the cholera plague ran ashore on the southwest portion can leader of national prominence has enue for the year ending June 3, which to the United States, the of Quelpart island Sunday. Japanese predicted that before many days has just been received in the local spreading measures now in force warships have been sent to her asJames S. Sherman would requarantine revenue office, the prohibition wave aere and in Russia being so effective sistance. The weather is bad. The sign the position that he has been in the United States has resulted in as to preclude any danger of Russian Bedford at the time of the accident placed in the interests of harmony, re7.631 saloons being put out of busibringing over the disease. Was sailing with the British squadron fuse to allow his name to go before has lost immigrants ness, and the government from China, for Naga- the New York state Republican conFOREIGN. $190,788.74 in licenses from these savention as temporary chairman. In saki, Japan. A $20 000 contribution for the relief loons. " this event the honor would go to PORTUGAL ALARMED. former President Theodore Roosevelt; Harry Foster, 22 years old, of Car- flood sufferers in Japan was forwarded but in view of current political events men, Okla., who killed his father by the American Red Cross to Tokio. Ac-' li the Empire state, it is believed when he was about to strike Mrs. FosInsurgent forces have apparently Grave Fears of Government Over Colonel Roosevelt would spurn the oftivity cf Republicans. ter, after she had accused her hus- won a complete victory in Nicaragua band of infidelity, was arersted on a after a year of the fiercest fighting in Lisbon. The Seculo says the cleri- fer as his name has been turned down committee by the state Republican cal partys strong and growing dissatcharge of murder after a coroners Central Americas history. once. France honors George Washingtons isfaction with the liberal policy of the jury had exonerated him. GAYNOR FOR GOVERNOR. After forty years of separation, memory of the dedication of a replica government has culminated in the orwhich began in their infancy, F. J. of the famous Houdon statue in Na ganization of a revolution to overthrow the administration, se'ze its Tammany Leaders Say Mayor Will Eheihard of Los Angeles and Mrs. C. poleon hall, Versailles. Be Named for Governor. A. Jessen of Salt Lake City, brother Hawley Harvey Crippen and Ethel members and set up a m'litary dictaNew York. Mayor Gaynor will he in the for- Care Lenrve sailed for England cn torship. the first object cf wh:ch will and sister, were nominated by the Democrats for govmer city. the White Star liner Megantic and are be to stamp out the RepuhPcans. The government is greatly disturbed ernor of New York hv acclamation at Liverpool at noon next Saturdue Fifty railroad cars were demolished oyer the intense activity of the Re- This is the news brought by the Tamor damaged, among them the private day. publicans in preparing for the general many members of the Democratic Orion. newest Britains The Great car of President Peters of the Long elections next Sunday. The candi- state committee from the Islyand railroad, when an explosion land greatest battleship, was aunelied dates for office have entered every meeting cf the committee. But it is in at occurred in the express shed of the Portsmouth, Engand, Saturday in the country. The thought he will decline the honor, as Long Island railroad in Long Island the presence of Kng Alfonsa and consttiuency have searched the homes he would make the best logical candiauthorities of Victoria Spain. Queen City. of a number of Republicans and have date for the presidential race that An expression of sympathy of the Democrats could choose. The support of the negro electorate found stores of arms and ammunition. the of the United States for a possible American government and the peepe Passenger Kills Captain. third term was pledged in behalf of of the United States with Japan in Preacher Goes on Stage. San hunin Francisco. A wireless report which flood the delecalamities, Colonel Roosevelt by the 1,100 Chicago. Rev. Dudley C. Fosher, gates of the National Negro Business dreds lost their lives In Japan in the fut the last, three years pastor of the received by the Merchants' exchange E. B. Sunday states that Captain Mens league in convention at New last few days, was telegraphed by the state department to the American em- Ryjdex Memorial Universalist church, Wood of the steamer Bucxman, was York. ha resigned and has accepted a posh killed night in a struggle The Evangelist Commitee of Forty, bassador at Tokio. tioh with a musical comedy company with anSaturday insane passenger. Iieland is still losing population. here. headed by James G. Cannon, president of the Fourth National bank of New The excess of births over deaths in Kills His Brother. Student Fasts Forty-siDays. 1909 was 27.7S6, according to the regYork City, which will conduct a Martinez. Cal. Endeavoring to pron-wide Denver. Rowland Miller, a young tect himself and others in the house campaign aga'nst evil, will istrar general's report just Issued, but hold a meet'ng in Niagara Falls on as 28,676 people emigrated during the student of this city, has not tasted from death or serious injury, Spesina days. Water he Billecci, an Italian fisherman, shot Monday to outline further plans for year, there was an actual decrease of food fur forty-siand He in purson quantities. great revival. drinljS the killed his brother, Joseph Billecci, for ten to eat days nothing poses Sunday n'ght. vm e. i, a x natio- x Jim I suppose you love to go sleighing because of the melody of the jingling sleigh hells. Jess Yes, and they often lead up to the wedding bells. Thats the best of It Sign of Recovery. If when the devil is sick a monk he will be, said Rose Stahl sagely, then the devil gets well in double quick time. Witness that young 'dlvil with the ladies, my kid cousin. Last winter he was ill, so ill he didnt have any sense of humor left nor any sense either. I was staying at the same hotel, and when I went in to look after him he virtuously remarked that his room was no place for a Chorus Lady and promptly shooed me out. (A few years ago I spanked that kid.) Then he got scared and sent for a doctor and the doctor sent for a trained nurse. For several days I got bulletins of his progress from the chambermaid. The fourth morning she set my mind completely at rest Sure, maam, said Maggie, an I think he do be gettin along very well. The nurse was sittin on his lap this morninl Mrs. Wiggins Idea of London. During the recent visit of Mrs. Wig-gi- n, the American author, in London, an interviewer called on her. 'With pencil poised, the interviewer asked: "And what dcr you think of London, . Mrs. Wiggin? You remind me, answered the author cheerfully, "of the young lady who sat beside Dr. Gibbon at dinner. She turned to him after the soup. Do, dear Dr. Gibbon, she said, tell me about the decline and fall of empire. the-Roma- Those Cocked Hats. Dilly My salary is knocked Into & cocked hat this week. Dally Why? Dilly My wifes chantecler will take it all. Town Topics. The entire nature of man is the garden which is given him to cultivate. ( W. E. Gladstone. Cut Out Breakfast Cooking Easy to start the day cool and comfortable if are in the pantry ready to serve right from the No cooking package. required; just add some cream and a little sugar. Especially pleasing these summer mornings with berries or fresh fruit. One can feel cool in hot weather on proper food. The Memory Lingers POSTUM CEREAL CO., Ltd. Battle Creek. -1 t : J |