Show he lave gave it up tho the different ilium ideas held by people ol at dif different forent conditions of 0 life are amusingly illustrated by tho the unexpected sometimes received by those whoso choso desire todo to do good Inada them to step across tho the boundary ailed tf wealth and poverty how anro yourt hildron mrs mr 4 blank a charitable visitor asked of a atonement ton emont ement house mother in now york the other day all well maam perfectly pore cUy you ought to bo be thankful for or that with so BO much about yes I 1 I 1 ought to be thankful buts but I 1 tell fell you maae when well they cat an aw ful lot A woodton lady was pleading with a te alaster who kept beating one of hla his horses unmercifully 11 oh lf IA there tiny any need of whipping him so CO la Is thoro thero any uso use in idill it sho she asked divia a bit maam replied tho driver civilly and with tho the nip air of a 0 man who does his duty oven whan id 14 la Is in ivo liked tho ho till im played out an it aint a bit ol 01 0 uso 11 Muns mg mag 1 J |