Show COUNTY COURT proceedings or OP MUCH TO THE COUNTY introduced an interesting Inte session of the county court wa hold tuesday morning at which the th e following members were present judge C A herman dhonies H 11 clark gustavo anderson paul droubay and sheriff gillespie Gille apio after the minutes of cf the tha last were read re ad and approved john C do la mare marc presented his commission as probate audgo la in and for rocele county and was accepted judge herman was va tendered a vote f thanks for the ablo able manner in which ho he had bad conducted coo ducted the business of the court rhoda parry applied for relief of taxes sad bad on motion 30 3 5 was wan allowed and appropriated to mrs parry tor for such relief II 11 S gowans presented a petition from W W V utter et at asking tor for a remittance of the same bamo being an erroneous assessment ses on 2700 head of sheep the petition was referred to the county attorney and the court also thought advisable to set met the luo opinion of D legal advisor adviser la in relation to said raid petition on motion of selectman Sal ectman anderson anderaon the county clerk was instructed to pur purchase chuse ballot boef boac s sufficient clent for the november Nov embar election tho bill of thomas gundry for ta 5 was ii as rif referred erred back to him tor for itemization A bill for 15 for three cord of wood was received from john it IL it was decided tuut that 12 only be allowed as it was understood that wood could be ba purchased for fa 1 per cord of john S leo for fa 9 for 00 00 feet of lumber loi or clover and st john road district was waa allowed bill of justice george georga R judd was re f erred back for correction bill of NV BI tor for 1060 1050 tor for fixing county road in Grants grantsville ville was wa presented aud and showed allowed bill of W it K gillespie for 23 26 for thirteen days service at garfield beach basch was presented and allowed the clerk clark was instructed to notify road supervisor ed dalton to purchase timber and repa repair the bridges on ophir road district and present bill for same the bill of bros for 1450 4 50 tor for re county jail was allowed and BP ap boj city water pr P r for aorl 2490 90 for coming year was op approved proved tho the bill of margaret mckellar for board and care of mrs patrick for the mouth month of august amoul ting to 3 was allowed and appropriated fruit treo tree inspector joshua IL clark presented hla his report for the year the report was wa accepted and hla his bill billot of 50 was allowed and appropriated the bill of george spiers for for merchandise famished farais hed joseph bad anil elizaboth elizabeth bates was wa allowed and appropriated A petition signed by three tax was presented to the court asking ashing for a curtailment of the expenses of the county government and that economy be ba used in the running of tile the county so as 11 to make it as easy as aa possible for taxpayers to pay their taxes the tha court treated tha petition favorably and resolved to do all they possibly could in relation to vald eald petition the following court fees were allow allowed edt i judge hermon ft 11 judge do la blare marol 14 thomas 11 dark clark Sal selectman ectman one day and mileage mi louRO gustavo gustave anderson anderaon ditto paul droubay ditto court adjourned to meet monday oct got lit lilt 1891 1894 the following is a copy of tho the resolutions presented by judge oe do lit la mare blare advising that economy be practiced practised in the administration of the county government CITY sept it Is moved thattie that the following resolutions be adopted by thu county court and that they ha effect from and atler after their adoption whereas Who the tha flanc lal condition of the people of bocolo county is ia such that it wilt will be ba no an impossibility for many of them to io pay ay their taxes anti and other obligations because of the dop in agricultural and other products and Wa oreas the taxes for the year 1891 are now due and many will have to sacrifice their property and homes may bavo to bo be sold to pay tho the taxes therefore bo be it Kr soLVED that we vve take lako no wore more revenue irma from the people than will catty run the county Govora ment and in order to reduce the burdena burden of the people we make the following reductions lb it ex benses of the county i first that we furnish no more hay or water for stock at the Coun county tys expense espe noo and that trio the county co anty baru by bu closed or cooled if t thern la is an opportunity that wo we bold no more mei menns tings ol of the iba court than Is 1 required by law viz als first monday la in march june september and december of or aboa ch year and at uch such other lime as aa there la Is important to justify a special session tes slon Third That no member of the court on work be allowed more than 4 per day dagand and when conveyance la Is necessary necea tary to RO go to and from place ot of service ta 1 per day bo be allowed Fourth that Thin tho the salary of the county clerk be reduced from fiao per quarter to ver per quarter that the county treas frers salary bo be reduced tram from 75 per par quarter to per quarter fifth that the iho attorney enan ived aa a loral legal adviser bo be no longer retained and that arran arrangement gemon be made with the county attorney to furnish such legal advice and counsel as may be required by tho the court sixth that tho the quarterly allowance of 15 to the clerk clark of the abo court for the care of the court house bo be no longer allowed and that retrenchment be our motto in nil all other expenses of the county whore where it to Is possible |