Show V LOCAL NEWS barney weyland ot of erda was a too ele visitor tuesday C R mcbride has just returned from a busl business iren trip to idaho mr herb Gro hoskie hoskle is among the salt lake visitors this week 1 county recorder fred bryan w was as in salt lake on business this week anyhow we have got a young fire bri grade in this cit city that is not afraid to work mrs margaret hiemes of anaconda Is s a guest at the home 0 of her son on fifth avenue miss zella clegg went to salt lake this ibis week lor for a weeks visit among relatives and friends mr and mrs U US S cline and family tave have returned from avisia with relatives and mends in wyoming A fine baby girl was born last week to lo mr and mrs george england mother and baby doing fine mr ud and mrs heines gridley and little daughter helen of ophir are spending a few days in tooele thoele the bee hive tailoring co have just received the swell est line of fall and winter woolens ever exhibited in any city mrs carrie ashby and son of salt lale lake city has been in tooele thoele the past week weak visiting among relatives and friends miss lurette brown and miss lane of salt uke lake spent a week in our beautiful city the guests of peter clegg and family A good place to stop in salt lake is the new windsor hotel in the he heart A of the city hyrum baird proprietor arf etor e 1 toi mrs grace henderson returned home ho rp e wednesday from salt lake lak e where shar kehas has been spending her summer vacation vaci tion every thing is going on to have a big time on thoele tooele day we expect the program will be complete next week peter G droubay is now in the insurance in business the fire of list last saturday night has given tire ire insurance a boost in tooele thoele mrs L T who has been spending the summer in butte denver an and dother other points returned to her home in fr boele tooele on sunday dining room set consisting of buffet extension table and six chairs in mission lor for sale cheap for cash enquire tt at Tian transcript script office the fie first train over the western pacific railroad left california monday regular trains will now be run over the road daily each way three daily editions of the ogden standard will now be issued each day one at 5 in the morning another at 2 in the afternoon and the regular evening edition at john jhn D D ryan president of the in tepa iiona smelter co will be in thoele tooele on an inspection trip in a few days dayi the construe construction c don work ron on the the smelter will then be finished duke gordon represent ng the singer sewing machine co of salt lake city are at present in town and will be lor for a short time they are competent machinists and will be pleased to repair all kinds of sewing machines at moderate charges they will also have a few of the latest singer machine an hand for disposal dt at cut priced at one time during daring the fire last saturday sight there were over one thou thousand on the street some thought there were more than that but bilt a thousand people in a city like this makes a big crowd we have co counted abed a z very large gathen gathering ng in this city ity but we have never found over atone al one tinier except it was at the old A folks iks excursion last june when there e were people but they crowded the meeting house lawn very well |