Show UTAH STATE NEWS work lit ii to begin during the week on a nw now distillery at murray in a free tor for all light fight in a saloon in ogden james altoran was thrown to the floor and sustained a broken leg ipg the city officials ot of logan are waging a war upon peddlers accused ot of selling belling groceries without having first secured a city license the ladles ladies ot of the snow academy academe in ephraim have abandoned their rata since alace the law was passed by the student body to discontinue using them george delares Delar del arts ls a greek was severely stabbed by jim taula a countryman during a drunken brawl in ogden the injured mans condition a regarded as an serious paving of the sidewalks la in spring ville Is to begin at once fifteen blocks being included in district no 1 which was ordered paved at a recent meeting of the city council according to an opinion expressed in the utah state Wool growers bulletin issued thursday the price of 0 wool will bo be practically unchanged chanced un during the summer bummer ot of 1910 the gunnison Gunn lson valley power company has been incorporated at aunill son cm the purpose of the company compan y being to furnish electric light heat t and power most ot of which will be disposed of 0 in sanpete county As aa the result of an unbalanced mind 0 M QuI quincy ricy also known as jim me ile winn of scranton pa committed suicide by taking thirty grains of strychnine in his room at a rooming looming house in salt lake laka city emil bradley Dr adley 63 53 years ot of age and a miner of murray Blur rayo died ln in a salt laka me hospital tuesday from spinal meningitis brought on by a piece of quartz entering the tha eye of bradley about ten days previous the beet growers ot of box elder county are now demanding 5 per ton for beets from the box elder county growers further complicating the fight between tile the amalgamated sugar company and tile tho beet growers james 11 crawford craw ford colored who shot and killed another negro named C C lockhart Lockhar tp in ogden three years ago died on an wednesday of i crawford was acquitted on pleas of 0 self defense and insanity charles charlea 11 helps 63 53 years ot of age aee who has served two terms in state prisons for murder Is wanted by the authorities autho rises at built buhl idaho where on bunday march 20 lie he stabbed to ald lk A young man 21 ot of age tho the provo woolen mills are now nd ad for sale to the highest bidder at auction on april 13 there seems to be no doubt now that in a few months the whistle which has so long lone een silent will again call tho the oper tors to work to fittingly celebrate the comple nn mn of tho the western pacific railroad id d the new denver RIO graude grande western union depot the salt laka la ke 0 o iteal heal istatt association Is planning a afi rousing reusing celebration to take pa place lace in the capital city threatening to blow up the first national bank with a package or of dy walh h he s sa said id I 1 he held in his hand if any effort wr made to ar j rest him cornelius alani manula ix attempted 4 to bluff an ogden plain in clothes ruall man but failed in his purpose and Is in jail orders for the double tracking 0 of the oregon short line north from armington to ogden ora axe considered as of the abandonment of he weber canyon aryon farmington cutoff cut off which was calculated to eliminate ogdon ogden from the route of through trains from los angeles to tho the east plans for the erection of a large steel plant and foundry for tho the construction st ruction ou of tare cars to be built in the ogden railroad yards of tho the Harri maxi lines are being considered according to word given out from saml sources Bour ces tho the plant la Is to cost after battling with an attack ot of diabetes dla betea for nearly tour four months charles M freed aged 67 years president ot of the freed fred furniture carpet company succumbed to the lla dis ease at his home lit in salt lakee I UKO city on wednesday mr freed was one ot of the most prominent business mon ol of the capital cuy city lora lauterbaugh IS years yearn old 0 id who disappeared from her home in chicago a few months ngo ago was rescued ty b y the vilce of ogden at the home of K X kainady Kai KaTr nado ialo VL a japanese gambler the girl had bad been enticed from her home by the japanese by promises of luxury and ease and was living in direct poverty whom when rescued Saro ot 0 soll soil from every section 0 of tho ahe state will bo be collected tested and the character shown in color colom on oil tho the map to bo be issued in tho the next annual report ot of the utah conservation com it if tho the government jol cotna as wl the state in gathering this am in poking information Artl clea ot incorporation ot of tho the iron mountain st george grand canyon railroad r 0 company capitalized at at 2 0 0 bava ave just been mod filed in ae 08 ter tell citory of 0 arizona and similar articles will ia bo filed with the secretary of at tate taia of utah in ia a few days II 11 P lynottt decaty beima super isor who Us been detailed detail ed to secure the census among the indians in utah ulab pa odys ya there are ara about navajo Na TiJa indians lu lit tho the locality COLlItY 16 of tho the southern boundary of the tha stale plate about fifa ot hom he be ays are grolni in the L are bathe on the arlzo arizona a side TL t 0 va 5 |