Show VOTES FO FOR QUEEN Thousand Cost Cast to Dato At Stake Flir Fair The Tho faIr continues to tobo tobe bo be Yesterday drens 11 tiny las Was the tho banner day or of the season there beIng nearly youngsters oun there during the tho afternoon with nn an attendance ot of tuly fully half that number the There Thera Is no buying the tact that time the people ot of stake hal have entered Into the tho ut if the timing thinG Ind and the they are tur turn tug Ine out In Iii 1 immense throngs wih with no mm ci 01 her object tn In 1101 view thul than that t of at lal mu ak log time tho fair successful The booths bootha wel run upon and each daYs bus 1119 amounts to 1 a God good round Ium sum IRI night there thero wan Of I a lelY ery eredita blo ble operatic amid there wIll be other features to odd add to time tho 11 ot of tie time occasion WOI Von under tinder the capable and nd pains painstaking taking or of U Ii Morris Young Is IK still on one of the tho amusing tea lures ot of th the l big show and I a triP through ls its labyrinths Is cl worth time the money paid there thero II is the hIstorical relics booth which CO con contains perhaps time tho fInest Onest ot of such tImIngs In the state Time The candy to toy anti art booths arc 1180 also features ot of the tho occasion il Ile time tho booth Is Istl tl true to life even eve to time the unraveling ot of n mysteries ot of tim tho future Vote ot lag hll for Cor Ileen II being pushed ushe with much Vigor Igor and indications are oro that before belore time the contest Is completed theN wil h be ninny a skirmish for tor first ut place At time the close ot of the tho evenings balot ballot the theote vote ote stOOl ni mis follows Carrie lug Jessie 1330 South Lily lucks 1190 urk Mi reek cru Garim Forest Dale Dule t Cahoon Murray turay Minnie t le Marsden 1303 1301 l er e Hunter ICo I Clara MC ors runt irant I eHne May Smith 3 0 Net Neff I flast lt 1 Creek Crek I case This brings Ig lug Cottonwood l Farm Farmers ers Il und amid In 1 ii neck mind race wih with Mill 11 Creek I lor or eft eat nm and Murray In the second I class Many rumors are arc afloat nH as to tim cUI the tho activity among time tho smaller 1 Ily some I It is IR thought the tho small voting wil will 1 be increased to time the rank To n a great grent surprise I Is anticipated from Tn whIch it Is vigorously working I a gnome of generalship South Cottonwood 1 a gain or of nearly votes lost last night aught |