Show CONTAGION IN Trustees Deny Bony Tat That Building Is Responsible The Tue trustees ot nt the I school dt dis district have berm cr greatly of 1110 bite because 1 of tho thim chargo t b erratic that ever every ratio ot of that has occurred 1 In eon can h 10 to that thai school chool Od and that tIme tho hal II Ps I it 1 I redi mug Institution amid should bo be burne time rhe Is IK fact Ha say the that the school Is entIrely free tro from ron evel 01 disease timid 1 s II in JO JOwise mm wise for tor the outbreak of time tho malady In that locality The Tue Is wih with story hod r convene l acI tim I shI l I multi I t his lies been oen that there thero is so o II no mio reason In iii th the why It should not ho hoJo JURt Jo st IR itS by aM mm mm other The declare that the for em time the CI 1010 hove beem I guilty or of n is most of the tho Ind that to moro more than to Sue eiRe ns I is dle tl mm e the tho prend d of the tho dl disease iii J that neighborhood Then hel 1 a great Ir if time Iho cases reported HC itic among not oi school ago un and 11 also a ong 0 iho Io do not nol the school In In this they art supported b Iy the tho of the tho health h I the of Ma Mayo o alil O el who say u that there ther Is 18 n m b r why the tho hol building should he for the thc of the In that K clon tIt school Is IR as I mm ur In such CI es CS |