Show bones are ar effat Eff ct A A swiss anthropologist recently returned from trip lh through patagonia ile he had with ith him many cases containing skeletons letone and skulls that he had bad five collected the swiss customs officers opened the cases and after long consultation sul tation appraised the contents as ob common bones charging the scientist a stilt duty the explorer got hair angry and declared it a profanation to to appraise human bonea that way to his surprise the customs officials were aa by his demarks and retired for another consultation C leasing classing vigor I 1 them hem residents as worn personal effects of foreign fifty one for 11 11 0 0 it IL it baltimore jan 23 one of the largest bridge contracts that has been awarded what does it do in many ears has been let by the it causes the oil glands gland receivers of the L baltimore an and d ohio in the skin to become more railroad in older to place the lines west alst of the ohio river in proper shape active making the ai air sort to handle the heavy fi eight equipment and glossy precisely as that la IS being used east of the river nature intended the receivers found it necessary to rebuild build d 51 bridges between benwood W it cleanses cleans esthe the scalp from na a and chicago the tha structures dandruff and thus removes might be rapidly pushed to completion it was mas decided to divide the work one of the great causes of among three companies the youngstown baldness bridge company of youngstown it makes a better circulation will III erect 31 bridges on the central ohio division between the ohio river in the die scalp and stops and newark ohio the pencoyd bridge the hair from coming out morlis arks N was as awarded the it 11 bridges on the lake erie division ne newark w ark to ei essel if el sandusky and the edge mo moor or holdge 13 company ot of del will ivin erect the 9 needed on the chicago CC cures pes ell go division 1 ahe I he total coat of these bridges Is in the neighborhood of ayers hair vigor will and it is expected that all will nill be I 1 surely make hair grow on in place by september nearly six thousand tons of steel will be needed bald heads provided only tor for the structures there is any life remaining in the hair bulbs I 1 lie N I 1 orm orwell egi in cot pa of skated a a force it I 1 lecul lai to tile tha at aimy of that country la is a restores color to gray body of Boldi solders Lra aimed with ri rifles fles w who h 0 or hair it does not can bo maneki ei ed ul aion on loo fee or over the tha do this in a moment as snow fields of tile the mountains cithara with bra will a hair dye but in a eat eqi al to that t f the best trained ca cavalry va try short time the gray color of age gradually disappears ONLY SEVENTY THREE HOURS and the darker color salt lake to nw new lork of youth takes its place by a recent change in schedule dulo tho over would like land limited of the th and you a copy north NN stein katein in connection with the ti of our book on the hair B S AM M S and anan N Y C A 11 H R R it and scalp it is free now make t the he unparallel time record of it you do not obtain all the benfatt only three days to now aik oik imin you on opted from tl u i BO 0 tho V write tl tl e at r about it leaves salt loire lake 7 00 a ni in ogdon 8 10 it ft J 0 AYER lowell cihi im dally arches chicago 7 45 5 a in and grand central depot new york city 10 05 85 a in second and third days respectively only one on change of oars cars and twelve hours A quickest time for purchase of tickets and reservation of bentli call at tho I 1 old mt moot m n kd in n few h linnan w I 1 h stand main street or address 11 II akl M IT KRAU al F AS LIQUID VIC EXTRACT OF SMOKE general md ade fo from hick ry wood d or cleaner clay agent t r mid and 11 ircy th th the ol 01 II 11 I 1 F S sd sand d 1 t r cf cin u ular lar L 1 A U M milton I 1 1 I 1 ill MORNING NOON AND NIGHT xe new I 1 iraln rain ser ke the well known the rio grande M estern railway now opel ates t the lie best local train service to og tea of the pacific coast la ig don trains leave salt lako lake city at 9 45 a in 12 80 noon and 10 BO 50 p in tho the 12 80 schillings s best noon train mill w stop nt at all intermediate wel for goodness P points lits between salt lake city and ogden return trains leave ogden at 7 30 a m end and money back if you 2 10 p m and 6 85 35 p in dont lile like it six fine silver plated knives free to 41 users of diamond I 1 0 I 1 soap ask grocer ile he bt phout BeenK nt t tho the I 1 rainy maysles I 1 in now new boik hold de be what thou se emest live thy creed a four hour session last week and agreed hold up to baith the torch divine to disa dasagne gice in the good old way of women de be what thou to be made and doctors as to m whether bether their skirts let the great manteis a steps ie be shoat I 1 bo be foul or eight inches from tho the thine wot wet pavements fill up each hour with what shall TO CIKI A COLD IN I 1 DAY DAT last tillie bahat 7 ve anronio quinine tablets all buy up tho the moments as they go refund tho the im in ney it it falls to cure do co ahe got ulna has L 11 Q on each tablet the life above when ihen this Is past Is the ripe fruit of life below tho fact that tiala bobbing lobbing isa Is a business cracker jack of crack OME of the worst diseases or er neck found himself pinched for money S SOME IT while b ile getting shaved ono one day last week scarce scarcely give a sign until they strike their victim down the A man who Is feal logo can go through terrible brights disease may be twice as much trouble as a coward for and only show years growing A dose dole of five drops now and then by a ba backache chache or will benefit you tor for la grippe its use a change of urine by sallow face few days ak w ill curo cure you see their ad and failing appetite verti in another column of this paper containing strong testimonials duhme leans theman the man alose wl oso only thought Is to con tribute to tae happiness theis Is as it near as it Is possible 1 for 11 him no N T to get liverm men Wita ava blow lown 1 soothing syrup fe hIldren teet teething bIng tha athe K g ints m reduce in flandi aaion allay pain buies wind 21 beuls Is 3 a tried remedy that grapples with a 1116 disease in every symptom cures we acet a lot of people every day who this and all other disorders of the liver a sk questions moi met ely for the a iko of got kidneys or madder bladder sold by druggists ting a chance to ausa er them ft 1 I oo oa a bottle THE DR J H MCLEAN MEDICINE CO Il honesty like other policies polk iea often runs ST LOUIS MO out the day cotoio a the ali diio a righting iloh of Sch leys fleet says an american gunner can hit a spot the size of a beer kegs head 3 out of 5 times time ST JACOBS OIL can strike the tha fa every time it penetrates pain spot of SCIATIC ja and cures T DIRT IN THE HOUSE BUILDS THE HIGHWAY TO BEGGARY BE IN TIME AND USE A P 0 L 10 relief at last CANDY CATHARTIC cathal 1 DU DARTs 1 I L s ati pi P i I 1 I 1 Is 5 1 fal F FEMALE ALC wry ways relli to 1 un an I 1 x 11 t JEA JEAs PIEL s it air aa I 1 trench I 1 fills ill in nistal t tx r X with french frenc I 1 finn on toil in blut whit and wl inlet lt on cuvi X tie ft KI uin j relief or women en 11 d in plain n med H lott r with br I 1 a I 1 I 1 partial lri add U FRENCH OK JQ CO stan anil pearl st anif NY HER abe ILS CURE YOURSELF 1 brt I 1 wi ili ih deyrup rt tut nune sr n hir 6 1 calas U bin big u i I 1 r unnatural unna ural on 77 ME irr tat u or u ul 4 iu luni 4 of 0 0 nn J 1 1 sd nd nut t at ca ila I 1 tHE EVANS CHEW GAI 01 CO sl bint or pc acio io W N U salt lake laka no 4 1809 5 0 mold held by a A pr OT at tn in plain wr PP liy by iam pr ald fr to bhea 1 han Ansh cring 1 l no 2 id Cir calr ib bat oil rqn kaaua mention thia itus raper J A J t jr A i 1 4 44 y v alty lighted with Aeo tri orn alt a cita of Is 1 the first CRT city on the Huro Europen nn conti nent to be lighted throughout with L d Rel acetylene tylene gas ens since the let day ot of fc november this gas gaa boa been used in public street lamps and wherever coal gas was waa previously used in vote vate residences acetylene acet llena gas la Is being abeln us now the light to la bright and so BO far very in every re r A bac bachelor liLlor enya that wha in ailed riled nien men aro otton ns ailous to got gat out ot of matti mony molly ns as single are to got in ill it jaw bonci of gigantic have leavo boon been un TM THE in ohio is excellence OF or OF ms thus I 1 Is duo due not only to tho and simplicity of tile tho combination but also alclo the Nt lol to to tile tho enio caio lint an I 1 skill shill with which it IS tho the ea esca ea 0 of r the oriel are arc now crt it manufactured ly by scientific ifie processes toted on washington mashington tho the beat line known to tile tho CAI california syrup between chicago and the national co only and w e to inisi inipi ess CBS upon capital la in the motion monon route 0 11 II all tile t ance of purchasing the ho D RY hy U B 0 S IV and II 11 0 title aal original remedy As aa the tha through taj ough sleepers ledo chicago dally daily syrup of I 1 ign its is manufactured at 2 45 a ni in oady featly in Dc dearborn arborn station by tile tho CALiroi iNiA ila iia co at 8 9 30 p in arriving at cincinnati only a linoN of that thab fact will at 11 20 a in IN washington ashington assist in ono one avoiding the worthless at 6 47 a in and baltimore 7 GO a m imitations imi tationa manufactured fractured manu by other par this to la the most comfortable and convenient train for the east lunning out tits tile high stan standing ling of the CALI ot of chicago rio ria beup co with the modi cal aslon and the satisfaction nim br now flow thy youth tooth 1 which 11 tho the genbi fie nuino tic syrup of I 1 digs has haa riven given to Mul bullions mullions lions ot of families makes make bestow thy auth bouth BO that thou may at the namo name of tile the Colli pliny a guaranty Ruai anty have comfort to teni ember it when it of the excello nee of its reirin dy it in hath bath fo isaken thoe thee and not sigh elgh and fur in advance of all other laxatives grieve at the account thereof whilst 8 as it acta on oil tho kidneys liver andi thou art oung thou wilt think it will bowels without Irti irritating tating or wea weakening enk never have an end but behold the klicin pill in I 1 it los dos not inot g ripe gripe nor lanfest day bath its ita evening and thou in older to get ita beneficial halt enjoy it but once it never luina ef feLts clenso remember the name 0 of again use it therefore fore as aa the springtime tho the company m which soon boon depar and wherein thou ought to plant and sow BOW california FIG SYRUP CO all provisions for a long and happy BAN AN val rl life ky kf IV kte I 1 off 9 N MT IN catarrh cannot 11 lie cured N W anred ca of I 1 s a 4 t R U I 1 P A N 6 LOCAL aati icae IONS na its chev cannal will i ral 1 6 rein oil to ti klimis ill to lim lcK 1 rach ali tile teat seat ot of the daru ti is in ft a co new I 1 urk ork it i r 10 it unil acl in lei mij aud I 1 ON rach blood or and inoel in or 1 arto r to cure it you 1 kite hall fall B n sn D NEW E w D DISCOVERY of 1 l cut rutn a rth buia cuia we ls Is internally Interi ully ally ant an 1 not non I 1 ill sw I 1 M ared lr on oil it lie 1 a bluel loo I 1 an mil I 1 im 01 1 iran I I 1 r f Vs OB V air sei se I 1 r r rl I 1 hll it r tm iliili 11 lall fall it em a Is in it t n a in me liolio nt lit I 1 ur dr it II it II saimi abian a i III a t was abed bv one ona of tile bent n v thiR 1 eption country it in tor for slid mid ol of in 1 abo a bl in 1 l 1 n ten I 1 r writ wan CLAIMANTS t NATHAN PE N SION s 1 0 N ik known n q an coult ined with thai out blood pur i ll 11 r 1 I 1 F j ith D 0 they acting directly on the i murfa rii en I 1 ilia ito I 1 I 1 will receive i ilok replies it mb N if vote volt peoer 0 gibli the tha two larf rits is in I luib dorp alok claims lac 18 1871 7 3 w whit at ani mith won I 1 results in curing annd ond for or I 1 arrn fr 1 r T cul ill I 1 props we coledo dof da THE KEELEY INSTITUTE 1 TS roof sol bo I 1 b fro family I 1 ilia tile tho amit 01 1 1 leini t it 0 lic niti le and ald I 1 I 1 alro I 1 klick bit al uio a I 1 i ly I 1 aitu a bin in it liila lii a diate lt IV IV strown I 1 e ia 1 i i color an binl I 1 NI mui am r bork it ling sa 1 m I 1 like to tallou a funny story atory c rioh oin o in i n I 1 i e 11 atal it ti 11 if ural 0 1 reel Hll 1 loll falt I 1 kl ty until bout my little boy oil well moll go all end dut but I 1 havo have forgotten foi gotton gotten it FOR 14 GENTS CENTS say bay I 1 don t iou 3 ell want a good elgart A 8 tin f u han tr nd s dropsy treated tree free by dr 11 II 11 II 11 alku kar id any it I 1 11 oil Q ig g i i it io illg it a I 1 0 greens sons of atlanta ga I 1 he be ari 1 all rr r t U K ft 1 e d I 1 greatest dropsy specialists in the world 1 i bl ditl in gl axi rt S read head in another t aliber 1 1 it 11 arat lon at ioto i 1 u wo column of this paper ha I 1 IV 0 it 0 i 1 00 for 14 nc igi fetcu W I 1 1 iho he senator stil ddll I 1 lie he wout wourl I 1 not talk for al A ill ir i r 0 al w will n it II i 7 n fr floii t r ollaf our cur publication said tho the lo xo portor porter BB as lie ho 11 hung barnt 11 1 int i I 1 d I 1 tp froik litof till roll 11 la n ills bir hat up M a a do you think ho he meant it asked the cit ally 1 arii IY mn u n iry r mil I 1 berb raa B w B lt echor 0 t hr ln clr lv 11 ll 1 1 I 1 t ii alo I 1 am sure bure lie he did rahe llio language he used apa a A mikii tin i D i Liin IA ii M i was unlit for publication 6 for ten cents make bobola bow and klines kl act ilia with mith tho the jiin orally dest destroy roy m ft robes la Is that lio lie avants to handle lini ullo tho the rudder all bill fourness foum ness and all di the time instead of taking his turu turn at tho the it is in told of a leading but absent ininee I 1 OIL 8 that lust wook ho took a favored young woman patient lont a nua fine bunch of A catalogue of COO anies to gropes stapes while into cato I 1 in the col lvIsA every and condition mall ballod odon on in tion lie he picked and at oto all alie g giahos apes on all given forsaking for saving diamond the bunch illi buiting admonition was waa C boup foup wr arai allers i ars address cudahy boso ginpei I 1 brought willbo will do you soap biks south omaha nob neb good you can RIA RI always A ays tell anlo hom the tha you tso lisa soap la in the laundry every real belati they are week ef k try diamond C soap next tion tile tha listul al 0 ones on week v eek alao a cure for consumption has boon bom when a young man Is intoxicated with a hod god son I 1 to me ine vi 1 in U H mcclella Uc Clella loie lie ho has his bin own ideas as aa to what hat 0 1 ilwilda Il lot oilda ida beat 17 in makes kes the NN oi id go roun I 1 a of benot boil ot societies iloa avoid shak some soma people make anko tile tho boat best of every ing hands these days daya they ate aio afraid thing and others tako take it of tile gi 11 ip la crippe uso I 1 J r 0 P 8 FOR 30 DAYS YOU CAN TRY IT FOR 25 CENTS rheumatism 9 and catarrh CURED BY f 0 11 3 DROPS three deais ayo DOCTORS pronounced HIM INCURABLE ho he ll Is still well and writes on od oct 10 1898 1 I 1 feel fed it II a duty duly thai I 1 owe to god cod and Suf suffering foring humanity to announce to lo you yoa irana ETUDE lilt im I 1 and all the he world what whal 1 5 drops haq ha done for me ma ri ranni tillay co IND JAN 29 1895 SWANSON CURE COMPANY I 1 would like to to thank you tor for conr great roi noly I 1 t and tell you m ahot lint it bun ban done fornie for me limn I 1 fit every joint and la in the heart and I 1 had bad catarrh of tho the illa I 1 for torl I 1 ana 0 BO 0 poorly that I 1 wo use of 0 my log aud and arms and coul I 1 not move without pain I 1 was so BO crippled that I 1 had doue done but ittle worl for hoven long lon years bud and our faintly ph a doctrow told nio me that my aud and catarrh were |