Show SINGING BIRDS sings today A n I 1 sia ings so merry on the theties ti tiec ec 1 tomorrow ina h away and hushed III bo be ilia his clod but sonic some gay son sweet ila is lie ho will ii nible thenon alien ou eliat same tree no ho bil I 1 cil can tell how ion long holl hell sing and nu flit tho the air nith music R act thousand k anil foes ale ou the x viha III abild ai il stint eq are arc set to tra trip 1 lili his fkr t val their alm ilm living lire fire and anil and that flint g egiy ty bird that sings the lisl A and nd warbles loudest on tho tha tree 0 will drav the a greit to Us its fieast alio til ennia rn mi while some mute bird dinote fair thin lie lc 1 llie I lie huntzis ey ayt will iziver see sec aut lint silent birds that alt vcr try q 1 0 i pipe their like a I 1 ite I 1 lie he poets poet an R ing may ps them b tile song that hat cht ers v whan ili n birds it io 0 mute and ni a 0 ni anny ay iy avci I 1 now shiar lieme the deal dead song songster stee lives in III falli finuf I 1 |