Show di lusk reports it a w celii case of foyer fever for this thia wiek uno it a I 1 the lome of J white WHO WANTS LO 10 WIN 50 0 fr fl eibi rou nii T I 1 challe uso n binl perron of io 70 years yeara of 90 to inu a 11 lout laci 0 40 yards 1 any titue time during thu hollday ii for the 8 int im of 50 4 c B SMITH I 1 fm tj tj rt r ibave yo i neen geen k A I 1 Iho lou ubay bayla show of to a ami Ch LiAtAs ili piel es antt enell 0 just jus gp q ii I 1 a na h hue I 1 i e it look M 17 1 7 f 1 0 elt el thin C is there to 4 car sol taft H I 1 V I 1 0 W parks park atty application FOR FOIL PATENT notice no asoo UNITED baates LAND lain I 1 MIC isalt luke city utah nov 2 lit jt n H notice not ice Is 1 hereby tl en that the dooer ino no Ati mining oling company IL n of cl 1 utah by lie lia duly suit hurled at bortley itt fact L U Colbat li of salt luke gity utah kaa has n nada ade apelu application atin for or a ultra elates patent for the me I 1 ta ro tion louil loae aidin claim situate to laush va toy loy mining ingal i thoele county lagee las of 1464 fi linear feet of the itis lode and sur our feet wide at the northwesterly 11 sterly end sad and US jib feet wide vide at the southeasterly end cod timing being mineral lul survey no it am 01 a abia ud descry aiu a in the ibo fluid field noto a and plat pill of 01 the ou file la in big tila olUm alic leglu 0 variation at 16 dog dee 0 illin to 17 deg oi bomin alin last caabay as follows to wit Luni commenting at post no 1 la a corner of aba jialin train from which too ane q section corner between 10 19 und and 4 township 1 4 south ranges 4 and nd C r j west bull lake arinel principal pal berid merid meridian ian bents bears b M deff it aln woo W 1 feet feel distant diata Qt thence a running runn loi froni from said poet no i N 0 dok dog si 21 min L 15 16 1 5 6 feet to i 1 out ont no thence S 08 08 deg dec 33 mm min IS 1114 1194 6 feet faello to pom no 3 thence a 8 20 29 dog 41 mill illin W V feet to post poat no 4 then them a N 1 4 dog do iman 18 W 6 3 1 feut feol tr 6 5 81 d eg a mio W 7 loot to tout no 0 6 cleoto N 02 deg dea 05 0 blin W feet to post no 1 I bein ane tie place l laco of beginning the 1119 discovery rila covery I 1 out of paid claim belfil 5 cpr 67 gln W fet fe t from poet no fi s and the course of tho the lodo lode from said diao vor point boar beats north os deg d K it 1 min veil i acot distant to a r lit on abo north we terly evid end line and 68 dig 33 ala li aim 4 feet to ou ot the ae southeasterly end line ano hall claim bedink in lobit at il on tb tin 9 IW IV of the thena NW i budow I 1 poet 01 19 town township shit I 1 bouth boull I 1 kit 6 bull nh luko luke mei diet adlin idl id ind H m total ur ar H i of 1 00 sales ext ox cressly excepting g and ox eat clu ling hot hor ever tover tho the at ai a li it foitl 11 lt it with ibo lip tcp lot no L tv ot of ie e lot no I 1 ai 5 north star lot no ut ch chief cef lot no and the alie hercules no 2 mineral survey no ITO blich brut acres not net area claimed unit und tor borbein bala 4 19 10 acres suld uld I 1 wile lade lei mining cla 11 0 ci ing of record in incho the boffilo a of the counis rt who Is IB ox 01 gib offic 0 of auli valle aluin at al gooel ity utah in ili book 0 paga 5 1 oi sa ma it i I 1 allm he nearest known liuni ona 0 mining calms bling bi ann thu the liar lip r p lot lol nu no III lios tit lot no HS calt kin him lot no 15 1 aa 5 llla 1114 lc ic wa diamond no oni lot N nu Cyc letto lot no nc I 1 un I 1 too bieri ular no mineral sur abrev ev no I 1 1 il I 1 I 1 direct that WIS bo be r li it abo at lul luvelt elt L alt it i oo 00 lo ie county lie he no at aper p laid nearist the auw Prati arii cn t still rot for li e period or of ten w lib lia arane D i loleit i 1 1 0 I W P pailo it a allorde Al At lorne torne lit app winf ii icil vial bil c al ton dated doe 2 it 1 0 I W parka atty API not ce ca no 2801 UNITED LAND SALI SAL lako city utah nov 28 wi fasi led lea is hereby given 1 ven that tho the bionoi aina na mining coulland coul lany any a corporation ti jau u ty by its lull dull a i 1 l H ts ariev bev intact L U colbath of salt bait lalit lain alty V udall lifts bas antle appi cation for i states for alo wedge wede lode in rush alley ufa ing nit D 1 county utah ton 1011 of ar 4 linear feet of the lode loda end 1101 detara ke tara face gi huud 13 hoot wide wl le at we nort non west end and 1183 3 fett feet wide at tho the sou son i enst east end bolus being mineral B v irvey no 8 62 and ln ivied la in the lold rl alpa and plat of tile tho lium burey ey on ilia in this boire fr wl D b masi neilo variation fit at 11 17 deg 00 alin us jil alowa follows ol owa to wit nt at no I 1 la a coiner of the claim f troia rain the tha 1 section cor ver ber between 19 and el toiv 4 so socio u to ra ruDi inges ires 1 4 aud and 6 5 west salt bait lake pr principal meridian bears N ba deg 24 aln aln NY 1504 1 l thana run olnie from a id pot post no 1 N deg deer 10 mm alin 0 8 fe feet t to post poat no 2 ahnee ri I 1 IF leg lef 41 A aln ila L sa 88 6 1 feet to I 1 lost gat no 8 3 tb 15 min U feet to po pool t no I 1 thence theodas S 20 deg 10 lvin NV ij 4 3 foot to post rosano no 6 thence N 5 dog hi 10 W feet to post pest no 0 thorlo N 19 deg so mm W n 3 foet to post no 11 1 being the place ot of beginning 11 ibe be disco discovers verv point of said bald calm being N 60 01 doa boj oi alto W 10 3 9 too foe aiom bojt no 5 ond and tho the pets umed of tho the lode aiom f 1031 said dinco eri TO 70 beig f sir CO 60 min L distant to a point on oil the tha southeasterly ond cud line and N fl dep deg 10 ill aln I 1 a W 7 feet dist allittO a point albo north tv esterl end line slid lalai la located in tho the bw 14 of t ion ID 1 township 4 south range rana 1 west bait ec lb lake meridian and a 11 total alies express expressive iv excepting find and bowd r the area in conflict with the first fiest national lit mullion ot of 0 acres net aroa ad appl applied ledfor for boina i 1 acres bald wilio wedge lode loda locati location oL ilal in of record in the ollida collict ot f aba dar whar la Is ex elt kalning of rush hush valley mining district at city icy locelo loenn bo be k U I 1 page of said bald mining a iha no sourest it kaawa a own blocs locations lion or man ng fla using the chief latno cross cr og ut tot no 1151 birst arat national vot ut torsion lot no buchele mine laur no ng 37 37 an flower survay murvey no aa survey no a abo 50 and tto the Hei Ilet cales cules 0 o e P a burocy it r vey N 0 I 1 direct this abi notice bo be putt put 1 shed la in tile tha locele TRAN transcript at locele city cicle coll nty utah trim ibe rim puo leoned nearest the ibe said wedsil mining claim lor for the oarl april 1 of ton ten weeks I 1 HANK D HOBBS aa elster 0 W barlia Atto inov for dated doe dec 2 1898 TALK IS A pa but we say what we carl can do was andio and do WHAT we say fqy NO TRASH BUT eb r GOODS 26 20 yards C cilio tj oo 00 yaida L L sheeting 1 00 10 rolls cotton batting 2 balds heavy anut 1 CO 20 yards heavy dilt II dialls alls 1 00 20 00 gilds good mach blench 1 00 cotton flannels Fla naela ie duei I 1 horn 15 cents to 10 conti cents lei ci bast carpet warp arp pe aci bunch inch 11 1 00 y best beat flannels 10 cents pei ynid double dauble loin 50 montc and upward bast beaty Shee sheeting tinz aj 3 ads mile iule at SO cents per yan ind a biar LH line ine of diess diesa goodr and to 1 aind nd ladles ladies and Mic rf coats abild ap and goodis dt at iriceil in the ich of all PETER ETER A A OEL J wa it A LUSK al D thoele tooele city utah R 0 B m vil 8 lits sjon und C anc S aviter s ND F 0 X F I 1 iGi G 1 ip iBi 1 E MONUMENTS AND J headstones always on haddaw hand Han dAw U S aa ailt 3 7 oo LE CITY aj aj 3 y P CHRIS if HOME AP 1 I OR oil 00 0 0 a atkin and alonzo 0 AND coull oil A ar r LW IW clover cloer bow kowang ails dee dec alth SALT cihy I 1 TA IL vernon doe dec fab davice and P mil DIN reller alk i I 1 low 99 ILK mone vr dio I 1 laite nice coln 4 COR COK amilo ST dec ath A J and ando C J st bt john bing GEORGE SPIERS lint 1110 dee dec deo dec elih 0 11 II barrus bardua mercur marcur IN I 1 I 1 boele doe dec alth jogo doc A full line of ihu newest goods both stay tark it J J A an jp and fancy has been and the I 1 public la Is specially invited to examine PHYSICIAN tho stock on build baud low arl ces and aadil liberal treat mee ment meat to nil all at alls alia j bulsons bul tons TAH residence TOOELE UTAH T W WMS MARKS nulls mail FICI IN N ros V ok FILP LU aol kopd nd reit lucildia ILDIa 4 city ciry UTAH TO PIO TOOKIE fare 2 5 cents L L BAKER ATTO qUy AT LAW proprietor or OF booble CITY MeRI UDES jj M aur au MR 4 ROLLER noller MILLS pei fact finnas pays the highest bait 0 A arico for wh oat at MAD alan at twitch cvik haim t W id MILL 1 AT y 10 C jit estex SS S teX aj i ft I 1 T it 4 |