Show NEWS FRONI FROM DR DAYIS DAVIS vo to rill no tt tit mici aw D on ity sept h adl dij frends ads ilav n ap 1 learned atas n I 1 will vill now to pair on OA the c ateward livel on oil tile tho ath of july 1 dan in layn lynch h and 1 I with fio I mi fat star ted up till tile tho river wil lyile h YO uro month sappho foi ten on fill men ell out oin boat iras rather laigre laigo and n it built fol foi lin itil nini nine up till fitt earn the I 1 milter ater is 0 o I 1 ft til that at yv wo e IN e R to pull tile tho ix hi it at enod t j ho Luv way ruyh b t long lope bl N ull nil flom tho the biair while one inan in III tho the boat kaep it il froni from the I 1 ink ank blush ind alad tree tiec alliy wa and made it my deiy tedi 0 md IIII 1111 the hie I 1 T r Is in so in in i itt I 1 tt XII placa i lint h it it wa iva nil kit tle six could to do to m ne 0 the 1 b at ile iio alst night wo VH luct act with two tivo men illen in IP a boi bort boit t ono one of tei i I 1 lad ad botn ili ID tup ton comi counci lili tit tal ailt it I 1 lie edvi ti it alrin Y tile I 1 ain i i it lol ot I 1 ili ti 11 a i I 1 11 I 1 wo we got 5 orae ma I 1 I 1 nt lit 1 magurm I inta tini h ni ili them they vote bioni ddn DANN 10 t 11 ahe second d iv out we nye hall had it II chit f hidige bibi lei 1 1 it lid did riot not get him I 1 wai holeck od cd fis as one of tha h and with will one 1 oi I tho the party anity from california I 1 o e kept tile the browd ro tel deiy Y well wall plied piled alith gille i no find 1141 na 0 kills kille I 1 two moose and two anra bon A laia moose vrigil dips dies from i to ten kil hundich hun dicI d 4 ic they are aia target nn all 0 A cainion will diess lie bont about ol 01 n four bundle I 1 poun Is iiams i 1 I 1 ary in ili this country in all ahw bovo loose aw caration caraboa was all the gai lia wo we ean with ahn exception of if a few beack and we ire could riot nol get clohe chobo I 1 thoin on the 1701 0 o lined ut ht th aliv month of ai Q loution I 1 ITOL it a distance I 1 ance oj of ono one bundled III and ten ili 11 04 on tile tho ibah ne MG start stait d tip thiller I 1 I 1 er it la 13 a bAdii all I 1 ivel vei to toti travel avol uj ili and allol e danche I 1 tolls tot 11 ely divitt and cro crooked oled I 1 ihn hia is i 11 01 that tills ha a of cup ayin arid and a 13 boat ori till it 11 battoia bottor ls is iq co cm king utelis ils hoin onn one e it alto to matut poon of oni sec nd dy day ou 00 ibis of I 1 il tia disco of ad a log joy I 1 un mi di Zi bigell gell i agn jn hung hun up of OD vie bottom of tile the I 1 uti I 1 ILI find CP led ili iii taking ont of some vel y deep and swift mitel ono one cook to two tin till ore fry iriny ing pin one slapjack jack turner one gold I 1 pan is ii and a ket lid the doctori IV it b nit in and we nion moved ed or on e sir many plates platea and p r ins at othel but th this wa was deep and swift ind we lid did net lop atop to pet get aunt I 1 the I 1 let A one ot of oui nien men got yot homes homesick ck mide a laft annl and down own tho civet ile iia at jt ciany dik atins and was in n the th wittel half the life time lime av ahei hen wo we soi abot ick back lie be li id sold out anu gone one bick 1 ick to califor nia oi 01 auff tile tha aid ive ire callic to A log jail in the river tind RIO could go no ft lither with 0 it boat this aln was wa one bundled all and fifteen mile from the mouth of tho MIMI we took pucks packs on oui om acks an I 1 Y ent fifteen antles alp ilp creek two bundled and foi oi ty milc fl tile ali mouth of the liver we had panned on ahoi ill 1 I aminy of tho the LAIB bals and al I 1 9 foun I 1 gold pa but not in pa ins ing quantities we ive found our best pio pacts on oil nele cin ercek but cf tild only get et four ui of five canta to tile the pan and this will not p kiy ty ili this cun countin tty we met inet who YIO boiking the stenard but they aneio eio act A aind 4 d ly aug thi he lah we start pj ed from froin tho the loz los join jam for lionie homo LI d t mouth of 01 liver flyer on the at 1 p ili mal ing in tho the tup till in ill lesa le than four day daab we sere cro on oil the rim only about eight or ten a day coming down it tool took lit twenty eight da 11 to go up tit ta 0 the jinn jain Tue tuesday iday avia I 1 t the be we vre left steward rin mci ot and camped about five miles milca above the r eino taht lid id dropped down into tile tho city t the ile next morning at present 0 io o have bavo it cabin on baganz cicek near its ita in dan and arid I 1 fire ra building bui luma at tile dome just int ill at the iilo fdge of limber kne ino and expect to st ty theio e inget of 14 the is intel most all the L yo eo d beadi beunus ticy ciceko ghirad the doino aej T va will bo be within it mile of Dav ybor conkel and becks our object lot foi StoP stopping PIn heio is to is pop possible sible tle the claims cla illis el ei ci 17 7 tiling 1 is lul but riot not an I 1 sonie lia liae et not lone done the I 1 aik oi oik k I 1 iho he I 1 labaie ann s atia d illel ent lif i e fi oil I 1 liose hose in thel the U I 1 1 l a ni nun ill an not lot lalia XZ MS 1111 dy lasinis LIA AS IB ile he plea e lie is 16 i 1 led to do chico months aik oik on his hi ever ye ir to hold it wa iva do 10 i 1 ot cit want to file a until unil we tilie sine quie tacio alicie is ie cold it it fol foi aftel oib aim it a ileum that is fit all I 1 he hoid hetta tta aei el take in ahki district lie he ian can hitie hiie orie cheek claim one ime bench clim and one ledge claim bat I 1 ery er little itlen tion Is 1 liciag beau valli to quaita of 01 ides it alicio I 1 tire sonie some ns its fine fill goodins qualitz ledges ns I 1 have ea eer er sei se ii beta bet belief A oc n D dicron and tile thu wo nye c ila tice tiace alim tham bior miles wit noua via aia fity city is in about tile the intine an ad an othel mining I 1 town only they ibey upa 11 dut duat mostly fol foi money very lille imle is in 1 alad overy one aitho does any must ba 0 gold scalea arhcie is lois of rold IN IB thih thib but voly few get et iila laime niney fortunes in ill lbs find and inetie iloie att 1 l dissent eald pell fell out find and zo irime hl oil beauty about thi equally it if W ret in ill hoie with an outfit and got get banle lick gick you tn an sell it ata good pi ico and sonio some hillus get b hick jel houle with moro money than you 1 with mth knowling owning bioty cay little about tile the country and especially the tha mines I 1 am aill not to give ive advice I 1 know that there i is aul som I 1 liero here ind oto lota of it find and a mth ith may inny in I 1 i very few ye become A but fol foi a poor nun to hele heie looks cry foolish to me lie he may eel froik k but ery cry liboi he will hlll ifan of my iny da coming ili 1111 1 advise ilein t to buy a YOI when you yon think you have enough enough to laist it you a cal uit double youl cordei and it may ladt you eight months by going hlin duniy 11 ay iy a 11 pait of tile iha time dont buy any an fur clothes clothe lut bat bung P good lur fur robe buy boots oi 01 shoes for wal walking kinn I 1 cannot ii wear ear a single pur of shoes ames I 1 d on account of thern them beino the very bravest mincia shoes nd I 1 have haiie no nomine mine to in but lots ot of walking to do the last N to 0 days lids has been It OlnY it is 18 dueling iaia bete in tile theodle if but in the mountains it is ia blowing and bno in my next lettai I 1 will aty and tell mote moio about ilia ho country end ag 93 the winter will soon noon be hero here it may mar 1 ile before batore the next leter will teach you ivi 1 nil all a ale bisant gant and pios gitil ler I 1 kin am yours r M K af 1 D |