Show GRANTS grantsville VILLE antono antone anderson andersen the G i has baa arrived in town junies hutchins has hj bruen called on a in the inie test of impie be lett lell for i ilia his field fieh of laboi on the eth mst I 1 win S J jains game of pirk park city live lave i t cou coll tract on the ili 1 bird I 1 rd term tenn P pine im 3 elsil to ito I 1 in tho south soul wi widow low caon on I 1 and owned by chomas ng ot alt luke litke city A sunday school chon has icon been organized organised eed sed wito W 0 jefferies aa I 1 e I 1 idel and nd a committee of rivo five with J L Ilo binon as li ili man to get ret I 1 up a dianiatis Diania tic foi ilia ic befit cf tho J iho fie opening bull ball of the johnson 11 leill held on the first anit waa it n complete comp lelo J the only draw I 1 aan r WAS tile the absence of ni miss mies della delia the pi inist heine indes posed rho aho And andeeson etson fin tho the mm io wi 1 h I jos E li ill illi vaid tho the eippert floor juana inana yer e r some of the young folks from lobele beia ahe bilal of dor bovere for soiling wine a licenses took lace last andily A G johnson city Jub tito 1 ij bilk OL ppe atod tor for the and foi tho the defendant the pleaded not guilty to tho complaints but ill he ov ivr donle demel the court adjudge I 1 hin hiir cuilty and ft a fine of 50 1 lie he defence gave hotl 0 of appeal chith herh will ivill lio ho sullied settled in tle the district court ilia thud hounion of tho the was held in tile tho johnson 11 hll ia on the fifth imbt tho the coin puny pany convened mt at 2 p nl in sheia jet tho the d impeach PO by Piet ident pire PI re one by E I 1 pione brench ba h john jibson como leadin ip Lr J 1 L il tl violin solo miss aliss della andeson And Bon Ar ardesson Ardc deison isun broach gustee lindel deong jy by 1 I boo bo boinet bolo bob W 0 Jef relics ahe ifie then sat down donn to a i splendid lepart thich the lano ius in III erl erinest neat and 0 until rt alite lot houi |