Show HOUSE ill cill C to or rat 2 dmn I 1 midi ili niom b ra I 1 re arti wn lit ir washington wash I 1 noton no ton itt 0 6 congress le ic under ell a of unusual public entert st ht art an I 1 tho the galeria gallt gal kria ails ai d 1 deiy space wie W to crowd nl ld with I 1 hoof tutors As tho the lien han ii of tire tho 10 to lo it pc ant d to won no it tic the gla bant tit for foien in of tho the tp calter I 1 till ough tile tho gi giuin 1 bicha ilse doors of 0 the 1001 y in fit the real of tile llie hall au an I 1 mr erml atLo tidd tho the A eme of ni at I 1 batise swept the hid floor anil and galleries upon lila its api A light 0 oer er lilt benign lie fa faturos fulu tures nh as lie i nisi alic d lils ills havel aloft I 1 kaehly nt at it yin jou the gael canio came donn witha walli a sharp chark tile cicat thouy etli esith ller bellr an aal I 1 I 1 edth a hilior angla was into its spreading folds of Anie riLan llumi cl a broken to the int liml 41 4 L ill blout out tile 1 billant glasa tt ailing and the holsho d upon tile the closing fth Lt stun slon of tile blo war 89 ube ibri phlin announced the in ili low lonch conch blends veto lidmil IVel cutly its BS tb alf clin plain lit in words the divine giving pt also for ill alio llio a vit toi y t li at h ad attends d our arms and the peace pi ace haltli had come nod and asking tor for blungus and wisdom ils dom to fao ill tile ne new ilich con coil frontal the at the conlu bion of the chaplain a s prater the that tire the kimt business busink ss it hi oi u bo be it call of tile the roll to the pit pittance tence of it ft qu oruill the ihu loll 1011 call deel the pres nee of 07 7 luici rs in bt ing a quoi um izreo ahrea ut mr ahas alrik k of clr I 1 pla ight of MI mh mis sippi and mr ahlum it II Gin gigliani liani ve rethen sworn in mr dingley the bloor leader offered tho thi fol foi tile the ap of a committee of ahrie a to join a similar committee of tile tho senate to wait upon thu the nud and liim that tile house vas v as leady core to romile ouy ally 11 ho 0 anil d to niale it waa as adopted and the speaker sp calier aal lintol nr alp dingley air II 11 r laution finnon and air hutley when men fhe house reconvened after ro re coats tho the iniss ngo was pro pre hated and riad ri ad after chic which 1 4 at ab 3 so 50 IT in ili the hunau housu |