Show JUMPING AT A conclusion CON CLUBtON marriage did not follow the nineteen Nine teet years yearb courtship in the amiable nay of villagers thea the were discussing the matrimonial at fairs of a couple who though recently wod wed had begun to find the yoke ol of hymen a s burden f r ila ifa ill all along 0 these hasty mar flages biages opined opened one caustic old gentleman who had been much to the fore fora in the they did not un each other knowel each other for a matter 0 selfia senn cawl oar well that seems beems long enough bald tin on interested lady listener long eno I 1 bah ere wrong when a body s coci till ha be cauna be too cageful why my courtship coort ship lasted a matter 0 19 ficai 3 eal I 1 I 1 you certainly were careful agreed th the e lady addy listener and did you find your plan when you mar tried 9 ye jump to conclusions said the old man impatiently I 1 understood her then so eo I 1 marry her tit will |