Show NEWS SUMMARY tho the warm arrn weather on sunday drove thousands to the beaches at new york city for relief and as a result eight were reported tho the powers interested have agreed cod to send a warship to tangier to safeguard the lives and property propel prop eity ty of for eigners the woi childs ids sheep record Is 2394 animals lit in nine hours this was done at hawks day bay station in III australia five unidentified italians railroad laborers at lehigh pa on the pocono mountains were killed by a premature blast the public schools of cleveland may bo be equipped with book bookholder holders a which enable the scholars to sit elect while studying the total value of the crops and live stock in kansas this year Is fig ared out by the board of agil culture to be the national congress of san domingo has proclaimed proclaim td general ramon caceres re reelected elected president of the republic tor for a term of six years governor gichtin on june 19 amid imposing coie montes signed the proclamation la making prohibition effective la in coith th carolina january 1 1909 A french engineer named pon beaux announces the invention ot of an electric gun which without powder or other explosive Is capable of firing 1 00 shots a minute dr thomas W small surgeon or of the american line steamer st louis co committed suicide la in his cabin on the steamer at new york by shooting no cause for the act Is known A man and a woman have been condemned to death at warsaw on the charge of being implicated in a recent attempt to kill general ion governor general of warsaw santa fe locomotive shops of the entire a batem stem were last week ordered closed until june 29 this will affect over 1000 men in topeka kansas scarcity of work Is given as aa the cause it Is reported that in a fight between yaqui indians indiana and mexican troops at a water hole between guaymas and hermosillo several mexican sold leis were killed the troops are still pursuing the all publications having tendencies will hereafter find it impossible to make use of the united states malls tor for their dis tribu uon tion as the result of orders issued by the postmaster general daniel jones frank spikes and haywood lee white all of raleigh S C were killed at the raleigh phate works by the escape of sulphuric aulph sulp uric hurle add acid gas three others were almost overcome but recovered the Le lemoine diamond case came to a sensational ending with an anex pecked climax in paris last week le la has fled and aad his bis famous for mula tor for the manufacture of dla dia monds Is a fantastic farce fifty fishing boats have been wreck ed oft off the coast of kagoshima and of their crews have been drowned the governor of the province has re quested assistance from the govern ment navy yard at aasebo the census bureau has issued a preliminary report showing that the total cut of lumber in the united states during the calendar year 1907 was feet board measure the number of lumber mills being 28 the powder plant at pinole a few miles north of berkeley cal caught fire causing the nitroglycerine nitro glycerine mixing house to blow up As aa there u was as plenty ot of time for the employees to escape none of them m vaa as injured or killed six firemen were injured and prop erty loss estimated at about 50 was caused in a fire which partially destroyed a four story brick building in chicago by the Com commercial mr cabinet company and the amer lean industrial company compan william hamilton young manager of tho the washington office of the western union telegraph company and ta fa mill arly known to newspaper men throughout the country as col ham young died on june 19 lie ile was waa one of the oldest telegraphers of the coun try the westinghouse electric interests in germany have formed a com bombina corob bina lna tion edth ith the bergmann electric company of beilan whereby the berg marine manna will install fie electrio elect elec iio tile ti action traction systems lit in that country detachments of the russian foren that recently invaded pel clan terri tory in punishment lor the delpreda ions of persian brigands brigande bri gands tire are with drawing with the payment by per sla sia of the indemnity exacted the he dif faculty with geheran Is considered at nn an end IJ T bethel tho the subject aiho ho was m as found before a british cyburt at seoul of spreading sedition through the medium of a newspaper published shed in the korean vernacular and of which he la is proprietor or has been enten sentenced Led to three thice weeks tin I 1 irison ment ilie ate lines which carry freight from new york to the west inalea and panama have been lard lilt hit by the slump in freight ream senta tives of these lines say eay that they are now car carrying rIng about two thirds as much trel feht all aa they did at this athla sea bon last yf year ar additional arrests arresto 0 ol 01 alleged dexl can revolutionists were made last week eek at Nuee cases grandes mexico shirly are now in jall jail among the prisoners pilson ers Is santa ana perez leader of the revolution ullon ot of 1893 when hen the mexico custom house of row pow omac lomac was raided |