Show I 1 nut not once in a hundred time do wo A e ever write a sentence Bont oooo to pleasa 8 ass aa a newspaper writer wa writ only ionly what we wa think will please our the boat and leave ourselves cur ouy selves outside only as in a tho the selections our drat brat object Is heizo newt buell as an will interact int inte erast rost every body then general now suo suoi as we wa think will lo be 10 1 ing and failing I 1 ia m leae i acao two main points thou then wo fill in with what we wa can male make or of catch and that Is our general wry or of cakir up oui on issue week after week we wa will not cot take up soad soAn so ad dil 11 wo we do not believe in 1 tle the abuse of any one but wo we try to do Q right as we see the right and no ca tutu lura us as away from that path |