Show condition of army Is good Nas dashington hington in his annual tj hjort ort made public tuesday brigadier benr a al I 1 thomas IT IJ barry octine acting chief ot of staff calli to mind the fact that tho la Is without water transportation por tation in cases ot of enke gency in ibb lib movi ment of troops ile he c ites cites the case ot of army amy of pacification in cian I 1 and bays that the lat lak of such transportation ans ane SPY arely felt had there ban a ir small flet of transports rans portH in ili reserve arx oit the atlantic coast coabe tile the movement could have been mitch 11 sooner praise Is IB glien given to the army us its a whole tor for its adaptability and re nia when dealing with till novel navell and unprecedented conditions gan itu eral narry barry giving as aa att an the work ot of the army dining the larin francisco earthquake eaith quake and five |