Show PROTEST call latest ruling of commerce commission unfair RAILROAD ADS BARRED say there Is nothing in the law that calls for foo such an interpret Inter pre tation the commission flooded with I 1 kicks washington the lecent ruling of the intel state commerce comme ice ce commission to the effect that nothing but money can be paid for ti of 0 eather persons or property means that in the future the railroads will be prohibited from exchanging tra tran tation for space in the newspapers or of the country the ruling has already aroused a storm of protest from the publishers the countey every mail into washington brings hundreds of betteis aiom newspaper men all ot of which severely the commma slon tor for going out of its way to hit bit the newspapers the publishers in sat that there la Is nothing in the new ill law w which would in any way forbid th the railroads bioni purchasing habing adver using space to be bild p if d for in trans por tation and that such a ruling la Is r not ot only uncalled toi foi by either cither the letter or the of the law but is unconstitutional as well one prominent publisher said a da or two ago there la Is not onla nothing in the new rate law which would call for such a ruling as this from the corn com mission but tile the ruling la Is antagonistic to the national a as 8 well and it win will riot not be upheld by tile the courts ahe that deslie pul pub lichty through the medium of my pub ll catlon make advertising contracts w with ith me and say me for the space used with mith transportation which Is the same as money to me as it Is used by myself or my employees emp loyes in connection with my business the government might with mith equal justice say the mer chant could not give dry goods or any other mathe table commodity in exchange for adier advertising spa space ce the e courts 0 u is would not uphold such a r ruling 11 ling a as a that for one moment and there Is no n oro ore reason why they should up hold this ahls latent ei ration of the corn morce for it Is equally as untenable as ag the proposition between the publisher and the merchant mei chant would be everyone knows that the railroads do and cin can afford to advertise more he headily a ily when hen their advertising ac counts can bo be paid for in fit transports tran tion alou nor does this increased amount of advertising affect the interests of the general public in any dav but it does assist in making the of the american newspapers papers and perl peri the ran spoliation that la Is given to newspapers in exchange tor for advertising does not affect in any way the equitable enforcement cement of the rate law nor cops it affett in any aaa wa the rates charged the general public for transportation for either person or property it Is a benefit to the rat rail roads in that it enables them to do a 9 greater amount of advertising that otheron otherwise ise could or would do and in this way may seccie a greater amount 0 of f business tor for their lines and under a just interpretation of the law this increase in business would mould eventually lead to a reduction of transportation charges to the general public it Is an unjust aud and uncalled for ruling and both bolli the publisher and the railroads should fight it that publishers are arc fighting it not only by their protests to the commis slon but by protesting tj to their depre senta tives in both houses bouses of congress Is 13 proven by the fact that already the commission Is receiving com munica tlona from many senators and con gressmen in ill which atch these there re presenta tives lives of the people declare they had no intention of pasting a law that would affect the newspapers in ill this way and that there Is nothing in the new law which calls for such a ruling on the part of the commission |