Show UTAH STATE NEWS lehl lehi is to have another bank beets are bring being dug it at 31 bonroe onroe anil and an excellent crop la Is reported provo proto hu has a new bank the Farmei fl and merchants bank with a capital stock of N P nelson secretary to governor cutler has resigned and will go into business buBl neBB for himself A co install thirteen feet eight inches in height la is on exhibition la in provo it was waa grown on a provo lot loi john bolm J dennis a lin lineman ernan waa killed while at work ut at Bing bangham bilm june tion coming coining in contact with a ilya wiro alro two steam plows are now at work in cedar VON valley Y i lowing up tip the lands landi preparatory to planting dry farm wheat neaily has been distributed in dividends among shareholders in twelve arih during september the utah county fruit and produce company has hul h id returns from a car of peaches which netted the growers CO 60 cents a case the statement Is given out that a telephone lint will bo be constructed and an in operation from S tit lit lake aake to tho the pa tonal const within ono one year ahe seanoa for the iho sug augir ir factory at at ogden promises to elleso that ot of any former season neason in tho the tonnage of beerd and tho production of sugar utah now stands in the front among the leading producers in nearly every prominent min mineral cral and la Is about to forgo forge ahead as an iron state acuto yee jim a chinaman who alto had bad boen been confined in the ogden jail for about a week appears to have lono insano insane on of being deprived of the use of opium thirteen cailoa cai loada dR of peaches were chipped from Spring springville ville in fourteen days baya ilis the record tor for peah pom h from Spring springville ville tit in a single season A building boom haq struck park city and several new houses are in coulso ot of uon carpen tor ter Is employed and many jobs nio ate waddill wat wal ting dill for men 11 prank coursey it br bra lieman alteman whose borne was in ogden was shot and killed by it woman at grand junction colo the tha woman aaman she ahe thought cours ly was waa a burglar f lt 6 connell of cf ogden was dangerously shot through the left arm anu by the ex of a 44 call bet rifle which no n waa was placing in it a agon state of public schools nelson la is rending out alfr cular letters to the county dents advising thoin them of the he law requiring all parents to send their children to schoot utah if 19 busier at the present time than for many years all camps aro are ious with the old mines contin aing to yield big quantities of good BOOI ore and with mith new mines being opened up on all std s almost daily the merrill lumber company of Bilg biLm city hati signed the contract with the city of fiovo for the con coll tiou of the tha i wooden stave pipe pipeline line for tle the waterworks water works in provo canyon to be ba completed dec december aber I 1 after retna remaining laing practically idle for twenty five years the acooney mine la Is to be opened ahlis la Is located about twenty live miles west est of filaro friz 0 la in nou rou thein utah and was a quarter of a centary cen cent tiry try ago tile property ot of matt cul ion inn lincoln gi one cena wenner the 18 year old son ot of thell rheita to V U J wenner the man who built the fine house on oa tre rilent island tit in the great salt lake fiaui piaui many deais baia ago and who aho died on tho the island aland died in ogden last week meek from tuberculosis llie milk produce producers is of 0 american foik met last hist ek and formed a unton deman dlug a better price for their product Iro duct from tho cretini crea orlea merles it the creameries crea meries do not give them a I 1 ir aice ice IM for their milk they will erect and operate a cio imery clife the lois 1038 lo 38 ot of bo 0 prompted mazia BI Bla akeley keler proprietress of a resort in silt lake city to attempt suicide sho owes her ber life to her own ment and th falline ailing of her revolve to explode tho the cartridge with which bho ahe planned blowing out her brains david prim principal of the lake I 1 khoi public P schools was waa throw throan n fiodi 1 hla big biggy and Boff iwed ered a dislocation of the knee kne and wine bad bruises ilia 11 1 two little 5 children remained in the tha yie the hortie ran several x blacka but the tha children were nt n f A hurta EA A I 1 K ff a ly kt I 1 i 1 leq 1 14 ourt tan aa handed banded down ia ads the ailing AIl ng vt of the lower tho the contes conlea brought brong tit against the election of bailles republican cani didace to r ff the in the second lared d ly elected A |