Show 17 buzz buzzing ng bunch assembled for state stake bee hive ilive buzz sa s k f h 4 V 10 A lf ka 1 4 ai f r S ahma AH Mw W 1 the be stake bep beehive hive B buzz u az was held 0 on n friday evening nov 13 at the L D S seminary build ing with the program opening at 7 30 the first number was the fashion revue a skit by the stake board members the skit was read by clara christensen stake music director and music played by florence mcbride or banist taking part were ida young president of the MIA dor othy woodward activity couns elor agnes black camp director edith martin supervisor julia fleenor director of first year work and emma yates director of second year work following numbers on the pro gram were A and B electric guitar duet by lola hammond and diane bevan first ward reading by patsey green vem avem on ward reading by iva ana ann nielson vernon ward accordion solo by maxine long fifth ward reading by joyce blair S suchs aW WU afif fifth th ward accordion solo by margie snyder third ward piano solo by karen green lakee lakeview bew ward piano solo I 1 by y hanlyn bird second ward word a and nd a song by a group of girls from TOD park A arti raj aicia johns johnson on iren garcia colleen wright and anna may johnson each girl brought brou her lunch box decorated with her person al symbols the judges beliber abed at great length on the has bag bets beautifully decorated and photo by gracean studio awarded award ed prizes to these winners gloria nix sw sweepstakes delma brande for the builders vonda bigby rigby for the gatherers gatherers mrs lucille sevan devon f 0 r the teachers and carol caro i H hill 1 for the guard ians ral the pro program g m was conducted by emma yates edith martin directed the games which were played after the program |