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Show Thompson News Nofes . . . ly Virginia Gruver Mr. and Mrs. Karl Puukr stopped at the acid plant on tin ir way home from Florida from their vacation. It's time to be thankful, as everyone should. Hut how many forget to pause for a moment and thank God that we are still here to enjoy what is left for us. and the people we still have. Thank God for the living, pray U Gv'd for the sick and suffer-ir.g. suffer-ir.g. and most of all, God Ploss our soldiers of war, and God Bless America. Mrs. Jessie Jeffries went to Montrose to take her father fa-ther to the doctor. Virginia Gruver went to Moab Saturday evening to visit her mother who re. mains at the hospital. She's not at all well, as she suffers so much pain all the time. |