Show IA A L U A T II rN Will and Miss Edyth nt at n a delightful ran In of Miss WelbY time the affair being 11 in thu tho nature ot of n it shower for fOl the tho Prospective vo bride The zooms wore decorated amid n it served tI nl at which 1 a chief feature wits nil lilt cake In Iii which concealed ring thimble and for future lucky ones alles About 20 ot itt the friends ot of the tho hostesses and guests ot of honor were store present I S I Miss Mitry Olive VI tray limy will give 1 it pu 1115 recital nt at academy un In the ot of Sept Hept 2 MIsS will open fl a kin on oil in hall In time the Miss is IA teli known through her con COli with time the free ree kindergarten lit In Inthe time the Thirteenth ot of which she vua tOI 01 two tso years Last winter Miss Morris took the tha kindergarten course III 81 Columbia university iii hI tev Voik n imd the tich led I rot ning with vi I ii t ito lit n Lie university her hem lit III the thu tree flee will v I I I ii iy make h private n a most one anI l Ea n Mason 1011 11 entertained ILL at n a pretty luncheon today for MI Mine II Dick lion bolt and time tho or of her bridal part II Mrs Irs Hyde Hydo entertained informal 1 at al her home on iii S Mrs MII wo tas ghost ot of honor nl at n a luncheon Oil on hy by Ie time tho Mine Young nt at Butte Bulle TIme elites nt at t 1 time the I ts sat were with lies lias anti about 21 2 IU enjoyed I Ihl affair I I 1 fun c club chub gave n a dancing Party at Iol ella nn nit nl hl In honor ur of Id who on to like hl his home In iii Id ihu l S SI SIMms Mrs Arthur Arlhur II S H flirl entertained It mit nt at time tha club on aim S IS Mrs O 0 Perkins nt at n a this titter lIoon tom tOl her p lana its She Sho wall tins Mimi n II 1 Miss OCon ncr nil as cubist cubistS S IS Miss ond IIII ot of time 1 p School ot of Oratory Ih III at hell hehl on aim informal reception nt itt their In iii the Commercial club this n a IRrl aunt bir of 01 their friends and being 1 Time will II be uld this cv suing S IS A d delightful affair is s tor or ne l In iii the tl ti iii be MI gi n a II by time the or of SI t Marl Marks lilt time hOlne ot of Mr n 1 it A program Is III ti artists Mrs Jor A P n I Melvin Ml MAry Olive VII OrB Mi larRIt Mrs John Mr 1 Mr r Ired Mrs Kate A Mrs Mrs Dr DIls and time the Orpheus dumb club S I In An n enjoyable putty wall in Ih Ill Thursday lIy by Mise I Ethel and Emit 1111 Jarn lam nl mit their new 11 nl at l nl The was waR spent In and n a mu 1111 nt The tl ot 11 the were Mr il jut I Inti nod Miss Wilkes Mr III Phil Miss Daisy lark Mr O 0 heal lay ley sad Miss R E Mr Mm Angus AIton Aiston MiSS lathAm Miss Mi It 11 Mr Ir 1 Morris Mr r J Webb M I r I L l il Mr Ir naif Aaton Ale tomi amid Mr B 11 Newman It SI Mrs Ir Wilkinson pleasantly surprised at liar her home on Monday night hy by a ot of liar hor friends who cie cele hr her birthday anniversary In iii R ii delightful evening with 1111 II nail earls I SI H the th elote eloe ot of the conart It at tue terl fert on oj TU Tuda Cn Capt t lI A NEW NEW SILK TIE J t a X I S 3 I 1 II I I IaU I 1 aU r I a I IJ i 0 1 0 0 0 0 J Ut of 5 Q cf at 0 I 3 k I I U I 0 Q o e 0 I n Nf Time fhe new noli neckwear Is quite pronoun cod ced certain styles to bo be worn 1101 La ot of now toll tall VII vesting II thick linen as aJ iii tor or w V Ith pr pretty tty patterns WOVen In colors Time ha tie I iii ot of sll bound with w nail black over Q a stock ot of white silk 1311 with black silk folds toleN toleNA A A A A f entertained I a number ot of lathes from tho tIm Cit nt at ten later gave Li IL arty to tm severn I S S S Mr and ond Mrs Percival 0 perkins were ho hosts t nt at a affair on when II number ot of their friends surprised ed by coating In In to spend time the evening time the oc being time the wed wedding anni ot of their hosts hONts S I S Mrs Elizabeth la is nl at homo borne lit at No 30 on State street anti Mrs entertained rut nt dinner on their guests being It H n 13 ant lit if the itt Ht 1111 lon ot of lie Pori lort han Imn mind Fish ot of Now York lIter time party itna lIy by Col Coi nl at Fort Douglas I I 1 I Mr and Mrs W 11 child received receive I on Wednesday lIdnY night for tor their g Mint ItE QuIll ot of Vest Wesl Virginia nA time Insl lay layf ot o f time the nt at the climb mund unit b by time litany v res emit S S S George Georgo P n m m friends on omi Tuesday a the new game OO 00 which IA i s so popular In time tha east belli being In Introduced t Miss ivan nt at nit all I evening party on the 1110 limo ime t bing hy by those pre nt S SI Miss Florence Is III at homo haute It at 1 53 north Main street I S I Miss In informally formally ott on night for tur Miami IIII ot of a 1 ito gave Ae II a theater party oti Monday night lit mit time the initial ot of ho The guests were Mrs Miss lIps Miss Miss II H Jack berm Mr Ir Jackson ama Mr Chandler pleasant was time the reception held itt time First church night In ot of Limo amid teachers or of the schools I S S rho Third Street Streel Card club melon met on Wednesday afternoon 11 C Cl l I SI SIOn On Miami MIM o lit at It a pretty though inform ni al luncheon In honor or of Mrs II comm of helena taIe was lively decorated In re 1 I the Wire Mrs Miss II Mrs MII HOle Itose Miss Miss Mary I In Inne ne mUlti Miss I a aMm Mm 1111 A entertained In III at on omm I SI SIOne One or of the moat t of at the tho wits that Ut ot Mm W W V In honor ur of MI g 6 13 ot of Hock Wyo WO Time Wn mm brown and yel ye loll mu being its It a center place omit mit t the place ot of acim Time pinco raids we were nl also o d decorated with s P done wn Invited to meet Mrs Irs were iere Mrs 1111 Mrs John T 1 Mr Ir F 1 Mrs Ir Mlton lon Ir oIlS Mrs j 1 n It lilack und IId Mius Irma rime next meeting ot of the Thistle Social will toke take on Sept l I IThe lI I I a Time The Opal viOl will viii not 10 01 os as lisa has been th time cu elms torn toni iii the lit but tin RIo give one Otte ur or two to select time Iho corn com season onon fter the lest lut last 1 it business meeting was held imy by bythe time the n a Sea In anti thUmbs time tho as scouted it not to 10 ron con mime time the plan plait then At Al II a aIa In Ia I tints tI time i tot time t or it officer I nr nrc lo 10 tim ii if hits C I 1 Iny y im ent John et etIre I vice Ire I It A F Angeli Pm 1 E M II I t vr 1 tro A ot of very In so u rul up orIn ron canon iii hn lie Iy by time the dull club tim th t r sf et |