Show PICTURE DISPLAY low how Utah At Art Institute Wi Will Setto Settle Dispute Over the Prize The Tho burning queston question all as to the award o or the Iho OO cacti prize offered hy by the tho state for the best painting submitted by n a local artist Is to 10 como come II In the tho future and to he let set ted tIed once for nl all The fhe managers ot of tho News herald Ild anh Trl Tn bone buno hn haVe 0 been boen solicited b the tho art institute to name the JUdges who wi ili decide this important question 1 qUel ques tOl 1011 it II wi Will bo which 1 AS not settled ut itt thin the last exhibition by bythe the Judges then appointed as they saId because no picture In competItion was entitled to tim tho prize offered bY the 1 in III November r Mr Ir Whitney of the tho Mr Ir Iglehart ot of the tho Ur her herold old and Mr of nf the Tribune wi nanO 1 ii per on to act u v Judge Theo TheBe judges whose Ir sire to bl be held entirely secre secret I until I l the tho time arrives for them to 10 act wil will II In speet AI nhi the lie paintings In cOl coin b by local artIsts In the tho 1001 ot of tbt where thin tho utah int will give exhibition Irl wi KIlo ni an Nov 23 3 and running some somo WE I Tile Tho dl wil lie bo to 10 tue tho spring exhibit and of nt tItle that closed Sl SI features arising olt nut ot of the failure to Award the hrizo An effort wi will IU be to olt out and Rete settle 11 eli lit flit and miLko o the one that wi will credit upon the tho work ot of tito tho homp artists whose Are known to h ot of n it high order To 0 th the end that I it may bo be matte 11 us successful A as possible thi Institute omelets aro wih with the Commercial club commIttee of art Arl and literature whIch every possible assist nun |