Show Consolidation A Issued Published by Emen-d ofJrlnd' Thursday Every The I 'ruler and Independent the u eggs Publishing the SUBSCRIPTION UTAH MOAB THURSDAY 'EB I R U TtYLOR L X hee o eggs even at 63 toree R A results turni?a CXvluUVc rm the local repre- Address Utah Utah Superintendent D fastest sellingarticle R'g made money sentativesforthe on and district tike nl market Irf lliiu lYifUTHtlU enlwuil thorn U i :aie their UM'6 i i Lake L S inspect lo i Your Bonds Y C er Converted r the Hrs! on The interest do Ver ten! Bonds and Seeonl Liberty lawn our ibertv issued with These bonds are present date the not extend bound of altaehed (her llat upon the expiralion the intention inverted mtu permanent bonds urr-rving be changed and Hev should extension of the co the full amount of coupons Uy the be exchanged for four and one-half privilege these bonds may I 1-onds I Ml GRAM f OREST OH I nroiilT RESDLT vo DAYS mi STURM O GE SHORTENED IS -v'endon time first fmir in Eeb 23- Early week to transport the mails between WASHINGTON (Hi riday spring grazing on western ranges ba ami Thompsons Moab materially reduced the carrying waH IHUI Ml ill4 h(avy rain so that tn‘ GilV-w HHitv mkI fo nitre resources of - viLiV wi''"'vicinity vaney Uiiited nig! of the States forest service bridge and on the following of agriculture has found it a experienced further storm was necessary on manv theof the national foimade the XWi'l absolutely which present grazing for yards (Sts :sewrnl hundred his weeks from two tv tour At first the company was abf season stage will be put into effect this spring ithe road by relaying cut keep cars on parks ot the road but "It is the purpose of the forest service" the bad across in charge ot by states an official Sunday that conditions got so bad take the old place the livestock gryzing "to it cars necessary to on was out its hne on the national forest t( alUigetherami Horse this used Monday but peimaneiil basis 'Io do Sunday wireTuesday the mild Tad it is to produce a maximum dried up to bv necessary all he rn'ich it ranges cover of vegetaton on an extent that was possible I'ecautioiiis 1° avoid uo vaiiv the cars back mi The bad portions interested to put of the road are being repaired Every stockman grazin that forag" and rapidly in his business knows getting baci things are he e'razed the nf instant intuits to normal they begin to show above the ground short time passenger tinci reSuch early spring Moab ami Thompsons ween horse ilnndiv nd bet days decreases when rot only seuibled the old but also growth used and it iA took ten ho were el tIe carrying capacity lind o trit) the which now reduces if continm-d fertility of the soil and (ltly a couple of hours ultimately results in waste range being: ifeii A light the wagon IS still the Great "Studies carried on nt mails from Moab south1 transport bale but it is stated that the road is Basin experiment station in Utah rapitlly and that it will be proved that when plants are continually the root cut back or cropped icssiblc use cars shortly the plant system loses lts vitalityof ami tin dies On national soon sow H c- i i i e i i 1 r) i iv i ti i - 1 y i de-partment a and ‘ impassable per cent bonds of the bonds may Exchange at Washington or at any who send in their bonds for expense the Treasury Depar Individuals Reserve Bank at do their own risk exchange so w made be -menl at ederal -t 1 to-shorten 1 1 authorized is bank This bonds the exchange to at in-dustry ardweshall sim-staritia‘1 a the i '1 i-in be glad arid for service this render to States United the of expense you 1 ji 1 I 1 1 i i i l t 1 14 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 v i I if' v risk improving Strength t AM VAUDEVILLE BCE Security Service II heavily the forage plants similar signs of serious dam (HEWSONS HOTEL and will rapidly go from bad M age if remedial worsein force measures are no! put The old grasses with their root by weakted systems (SiH'cial to cropping are almost extermineb 25- What was by worthless THOMPSONS ated and are bing replaced the probably held most enjoyed social weeds at Thompsons took place ever of the soil has also started ‘‘Erosion here night and continued un-i Monday in serioii" many places and tbrcatei's m if The fd iuvhtkty mmnu-h Experiments Imve dinwn tHfmr z:H) ainatre iiiteHiersed with a dance wns tract heavily over-1 " that off a ten-acre mririn anu uuivi oio imwiva umv ton? singing grazed as much as twenty-five occjisieii one that will long be reithe been of earth and rock Imve frequently iflinrlniwo (11 iy hi r tew nivniueivu washed down after a minutes ()f the vnw rnl aiw tieLlp on lht heavy rain Ihese are th(J lllee some of thH n d uul Moab road things which follow in the wake of p()ple in a nulnber of too early use of the range and from a it'was (teci(kd tla dalw overgrazing should be arranged It took place m "A grazing season that law tl Thompsonshotel the large dining the ivino tne fnrnvrp Inu in rorace spring thus giving LL ovut uvu if plant a chance to develop and Blair more lUvlll was furnished by Dave rnrotn mnnnwTnpnf nt rho rcinw vi111 Music M Branson and Victrola while - do much toward bettering and eventu- " ei reHiiHivjiia -I rm uj vuv i'dlya eliminating such wav uwifviuivu liiz conditions" Thompsons '‘exchange consisting otIL b'ed IL IL Jones McCoy George IL T JACKSON ACCEPTS ami R Mr Mulvey James Balsley POSITION AT ROOSEVELT Blair Mrs Branson and James Papa-costas The rendered several songs G P red 11 T llolahan Jackson for the past five guests were Prince the Williams B Blair Ar-this pharmacist in McCoy Dave years hniir funitinnv loft week for dith Cora and Nora Blair Mary BoRoosevelt in the Uintah basin where lit Hjotes LJUIA James Papacostac Curtis Dem Charles has accented a position as mana- opulos 1'eter Columbos h drug store Mr Jackson Lance James it Balsley tieorge tl ger of had fixture in the Mulvey L G Condon Harold Wilson almost become John local drug store and he will be keenly M Norwood Walker Bethel W Hunter Allie Carmissed by all The best wishes of his Watts Mrs 0 B him to his new mon Mrs W Watts J M Branson many friends go with and wife S home Bacon James A Lemielding Roy G Mead II W mon 11 H Jones Gus Baburcs John Tasinis THROAT SPECIALIST N L uller Jean Saroberry JS COMING TO MOAB and S H Chris George Draper Condon (Contributed! The boys didn't think Mr would dance but believe ns he was Van Cott of Salt Lake Dr Howard Besides that he City will be in Moab March 8 to rethere was some need this tonsils from those who caller move lir Vnn Cntt is an eve Rov G Mead government mining fVUV of high expert and the geologistofH Los Angeles ear nose and throat specialist has been of H Jones at standard His charges will be $30 for guest the past and $35 for for children adults Thompsons few days Mr R H Richardson should see W Mead represents Anvone interested A E of Los in the interJones as soon as capitalist Angeles McConkieor Should want to est of a large mining enterprise which possible anyone R McConkie Mr Richardson has taken over How know more about his ability W will asd of is also and W Balsley Moab an asMiss Edna Bankhead be glad to give scciate in this enterprise their opinions ' To those who until Charles Lance formerly of Moab have been waiting this but now locatedat Salt Lake a specialistcould be obtained came will be an to excellent opportunity Thompsons Sturday night andbeing Remember- early Monday morning unable to return to Salt Lake on he i"'! account of the railroadtie-up March 8 z v Zjb A rib was welcomed' among our guests - H H Jones Whopent several days O SCARCITY WOOD GIVES with us left Tuesdi Moab for IMPETUS TO COAL SEARCH ielding H W vpaa called on imscarcity of wood in portant business to Salt Lake Tues-I The growing made the day vicinity of Monticello has B the fuel question a serious one in J Prince has arrived in Thomp-1 in to his territory repre-1 that sons over community and has resulted the organization of a Consolidated Wagon & company that is seating the distance Machine company prospecting for coal a short and Jos K the E Holbrook has Sam Houser been on the sick from town number list but is better at this time a Innes have the backing of and in ihn a shaft venture It is on the Bailey farm being sunk ROM LONG TRIP RETURN of 30 feet rnd is now down in excess they will strike DOWN THE COLORADO RIVER the miners believeth-t bed a coal within a few more feet of E Mendenhall Lake City of a number outcroppings W There are of Moab and M in the neighborhood Colo W Morse of coal Monticello rise to the Saturday from a trip of mv-eral belief that a which give vein of the fuel will be months duration down the Green good-sized and Colorado river They were opened up by Joseph Beeson of this place who preceded them home a few BRICKER AND GREEN BUY THEATER trip made for the GREEN RIVER days The was of investigating severalmining purpose Dr E: A Bricker and L H Green propositions and it is understood of Green River both of them well that Messrs Mendenhall and Morse the Jones known here have purchased are well pleased with what they found River and will theater and building at Green few weeks to return in a and will hereafter operate the house actual operations The improvements commence somg to make many Tnev expect party went down the rivers almost to and in the building theater the mouth of the San Juan the trip likely run equipment ic and will being made in a wagon as far as They are in nnrmnnced Crossing and in a boat on down Salt Gke City this week for the purpose Dandy the Colorado about sixty miles of securing equipment and an-showing ‘ t repeated Tinies-lixlepentlent) lUMrEvr - -‘-awiiMir-r- ifHT--- -ii i 1 r- -t a - v i Cars - and ' Smaller The i I 1 j World's I Most a r I I ! 1 1 1 r-h t I L ci j' v V ‘ i i 1 1 L I v i UOCX 1 ' ( I f e the Popular Tires j d I p d-l i 1 i l 1 ' ' ‘ 1 i 1 " 1 a I - i j t I 4 the highest-priced value I world's i- - j i I the n 1 X 1 o a m J I I J J i I i i ' j J ! these In tires Maxwell sizes afforded are service such and factory that All methods 31x4-inch other measure a as devoted to you Station to Service at now the in these performance largest world's these supply sizes can and experience company's accomplished this have lires sizes taking cars of the only the equip higher a Chevrolet ord of owners I available embody ooodyear Uo and and Dort tire I MO j ' 30x312- 30x3- a Cords whi ch cars than i 1 ' 1 11 T even Goodyeamamenot the Goodyear famous relative J- n tires bearing No ' these in nearest tires is Goodyear 1 II j 1 'Jl in-1 Go I '' I I i ! Dealer Station Service for these TouristTuhes Qocidyear Heavy 74 f - o' V I'! 'e : to has He f IBKillhKiinw i MkWnnitf - 1 ‘ this to tires arid for x ' them I' WlBSWrtw i -go j "V?J r 1 ( -t--J ' 30x3(4 GoodyearDoubWJure' Tread abric - M 10x3(4 Goodyear Tourist Tubes are thick strong tubes that with a reinforce caring properly Why risk a good casing cheap tube? Goodyear Heavy Tourist Tubes cost little more 30kJ(4 'n $T90 tubes of less merit Goodyear (Heavy A00 All-Weather - than -I -SinglvCyry Anti-Skid Tread ta - A - ' i abric -N- returned accompanied t ' I f : - i ! i al-tair iiiiiiiiBLMLMainrii 9 U ik J vAi i TgW I i v"' ' I dailyi j - r - Cih McCorld frr tits Liberty Editor Manager STRONG V ) ASS9CIAHSN of big a Exchange KATES LOREN As a - wthout in 192Q Kojn( Moab at Months Three Months Six Year One OTAsiii vx 1 r in 1 i (102enn 8! 1 Advance In Payable sell " 26 territory i8 Box 105 Salt (ompan) I'ostoffiee Matter at the of March 3 Act ela- ntupyiu can't e X but rowb"r 'em ? I'tah Counly Grand Times-Independent Second i( Moab A lv - Valley Times at ENT D EN DEP N O P ' - MES-I I T i: immediately as ‘ M I HELP MALE WANTED- i PAGE EBRUARY THURSDAY UTAH MOAB TIMES-LNDEPEaNDENT t THE OUR ? |