Show I' EBRUARY Y 2C 1920 THE ScS°o"Zn!TIME GIVEN UTAH MOAB TIMES-INDEPENDENT PAGE THREE MIT OR 1 TREES 10 Years wentY BEAR THE BEE HIVE STATE tv t -!t4exx-xe4 applications for) preference in Hling ork j led Mercer of Amorieim soldiers and pcniestendswill be given plans to develop loon horspower of during the world Reckoning the age of who served tree vRctric energy bv plant in American from! crtihira v'‘w tinic when it is nlnnind ii uit ork Ulin To this ion develop power cordine to a telegram from mnnent nlace :mnL imne J ivar bear to rule when commissioner of lands gin as a thev have (l'roni of pipe line thirty E't't'n Clay 1 iles of water llirough rtniilJ B Blake planted six to oirht the The Times for ived lies In d ia miles long yesteiuny to lhe im met el and w o cording S lor i United a March 1000) of the oaiv mid -iaav to use it m(nt Qf agricultuiei under i'Oofool bend 'V - THUistcr land otHce Certain the varieties as The Moab stores were advertising eed Yellow Yard in efges who as those ransparent and Wagener bea-1 seeds The federal director of prohibition shekers definedthe may considerably selectiveser-1 under younger and others such hat brew ers" will serve A 11 es "home ms the Northern iHltA t'UH‘(l Spy and Yellow NewW!K v ontnvni iinmunn he of refused to wear the the plllddo'd to tile fullest extent or who week iTut vi vice iey are somewhatold-er ''"ring We are in a position (o supply your 'iniform r Individual after selsctton are not trees of the same Barney D'Arcy was down from Mill wants for hay and grain no matter the the pn-' vary tli invaded except where evidence with men m somewhat in Viuertek reporting everything lovely in be how large or how small your order 4X HVL I' ear trees he uPP-‘' fin urn nod Although some ftlbear in general at about regions sinh fragrant J granted Your patronage is solicited the may be leges ImriH ior by a ire as annl fr to make Ini ervenlion nee-for X made service same Xf already been UilWUKrt and have Mrs Niels Olsen re ps were tiie of of the undeJ1 Ceh'in ratuiations Zer The mind ' of landseek-rs peace COng ari no great influx trees II men iXr favor oily boy their comm is at home anticipated as tionsofte into this state coinilies of Ctali have Tvelw reLocated Just East of the Moab Co-op land Henry Crouse's available is and m any event thev shmill weather report ost of the good I' o Jt officials four years unless injured by frost or howed that on the coldest night of the taken say the otherwise week the thermometerregistered on liie progress being made by $ 'lie Plums vary considerably accordin'1" degrees vnlimtlon county officials in tiie b°uttmortr sortsTXh?' isemeiil of farm A' A' lands 'T" "" ppra a'" o" afS ianti g" f°Ur ed by the board and on Ilie val MllllPr Salt Lake during the of the merclumdlse bunks and live consressiottl con-bear uation Sour cherries ordinarily' begin to verti'ns tn about four and sweet years cherries in six The Times was filled with or mining seven years after: forfeiture ihe Ipp planting hi rclm theatre notices which indicated the me Apricots come into bearing at about! interest being manifested in the niin-thc building piiving $I5ihhi fm- Ilie properly '''g situation of this section cried lulu same age as peaches nr sometimes which is Io be little later S:i the vu state army service building The 11 congressional conven niiinnos thebiar hel1 llurir'"the"T'k' Yillia'" upper floor is in he div bled into rooms ed before much lrucrlying the fur lodging ‘it named as democratic ii was a'al purposes LeSf w n nnim1n' rres Ja"'as T Hammond as Willi a revised schedule ranging the sprmg should tiie candi(klte light from bear Straw-: $SO0 $2000 crop m next year year teachers of Ilie berries planted in the spring or early The Tinies editor had to Salt North ami been South Siinpelf Juab Up-to-Date i enough in the autumn to make a good Bake during the week to mid Hotel attend the Sevier school districts are confer-riim growth before the advent of cold congressional conventions which ac wilIi superintendents and boards tor the delay in the weather should produce a good crop counted appearance of with of education view obtaining in the next of the Moab has it been possible to season paper increases in salaries Currants and gooseberries Whenever buy really good jewelry bear a A the force of men were at work building the few fruits the thirdcommonly Reports that CHlIle arc being killed 1 24 Hours'of Day season Valley City reservoir then by sell lhe hides has to after planting thieves who wanted buy known the Salt valley reservoir A person Grapes may bear very lightly the number as of families caused the brand inspector for Du- I Light Airy !! intended to set-i Well urnished it third Rooms anything in this line was where conditions are season tie there in the spring but not much fruit should be will forbid the send movement of any pelts t necessaryto away for it expected earlier than the fourth year The young friends of Misses Emma outside Grand Hotel in the Rooms Connection county until it 1ms been and Mary Corbin them a surgave Hereafter however there will be r'se Party prior to the departure of I OLD PAPER REVEALS TRIBUTE fot 'le William B Parsons convicted nt irst Class Cafe Charges Light O 'sscs Corbin for Colorado where :: no necessityfor sending out LINCOLN TO WASHINGTON his they intended to spend the summer Ogden of forging Ilie name of jewelry just eb Seventy-) We have received YORK 21 NEW brother Waller 'arsons of Winnemucca - Springfield George Standifird Dave Goudelock eight Illinois years ago tomorrow in and in Nev to check for $7 55(10 X "The Martines Johnson from We sell Bread That Mother Stop in stock large and beautiful were Made where his tomb is now and ensiling It Ims been given Indian creek The Times stated that prison a shrine before which nation bows "lhe boys will drop in occasionally for line and invite we you to call sentence of from one to twenty years I Baking" the Royal Economy Loaf in Lincoln reverence young Abraham bill of grub and paid - etc" The total shipments of Utah potatoes and tribute to George Washington see what wc have for you tills season to date is 403 ears The words he uttered then to Loa perhaps toSheriff Jess TylerA had gone Z44''444-4-4'444444 civil had the corresponding as eloquent as his world-famed Gettysburg attend court case ns against 410 curs at Lien lost for brought against him over the lime Iasi year Lust tiie total address have been year three-quarters of a century in matter of some horses he brought in shipments in car lots reached of a country newspaper hidden the spring before from Wayne county errs in Utah awav in the files of the congressional Travelers to the La Sals from Cisco Installation of the electric light system library advised that they would find for JUNCTION Duchesnewill be resumed next They were brought to light to be were comfortable accommodations at the week when workmen representing tlm given to the world for the first time Waring ranch one mile above RiehMANAGER of another birth T CALLAHAN almost on the eve Uintah Power & Light company will ardson postoffice ifth Street day of the first president begin wiring residences and buslncss 129-131 South Grand Junction "Colorado J N he "This is the one Corbin advertised that hundred and was birthday authorized by citizens of Moab to of Our jewelryis of the very best tenth anniversary of the Stale officials declare that no more fer a of reward of $200 for information Washington" he said will be const rtteled in Ctnli grade and Hint would lead to the and con-I highways OUR PRICES ARE THE article to this every "We are celebrate arrest met victim) of the day except those already under contract Washington is the mightiest person who set fire to will be guaranteed to be We have our own quarries sell the hay stack of Mons Peterson on tint)! there is better bond market name on earth-long since We have the LATEST improvedmachinery Can make anything the night of and until the price of Johor is mightiest in the cause of civil ebruary 19 reduced exactly as represented in the modern It will cost monumental LINE nothing to see our Designs liberty still of mightiest in moral Utah's standing authorized The democratic county or Stock Our line includes the following: reformation On that an held for the of in the mH ioiinl guard ebruary name electing strength purpose eulogy is expected It can not Write if you cannot come or purchase from our agents delegates to the state convention Geo but il is be To add was 51 per cent brightness to the sun W Hepburn chairman of NECKLACES was named that report if when tiie next j N or glory to the the convention and J Corbin secretary name of Washington will lie JOO made it per cent is alike RINGS impossible Let none The following delegates were be In Wilde publicitywill given Du attempt it solemn awe pronounce 'elected: A A N Neff Corbin WATCHES the and in its lhe and T chesne county and Uintah basin name W Branson naked deathless splendor leave during tinspring ami summer months ! At the BAR PINS republican convention D A il shining on" if plans adopted by tiie Duchesne 1 Johnson was named chairman and A I club LAVALIERS J II Shafer J Molyneux secretary PRIZE BY WA9 HEARTMENT IL Johnson and Lester Taylor were Thirteen and half ini Ilion dollars is CAMEOS Ilie Salt named delegates to the congressional lhe value placed by Luke A convention Molyneux was named EAR DROPS Rome on its properly in Utah us I By Order of Public Utilities Commission chairman of the county central committee to tiie slate board of assess A SCAR PINS and D Johnson secretary ment and equalization Salt f Lake president CU Samuel A King of LINKS Women of Ulnh and nt least eighty Party Line Residence $125 of the International Copper pastors will perfect he Intercliureb Party Line Business X WALDAMERE CHAINS which was operating in Beaver 200 company in bis slate at World Movement basin this county told the editor three-day Private Line Residence X COAT CHAINS Salt 200 in Salt conference opening in Lake that his company was i Lake ebruary IS Private Line Business X prepared to continue the extensive 300 VEST CHAINS had begun W work they Since January 29 the influenza epidemic i Party Line Ranch within two miles of town X II ETC ETC King democratic candidate for congress at Suit Lake lias declined steadily X limits X also 150 heavily interested in and is not only was under control now f in this Party Line Ranch outside two mile limit and company but almost entirely stamped out See Onr South Window i than eight miles X Tiie state road commission not 200 more RECOVERS UNIVERSITY that road I building now undet O LU Display ROM EECTS Which Shows way or for which contracts have been awnrded amount to $927000 (Special to Times-Independent) litis been More than $307000 raised f Part of Salt eb Our Line Lake City 20- The Uni-I in tiie east for the benefit of lite Salt N X CORBIN Manager versity of Utah has practically influenza Lake Westminstercollege it was from the effects of the of the last week epidemic Ninety percent -1 only and three the Eight hundred Utahns attended One of the three sliver cups which students have returned It Lincoln dnv banquet at Salt Lnke will be presented by Secretary Baker professors areat still out ofthatschool the one time the Governor Harding of Iowa being lhe to schools attended by the three was thought should be shut down but it prize principal speaker winners of the war department's by the staff of declared medical for the was in the northern part of on "What Are that the The snowfall contest essays the university students would lhe state is still far below normal and Benefits of an Enlistment In the United be safer in school than anywhereelse contest of It was their opinion that the regular is threatening lite water supply for h States army?" The public hours and habits would be more beneficial coming sea son open to students of all schools The board of than the irregularity which private or sectarian In addition to killing cattle motn had the is students tain lions in Judges will consist of Secretary Baker would have resulted the vicinity of I'urowit a The doctors connected General been turned loose General Pershing and are depleting the herds of deer with the medical school devot-' March Initial pd their full attention to keen watch construction steps for tiie Salt on the situation and $35(HH Zoo in Liberty park anyone with even 71 bad cold tike will bo home as a matter made shortly a was sent out of school for of safety Anyone Salt of the Lake City is planning on spending or Twenty Years We Have Been Local Agents at all had to be examined anv tiie reason $3MstK)o to improve water by' the attending physicians who were ire Co of Insurance York works system of that city stationed at a central building before Pacific coast aviators will visit Sall being admitted again to classes Mea-I to long rlistam-y flight prevent the Lake In April on sures were also takenthe the possible spread within school Each over United States Trap and Ship to the had Dozens of Moab people are protecting to have the windows up so room according Ogden is making preliminary plans BRANCH O far to the humber of per- for COLORADO HIDE & UR COMPANY the litill'ling of a municipal electric lheir homes by carrying their policies All social activities in the sons room IN DEALERS all gatherings I'ghiing plnnl and were postponed with us (‘ontrar-ts for bridges for which the in absolutely groups larger than banned state Is to pity have been $130ooo necessary were absolutely The wisdom of these measures is awarded Shall be Glad to Quote You Rates in the of health conditions Out seen alfalfa get highest A three-story grinding plant carge no commission for handling your furs and seventy-five instruc-i one hundred Is to he erected nt Ogden in Hie spring chaTg' 'beral grading prompt cash returns and save on tors only eighteen were out with the of out died Salt flu and the students William Simpson who at percentage for per cent Cablemen Lake last week hits been puzzle to never exceeded It twenty Phone our Montiyour cow hides are worth money all is thought by the the past 110 the police for office and reasons three months We will send out a man to skin your falling stuff authoritiesthat the epidemic is comhe when picked up on the street was A air Deal pletelv broken now although vigil-j in to All mi unconscious coiolition He and Y'ou Always Get a Check That Satisfies has not been relaxed ance all regained his memory and Brandi efforts of to establish his Identity have Colorado Hide & Company singing "Oh Why The chorus ur been futile Don't You Trade at Home?" can be give by trade surging through p‘ ield Buyer drowned That it may thorough service LMAN Dist Mgr H W BEACH of judicious from Price to and uyour doors in the use Pueblo Denver BOX NO 8 UTAH MONTICELLO advertising Don't expect silence and other eastern points by telephone the to offset the submmission attractive Eastern Utah Telephone company hat Main Office - Grand Junction Colo publicityof merchants in other towns Barlow Waimarth applied to the public utilities It shouldn't require any Billy Sunday telephone the Monticello office for to extend its Hues frort methods to hammer this into the head Price to permit PHONE NO 26R2 of Green Rfvsr anyone T-illtnan 1 TB1S Week a eed & Supply i 1 I ) i t and Grain Bought a and Sold i ' p-iA ' 1 I ‘ 5 il 1 - 1 a ' ' jt I Co a x '1 ' Moab 1 i j Connection 1 re-fused'to " 'IMl 1 1 1 ii i II s I w - l -1 I l h I r m-luded variety ii'h f ' -1 ' - ' ex-service 1 a u I ' :i - A Store x j C I- ll -l- J'S ! ii ' and Corrals s already 1 f js in I 1 1 ' i 1 1 J i-n i fi' Never ' 1 ' ‘ 1 I i s I r THE 1 i-uin i i I Before RALSTON i :i - I i u i -U- 1" ' J a a ! Moab's i a Open ! I a favorable I j 1 ' f I 1 I a a a a ! J a I High Grade th-pages -I'JQ MONUMENT GRAND Goods whiche LOWEST: WHY : WORKS I a ' 1 conventionwas 1 believed I : ! J : i I t'om-nierelal m-ilerhilize EECTIVE OCT 1919 a returned t I n L development ' announces TELEPHONE MIDLAND COMPANY ) J recovered announced I Moab Drug institution i Company I ' Insurance i i Money in ) urs 1 1 oft IRE Necessity Home New i a : ) 1 ' Hides urs Pelts and Wool We long-distance Cooper a ' c Martin & Company i has-never I j ' t j commiefrn RADIUM w"n'g0 ORE 1 ' t |